#also blaming wreanata for hyping me up in this endeavour
mushangaa · 7 months
Just.. imagine my day okay.. I fell asleep around 03:00 woke up at 07:00 bc work. I am a bit sleeby and workflow is minimal for a change because the start of the week was.. an experience. Anyway. So I am sleeby and inhale my coffee as one does I have finished my tasks so far so I get out my TMNT sketchbook and start a lil cowboy doodle of F!Leo and he is looking over his shoulder standing next to a horse he is apparently mid convo. Mh. Who is he talking to? Casey maybe? Nah. I can't draw human faces for shit so I tap my pen gently on the paper and whoops. Forlorn P!Leo appears he seems to be having a moment TM poor thing what happened. So I draw more. And I get a Donnie guarding his twin who is sleeping his phone in hand he seems agitated what is he looking at and whoops, closeup on the phone. Headline: "Rising Falling Star "Neon Leon" is his career over? An in-depth look into the devastating accident." The fuck is going on. Poor baby. What happened. Why is F!Leo here and a cowboy what kinda.. ohhhh. And it goes from there okay like... and I think about it the whole day and I doodle and I start getting into temporal paradoxes and other paradoxes and it becomes a mashup of different things and I think about the one horsebook series I read until the books looked worn I think about every movie that has a washed up ex pro that had to end their careers bc of some life altering accident that coaches a new generation or one kid full of hopes and dreams to greatness and cowboys and horsegirl movies were some tragic thing happens and then there is a special horse and the girl and the horse bond and save a farm or whatever by winning a tournament. All those things ok? And then i mash them together in my head like playdough and mhh.
My auntie just bleached my hairline while I was sorting out logistics and I will contemplate some more while I recolour my hair fittingly in a neon leon blue colour (bc there is a ballroom tomorrow in the city and I wanna look very sharp for my fellow queers) and jepp. This is my life now. i guess. I draw one cowboy and end up with s o m e t h i n g and I am invested and I am hooked and I wanna know where this goes and I wanna help lil Leo and the F Leo who gave up on his dreams and who tries to save himself basically and it's... it's a whole thing ok. Anyway. Imma call it "The Unicorn Paradox" fyi. Yeh. It has a name now. Guess I have to take care of it. Fuck. Yeah.
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