#also because i think qq is a very complex character and that seems to be often forgotten/not taken in consideration for some reason
kqluckity · 1 year
listen. i like tn/tduo but at the same time I'm a little tired of seeing q's character mostly being reduced to "ahah he's pathetic and he's a simp for w and that's it" because lbr. that's how the dynamic is mostly portrayed rn by the fandom and. idk. i don't like it i guess
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omegatheunknown · 5 years
EVE - Wrestle Queendom 2
Pro-Wrestling: EVE’s big weekend featured 21 matches over three days and more than lived up to the standard set by last year’s event, though with a headier dose of heartbreak and betrayal. - Production issues are practically a hallmark of EVE’s DIY ethos, but cues were hit, music played and other than a few hyperactive steadicam decisions the big show was at least as well put together as any big Progress event. - Also true to the ethos is the injection of the injured Sierra Loxton on commentary -- biggest show of the year? Experience not required. Sierra’s of the Kris Wolf school of ‘Wow.’ ‘Oh!’ ‘Yeah.’ colour commentary. Dann, as usual, has his moments of hilarity but slips too much insider jargon into his play-by-play. Don’t tell me a wrestler is ‘still selling’ her back, goodness. - Charlie Morgan’s announcement was absolutely devastating. Tears were shed. Really threw a pall over the rest of the evening. She was such an excellent ambassador for the company and a perfect distillation of what EVE is all about -- Be Fearless. Be Brave. Be You. Wolfie’s retirement already broke me, but this one hurts real bad too. EVE’s down a lot of great, great talent, but listing the remaining roster is still surprisingly re-assuring when it comes to the future of the best Women’s Wrestling promotion outside of Japan. *She Brawls in Brighton - Mostly a decent show to see everyone get their go-home reps in, the long-promised alliance of Jamie Hayter and Session Moth finally comes to fruition under the supervision of Prime Minister Kagetsu, Jordynne and LDM get a practice round, and KLR and Viper have one last go as a tag team in EVE. *She’s Gonna Start a Fight - The Resistance Gallery show is a much slicker affair, the Gallery is such an integral part of the character of EVE and with most of the go-home out of the way (though Charli Evans and Jetta got to tear each other apart,) we’re free to see some novel match-ups. Yuu v Grace v Nightshade was a delightful hoss match, LDM v Arisa Hoshiki suggested to me that Laura would benefit tremendously from a stint in Japan (and look good doing so,) and QQ vs Oedo Tai is good on any stage at any time. *Main Card   Yuu v Nightshade (**1/2) -Good weekend for Nightshade, who’s clearly climbing the card and starting to look the part of the badass heel. Wondering when we’ll see more of Yuu’s personality aside from her being really, infectiously, happy to be here. Hoss-ish style match seems an atypical choice for the curtain jerker but it worked up the crowd just fine. Kagetsu v Mayu Iwatani (***1/2) - If anyone was somehow unfamiliar with two of the very best wrestlers in the world, this was a fiery introduction. Sure, Kagetsu didn’t try to hang Mayu. Sure, the booking positioned this as more of an exhibition than a grudge match, and sure, it ended in a time limit draw -- but Mayu Iwatani and Kagetsu in a vacuum is a very good match at minimum. - I wish whoever had first told Dann and Emily about Oedo Tai had struck out the ‘o,’ because they’ve been stuck at Oh-edo for so long it’d be beyond awkward to point it out now, but it’s somehow still so grating to hear again and again.  - Despite the tendency of her machinations to blow up in her face like Wile E Coyote, Kagetsu is one of the coolest people in the entire sport, on the level of Okada or The Rock. This is not up for debate. Laura Di Matteo v Jordynne Grace (****) - The wrestling theatre is improved greatly by the suggestion of emotional stakes. Granted, it’s not absolutely clear why these two hate each other, but I absolutely believe that they do. This is the best match of LDM’s career thus far and likely my favourite of the thirty god damned matches I watched this weekend. Thought Jordynne ended Laura for good numerous times, but the finish was a beauty. Wrestle Friends v Diamond Vogue Collective v Medusa Complex (***) - This ended up a good match despite the pretense of the ‘only two teams in the ring’ stipulation, which remains asinine. Jinny’s long-running stratagem of hiring fashionable underlings wherever she goes (Jazzy Gabert’s fashionable, non?) never quite pays off but it’s put Mercedez on the map amid all the personnel changes in EVE. Millie’s a big girl and she can be friends with whoever she wants, but this one had a pretty clear conclusion from the outset. Could’ve done with some S Club 7. Session Goth Martina v Su Yung (N/R) - Martina came to fight, that’s what the Super S is for. Su Yung remains a little much, which I can both respect and also not really enjoy. Some good spots, just started to really drag, especially when Su’s cohort of brides appeared and were alternatively useless and superpowered. - I’m not going to rate this one properly because of whatever the fuck happened with the man in the inflatable baby costume and the teeth. I’m never mad about a big-lipped alligator moment but this one threw me for such a loop I couldn’t stop laughing for a full minute. Five Stars? Little Miss Roxxy v Arisa Hoshiki (***) - Totally unfair situation for whoever had to follow Charlie’s announcement. As I said, tears were being shed, I was in a total daze. Took me a while to get into this one, helped that I was curious about Roxxy getting in the ring with an accomplished Joshi. She can hang pretty well, and like LDM, hasn’t been on a tour of Japan, but I’d be so down to see it.  - Arisa was in top form all weekend, this was no exception. Kicked Roxxy around the ring and then some. Jamie Hayter v Utami Hayashishita v Nina Samuels (***1/2) - Yay for elimination matches. Yay for Utami’s crisp and vicious throws. Boo Nina. Boo Nina so hard, she’s such a fantastic heel. Rooting for Jamie in England is new and weird, but I’m sold. This might have been better than I think it was, fatigue was starting to set in hard, but either way I liked how it was put together.
Kay Lee Ray v Viper (****) - This is almost as reliably good a pairing as Kagetsu and Mayu, though often enough I feel like the ceiling is ‘very good’ and not great. Should’ve known better, really. Quite a beautiful swanton filled swan song between two absolute stalwarts of EVE, bittersweet as anything. - Always the most appreciation for KLR’s dives coming out of nowhere, like nature intended. No loading animation for the Scottish Daredevil, she just goes for it.  - Rhia promised she’d be back soon at the top of the show, and I guess she presented the tag titles, but she definitely had a look on her face like more was in store. Don’t see how she keeps her job as matchmaker after this little indiscretion. Loved it.
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