#also bc they saw this and thought of the idea of percy being their lovechild!
dilfbatman · 4 years
now i’m just wondering how the curse of achilles scene in pjo would have gone if paired with tsoa achilles because that would have been something ELSE
percy being in the underworld and seeing a beautiful, youthful, powerful man come towards him and he wonders who he is? golden halo of hair, green eyes that seem to pierce him, and a bloodied spear in his hand & realizes that it’s THE achilles - and he can see the pain and sorrow and hardness in achilles eyes matched with an ancient sadness, an anger at the gods because “you’re sending another demigod, another child to their death?”
yet achilles isn’t aware of how he looks and he wants to tell perseus that he doesn’t have to do this, he doesn’t have to bear this curse - he sees himself in percy in a way - wanting to protect the ones he loves, be a hero and step up to plate, it’s not like percy or achilles had a choice in the matter so he has to help percy because he doesn’t want him to meet the same fate as him.
in comes patroclus from the shadows and he gives a soft smile to perseus knowing what’s to come, and provides percy with an ounce of solace and tells him it will all be okay; he just has to listen to what achilles says, and his blessing will protect him and percy while scared, looks at achilles for further guidance and achilles eyes soften and tells perseus of what he needs to do, and for some reason this time it’s different for achilles because he feels a feeling that he has when looking at patroclus and it is this: hope.
he hopes, and he prays, and he wishes to the gods that percy stays safe and that he comes out of this alive, and after coming out of the river styx perseus has an invigoration in him yet is also frightened and achilles tells him to hold on to that - no one is invulnerable, and perseus needs to do what achilles did and that’s mesh his two worlds together of mortality & immortality, as he is a demigod after all - achilles takes one more look at perseus and sees himself.
he gives perseus a hug, one that is tight and has so much weight to it, because achilles wants to see percy succeed, and to not feel the sorrow he felt & not to become another greek tragedy. patroclus gives percy a kiss on the forehead and tells him to go forth, that he has both his & achilles’ blessing.
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