#also bahm!!! is in this one!!!!!!! dog dad jaykay!!!!!!!!!!
angelguk · 2 years
fic idea (cause i clearly don't write anymore)
oc post grad works in communications maybe idk adult careers and single/jungkook ceo of tech company major dilf central except no kids but uncle of the year (i sed in he tags but let me add it here he's a dog dad!!!). both working adults but lonely! (adulthood is so lonely like woah i hope no high schoolers follow me but damn r u in for something! — also if u in hs plz unfollow me💗) anyway oc hates dating apps (feels like online shopping for a partner very weird for her), so does jungkook (but cause he's hot and loaded and lands weirdos who exploit him for wrong reasons!!! he's a real romantic looking for love let him be). now! both sign up for an anonymous dating app and become pen pals But Also! they both like the exact same cafe and love sitting in the exact same spot but neither of them know this.... and they end up fighting for it (like passive aggressively idk if you've ever had a staring match with a stranger it's fun) until mr barista (jimin to spice things up i never include him) forces them to sit together one day and both r so stoic until jungkook accidentally knocks his coffee over ocs paperwork and she's like ugh i HATTTEEE this guy (plus it's not coffee it's an oat milk matcha latte sorry jungkook is like the girlies) anywho oc and jungkook r complaining about Each other on the online app without knowing it but also simultaneously falling in love until one day something gives and oc is like... YOU?!?! 😧🤯 also irl they r developing an enemies to lovers arc while just being lovers online
(as u can see i've developed an unhealthy attachment to twenty five twenty one kinda... also i hate dating apps)
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