#also big big fan of sandile+its evolutions
dexholderr · 6 months
i wanna talk abt pokemon w people, so whats your favorite type and favorite pokemon of that type ? and explain why if you want, id love to know :D
for me its a tie between dark n ground ! dark types tend to have a bad reputation in source, but most of the time they just like bein a little silly and causin a bit of harmless mischief . my fav is absol :D ! and for ground types, i just think theyre all really cool and pretty well balanced in terms of battle . a very fun type to work with ! marowak is my favorite :]
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pinpuku · 6 years
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team request for @L0N3LYSTAR 
request info under “keep reading”
My name is Kathryn, I’m a Libra, and my MBTI is INTP! I really like a lot of different animals so it’s hard to really pick a favorite!!! I especially love octopuses (but not a fan of octillery imo >,>), dogs, cats, birds, pretty much any animal that can be a pet LOL!!! Birds, rodents, and reptiles included! I like the look of bugs like beetles, butterflies, and moths, and spiders but am kinda scared of them in real life. I’m RLY afraid of the ocean and lakes and rivers bc of the critters lurking in there… but i like alligators and crocodiles in any other environment. Same for sharks/stingrays/other scary animals. My favorite colors are yellow, pink, and black. I really like grunge/punk/quirky fashion. My hobbies are art (drawing, painting, sculpting, u name it I’ve done it haha), playing video games (especially Nintendo games I love Pokémon!), and watching tv/movies if that counts as a hobby! I like dark tv shows and LOVE superhero movies/tv. I used to really be into anime but I don’t watch it nowadays save for a few select shows. I’m always looking out for new shows to watch bc I usually dive headfirst into a show and watch the whole thing within a few days! I’m a computer science major in college rn and I hope to be a game designer someday!!! I’d also love to live in a big city like New York where there’s a lot happening and everything is within a walking distance. I live in FL rn which I HATE! Too hot man!! I have ADHD so I tend to hyper focus on topics of interest and I love researching things so I tend to gather an encyclopedic amount of knowledge on certain topics and can be happy just thinking and learning about that one thing all day. This is both a gift and a curse because on one hand I tend to become an expert on the topic of choice very quickly but on the other hand this often keeps me from focusing on what I really need to be thinking about >,>… I’m also impatient and often interrupt ppl and whenever I convince someone to watch this awesome show that I’m obsessed with currently I talk through the show giving background info even tho I try not to now LOL!! I’m also VERY forgetful and disorganized and have terrible time management skills.. which makes me nervous a lot when I feel like I’m forgetting a bunch of stuff I love debates and am pretty persuasive when I feel strongly about the issue! I also have a pretty good sense of humor and love making people laugh!! I spend a lot of time thinking about how I interact with people and how they interact with me, so I try to be as thoughtful as possible without sacrificing my feelings on an issue, so I have trouble with saying what people want to hear and appeasing people who are upset with me. I also tend to brood over small interactions that just didn’t sit well with me until they build up and I get super emotional over it. I also get defensive quickly and have a hard time taking criticism OTL but I’m working on it!! I take things personally and over analyze a lot RIP! My friends surprisingly consider me very reliable and trustworthy bc I try my best to appear calm even when I’m stressed/generally a mess on the inside and I try to offer objective, well-reasoned advice to friends when they ask for it.
This one was actually pretty hard for me! I eventually settled on this team, though. To be honest, I didn’t really decide one which pokemon would be your partner! It could go many ways. 
♡ Jangmo-o (shiny) is a Pokemon I think actually contrasts with your personality quite a bit, but also has some similarities. Jangmo-o is focused, grounded, hardworking, humble, patient, just, reliable, & has talent in its resiliency & follow-through. A lot of ISTJ energy, I guess? Dealing with its personality will be easy, since Jangmo-o has a valiant & “good” temperament, but will also challenge you to use some of your skills in different ways, like your focus & hardworking nature being challenged by ADHD naturally etc... so maybe you two could help eachother, even though you’re worlds apart otherwise! Jangmo-o functions on a very physical & sensible wavelength, and your more cerebral & non-serious approach can make your relationship dynamic & interesting. 
♡ Skitty is a Pokemon loved by most! It has an adorable personality & is known to be a great pet pokemon. It can be a challenge to earn its full trust, but since this pokemon is not very aggressive, this more so means ignoring you & doing its own thing at first. Once trust is earned, this Pokemon fully lives up to its cuddly & sweet image. Even its worst traits can be seen as charming! This Pokemon is popular for city-living. 
♡ Sandile is a Pokemon known for its mischievous tendencies, especially in the wild. It’s a popular partner pokemon for punks & edgier trainers, like most dark types Although it’s a dark type pokemon, this is pretty much the only “troublesome” trait it has. It is protective & caring with its loved ones. Many people find it amusing how this evolutionary line looks like they’re wearing cool sunglasses, too! It is a desert Pokemon. Although you might not like heat very much, this Pokemon will do well anywhere it can sunbath & warm up. A nice sunlamp should do if natural sunlight/warmth isn’t available, since it is pretty small. You sound like you’re into hobbies etc.. so a few Pokemon to have as pleasant challenges & pets seem appropriate.
♡ Pichu & Joltik were quick choices! I thought small & cute electric types fit your personality very well! Pichu is playful & upbeat. It naturally suits a forest or city environment. However, until it evolves it will have trouble storing electricity. It might give out shocks if it is surprised etc.. but that’s why I thought Joltik would be a good buddy! Joltik can’t produce or generate its own electricity, so it likes to obtain it through other means. It is very, very small, so it usually latches onto larger Pokemon for their static electricity. But Joltik would probably be good to have around for the random jolts Pichu might accidentally unleash! Being one of the more cute arachnid-bug-types, this can help you handle your fear of bugs/spiders, since you also seem interested! 
♡ Sharpedo (shiny, mega evolution capable) is my last choice. You seem to be oddly interested in the same things that make you a little bit scared or uncomfortable. Having Sharpedo by your side will arguably make you & your buddy the scariest thing around in theory! Pretty much no other creature would want to mess with you. This might make your main fear of large bodies of water a little bit more manageable with time. Sharpedo is a pack pokemon, so while it can be terrifying in the wild or from an outside perspective, if it’s raised from a young age as a Carvanha, it will see you & your team/loved ones as its “pack”. 
I hope you like your team! Other choices were shiny smeargle, porygon, inkay, & totodile. While you are an INTP who’s into computers, cities, art etc.. I went for a more atypical route with your team. I thought a more quirky & odd personality would suit a pokemon team that is the same. xx
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