#also blood thirsty reader is my fav too
feyhunter78 · 1 year
"You Know Other Men??"
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So I based this off that one incorrect HOTD quote that goes:
Reader: "You are the most jealous man I know."
Aemond: "You know other men??"
You ran your hands through your hair, beyond frustrated, as you watched Aemond clean the blood from his sword. You had not been married for very long, but your courtship had been nearly a year, so you believed you understood Aemond’s moods quite well. Clearly you were mistaken.
“You seem upset, dear wife.” He remarked, glancing up at you, blood splattered across his face.
“Upset? Do I really?” You asked mockingly, your voice high-pitched and strained.
“Yes, you are doing that thing where you smile, but you are actually quite angry.” He said, a mischievous smile on his perfectly pink lips.
You want to strangle him, you want to kiss him, gods perhaps you would do both. “You did not have to kill Lord Edwin.”
Aemond raised an eyebrow. “You are my wife, it is my duty to defend your honor.”
“He was merely informing me that my skirt had been torn.” You protested; eyes wide in disbelief.
Aemond finished cleaning his sword and set it on a nearby table, turning fully to face you. “Why was he looking near your skirts at all? He was aware you were a married woman; his eyes should not linger below your chin.”
It’s maddening how good he looks covered in blood, and you have to restrain yourself from grabbing him and dragging him back to your shared chambers.
“He was being kind. Just like Sir Dorin, Lord Balter and that barkeep in Fleabottom, all were merely being kind.”
Aemond stepped closer to you, tilting your chin up with one finger. “Sir Dorin was clearly lusting after you, I caught Lord Balter pawing at your bodice, and that barkeep was intentionally trying to get you intoxicated so that he could have his vile ways with you.”
“Sir Dorin was assigned to protect me, Lord Balter was simply admiring my necklace, which he intended to purchase a duplicate of for his betrothed, and the barkeep was only giving me drinks because you were paying for them.” You counted off the explanations on your fingers, eyes fixed on Aemond.
His smoldering gaze was slowly chipping at your anger, and when his hand came up to grasp your waist, fingers splayed, your breathing picked up.
“I hear no reason for why they should have lived.” He said simply, dipping his head, his nose brushing along your cheek, voice low and vibrating through you.
“Aemond.” You sputtered, flabbergasted at the way he could so easily circumvent your words while smoothly disarming your anger with the barest touch.
“Y/N.” He purred, lips brushing against yours. “Do not be angry with me, sweet wife, I cannot help but be protective. You are so beautiful, and I know if you were married to another, I would stop at nothing to steal you away from him.”
Your face was hot, your resolve all but crumbling, as you felt yourself lean into his touch. “How far would you go for me, my love?”
Aemond’s hand gently cupped the back of your neck, lips against yours as he spoke. “I would kill for you, y/n, you know this. You have seen this.”
You toyed with the lapels of his coat. “But if I was not yours, what would you do?”
He meshed his lips fully with yours in a searing kiss, the hand on your waist like a vice grip, as he skillfully took you under the taste of mint on his tongue, so unique and so Aemond. Ever the man of duty, he was always presentable, always in perfect condition. Never did you find his appearance unpleasant, even now when he was covered in an innocent man’s blood, you craved his skin against yours, pushing yourself flush against him, uncaring if your dress got ruined.
“I would hunt you and your husband down, captivate you with my words and actions, take you to my chambers and make you see stars over and over until you forgot your wretched husband ever existed.” He said, pressing heated kisses to your skin.
“But I would still be married.” You reminded him.
“I would take you in front of your husband, let him see how his wife writhes on my cock, how she begs for the pleasure only I can give her.” He growled.
You whimpered at his words and squeezed your thighs together.
He smirked, his fingers caressing your clothed side, gently creating a confusing mix of emotions to bubble within you. “Then after you finished, babbling my name, too cockdrunk to form a proper sentence, I would make sure he saw as I seeded you. Make him watch as I ensure that my son takes root within you.”
“Yes,” you breathed out, hand fisted in his tunic. Your chest brushed against his as your breathing turned rapid, your pupils blown wide with lust.
“Then I would kill him, feed him to Vhagar and bring you home.” He finished, pressing a sweet kiss to your clavicle.
You blink in confusion as he pulls away, an unbothered expression on his face. “I think you are the most jealous man I know.” You said, hand still clinging to his tunic.
Aemond hummed lowly, his eye roaming your face. “You know other men?”
You rolled your eyes and playfully smacked his chest. “As if you did not know. Their blood is on your sword, dear husband.”
“Better their blood on my sword, then their hands upon your skin.” He responded, shrugging as he fought back a smile.
“You are insufferable.” You said, shrieking with laughter when he swept you into his arms and kissed you.
“And you are lovely.” He said, connecting your lips once more, you both smiling into the kiss.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010
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bones4thecats · 7 months
Heyy hii hellooo , hruuu and what's your fav cat breed , btw can i req a leonidas , Nikola Tesla , hades , and Hercules x fem!homura akemi!reader
I hope you watch Madoka Magica , i just want a simple long ahh angst and then fluff
So basically the reader is like the goddess of time (for the gods part) and a time traveler(for the humans part) the reader basically repeat the same month that Ragnarok has taken place for over 1200 years just to save them from their fate which was turning into a green weed snort dust in because the charas are who she hold dear so much since they are her husband , each time she failed and failed and that affect the universe since she bend the time around the charas making them stronger but each timeline they just die , and i want them to confront the reader Abt it and then the reader is like having a meltdown or something and then tell em all the stuff she have been doing to the point she almost gone insane with all the timeline of watching them die
And after that can you just put on like a huge comfort scene where the charas finally survive and comfort the reader after all the pain she gone through
I hope you don't mind , sorry if it too muchhh srryyyyyy
A/N: Okay, my favorite cat breed is the Birman, it's just so fluffy and cute!! It also reminds me of a Siamese. This is one of the saddest things I have ever written, so expect to cry a few tears and then feel like your heart’s gonna explode! This is kinda themed after the song Haunted by Taylor Swift because I was listening to it while writing. Enjoy~~
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🚬 You had tried so many times, yet you always fail… why?
🚬 Why wasn’t it fair then, why wasn’t it fair now? Why did he have to die, why couldn’t that selfish and impish God Apollo die?!
🚬 1,200 years you have tried, over 103,782 attempts have been made in counting, maybe this would be the one to work!
🚬 But it was too much for one person to watch their one and only, their husband, die over and over and over by the same cause
🚬 You watched as he trained, and you couldn’t stop crying each time
🚬 Leonidas looked over at you and grinned his signature grin saying, ready for battle
🚬 When he hugged you that night you started to cry and not stop, which caused him to look at you with shock
🚬 You never cried
🚬 He kneeled down and tilted your head towards his face, his eyes asking the same question over and over again
“ Are you okay, my love? “
🚬 That was when you let loose, spilling everything, the endless death and depression you had gone through just to see him win, it made his heart ache
🚬 You went through all of this to see him come out on top, to see him alive again
🚬 Leonidas held you and shushed you, while you mumbled how it wasn’t fair since no matter how much you tried it never worked
“ You cannot escape fate, love. But, no matter what happens, believe me, I will always, always be by your side. No matter what. “ “ Promise? “ “ I promise. “
🚬 And he did. He won. He beat that snobbish bastard, Humanity cheered for the win while you smiled and cried happy tears for another reason
🚬 You finally did it, he lived…
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🧪 This stupid myth wasn’t coming to fruition, it said every time you traveled, he’d grow stronger! Just how much more strength did he need?!
🧪 Time after time again he died from that depleaded and god-awful immortal Beelzebub, why did he have to live?!
🧪 He hurt a child for crying out loud, causing him to turn into a blood-thirsty monster for the heck of it! He didn’t deserve life! He showed no remorse for what he had done, even Thor showed some of it to Lü Bu!
🧪 While thriving on the past, you were watching Nikola work on a problem for his armor for Ragnarok and you smiled when he got the fact right, it was better than last time, maybe this was it?
🧪 He did the same thing as last time, but he added more weaponry and more strength to it per your request, now maybe it could work!
🧪 You sat by Hlökk and Jack while the fight ensued, and you were praying that he would win, that your husband could finally come home safe and sound
🧪 And he did it… he- he beat Beelzebub!
🧪 Nikola was healing as you jumped onto him, he chuckled and kissed your forehead, and that was when you let it loose
🧪 You spilled the tea, all of it, the 1,200 years of torment that you faced watching him die, the same fate over and over and over again, not being able to stop it hurt
“ Darling, I am sorry for failing you so many times. “ “ It’s not your fault, you’re here now… and I’m thankful. “ “ I am thankful as well, Y/N… “
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💀 No, no, no, no!
💀 Every god-forsaken time, the same damn thing!
💀 Oh that human will pay for his insolence, killing the King that you loved was a crime only punishable by death at the hands of his victim!
💀 Every single time that Hades proclaimed his wish to fight, you were with him, helping him train to beat that puny being
💀 But every time it wasn’t enough, and it hurt so much…
💀 And the way that human smiled and had every human there cheering for him made you sick, many lost an ally, Zeus, Hermes, Ares, and Adamas all lost a brother and uncle, one that cared for them oh so much, and you…
💀 You lost your one and only love…
💀 But maybe this time it would work! It said that they grew stronger every time you traveled, so maybe now it would be right!
💀 Hades looked up at you and smiled as he prepared for battle, and every cut and bruise only gave you the biggest PTSD stain in history
💀 He couldn’t die, he just couldn’t!
💀 And when the cry of Zeus’ cry entered your ears, you started to doubt everything
💀 It worked, it finally fucking worked!
💀 You had never sprinted that hard before into the arms of your love, dragging him to the infirmary after sharing the best kiss known to the Gods
💀 Hades saw how sad yet happy your eyes were while he healed, and when he looked at you and asked why you were so down, you tole him everything, sobbing the process
" My dear, you've seen that happen all those times? For that long? " *Sigh* " I apologize for not being able to change that for so long, but, now we can start the life we've always wanted, by each others sides for eternity. "
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💪 He was the kindest soul you had ever met, why would fate just screw him over like this?!
💪 You understood he knew Jack far better than you, but watching the human just kill your lover blinded all of your judgement, no matter what
💪 Heracles had died so many times in front of you that you felt like crying tears of joy and sadness from both seeing him alive and from knowing what was bound to happen
💪 This time he had been talking to his adoptive brother, Ares, when you traveled back to see him and try getting him to survive, and seeing him with the only other person who wept and understood how much the lose of him affected you just hurt
💪 He called out to you and hugged you in his arms while calling his goodbyes to Ares, in which the God of War just smiled and waved back
💪 Your husband was the one person you didn't want to lie to anymore, and you hopes that after 1,200 years, this may be the final time you'd have to travel to save him
💪 You grabbed his hand which caused Heracles to turned around and give you a curious look, and that was when you told him
" 1,200 years for me? Angel, you... you didn't have to do all of this for me! "
💪 Heracles looked at you with shock, he figured nobody would drain themselves physically or mentally to the point of near insanity just for him...
💪 He hugged you even closer and he swore the same thing you heard over the last thousand years;
" I'll be safe, and when this is all over, we'll rest together just like before... I promise. "
💪 Your husband laid the most gentle kiss on your lips ever as you nodded, believing the words more than you ever did before
💪 Before Round 4 of Ragnarok started, you strolled over to the Humans side to speak to their fighter, Jack the Ripper, so you could get something clear
" In these last 1,200 years, I have been trying to get my husband back... as whenever he fought against you, he lost... died at your hands. And while I respect you and everything you have done for your people, I am just asking you one thing; Is this really what you want to be known for? Pure murder? "
💪 When Jack was about to kill Heracles, he remembered your words and smiled humbly before lowering his hands to the ground and laying on his knees, causing Heracles to stop and stare at the male
" I do not wish to kill you, God. " " Heracles. And Jack, I do not wish to kill you. This match stays at a draw! "
💪 All Gods and Humans were obviously pissed, but you got your husband back, and one of your previously close friends. Win-Win for you!
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shadoedseptmbr · 5 months
20 Questions for fic writers
tagged by @wrathoscribbles Thank you!!! <3
hmm, i am where these things go to die but feel free to tag me if you get the urge to run with it!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
115 uh, doesn't seem like that much, really
2. What’s your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
well, let's see- Mass Effect, Dragon Age, MCU (caveat, all my Marvel knowledge goes into anything I write. My Hawkeye is an amalgam of the Clint i grew up with, the Clint from Fraction's run of Hawkeye, and what we were given in the MCU with all the...uh, blatantly weird dad vibes thrown out the window. I really like Laura and the kids but i have no idea what to do with Dad!Clint. He is the least Dad-shaped Avenger and i'm including like, Speedball). I haven't written Buffy or the fandom that shall not be named in literally over a decade but i do have a couple stories for each on my AO3.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
In Cupid's Little Bag of Trix
Fandoms: Thor, The Avengers (2012), MCU by way of every Marvel 'verse M Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis background Natasha/Steve Summary Darcy might have a little crush. And possibly a kink. Look, it's been a long couple of years.
Fandoms: Dragon Age 2 E OCf!Hawke/Sebastian Summary In whom do we seek shelter? Sebastian and Hawke, figuring things out over the course of a story. mind the tags, this one goes dark and sideways but ends happy. Written before extreme tagging was a thing.
apodyopis (SO *thirsty* lol)
Fandoms: Thor The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types M Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis voyeurism but not like...no one is actually having sex Clint's just like that
Clint likes to watch his girl work. Kind of a sequel to Cupid's Little Bag of Trix but can be read alone
Steal Away Home
Fandoms: Dragon Age 2 Explicit Graphic Depictions Of Violence F/M, Multi Work in Progress Sebastian Vael/Hawke (F) Aeryn is a menace Aeryn is also an assassin Child endangerment Panic attacks fantasy PTSD childhood neglect everyone here has issues
Summary Post-game adventure including the reclaiming of Starkhaven. Sequel to Shelter. This one needs tags updated, too. Several panic attacks, several people with control issues, lots of childhood neglect and out right abuse and endangerment. We used to just assume everyone knew that was par for the course with DA but honestly.
anchor the night
Fandoms: Mass Effect Teen And Up Audiences Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings F/M Summary After the date at Apollo’s. After the bit that would fade to black, too. Mind the tags.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
oh absolutely, fandom is built on the life blood of comments and i've made some of my dearest friends fangirling over each other's fic. Plus, i've never been particularly overwhelmed by comments so it's never been a particular hardship.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
dolore broke my own heart with that one
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In Cupid's Little Bag of Trix, probably. Clint and Darcy are a barrel of monkeys and they're both so fucking full of zest.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not that I've ever noticed. I'm fortunate enough to just get readers who want to be chill. i had someone once scold me for being mean to Alec Ryder, lol.
9. Do you write smut?
so much smut- less in Mass Effect, which is mildly hilarious given Aedan's penchants, lol.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not unless you count the various branchings of Marvel. I don't really get the appeal.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again, not as far as I know
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I have! I had the high honor of writing Shep/Shep with my buddy @nightmarestudio606 with The End is Where We Begin
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
I sail an armada, lol. I multiship and my favorite varies with what day it is. Right now, Codywan is winning, heh. My favorite to *write* though... Shenko is right up there but Clint/Darcy was so much fun.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
none of my WIPs are abandoned. I don't know if I'll ever finish Steal Away Home the way i want to, though.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterization, I think. Structurally, I have an excellent grasp of nuance when it comes to word choice in a way that lets me say a lot with not much.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
I'm not particularly focused and it can take a long time for me to finish work. And I tend to write without outline and that can lead to a wandering, meander of a fic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Do it all the time, do my best to make it accurate. I use a smattering of Scots Gaelic for my version of Starkhaven and my source is mostly old books because i like the archaic texture of it. Several of my characters have american south accents and i elide words and use slang and drop g's. '"I am going to the store, mother," she said in her Texas twang' does not read like "Goin' t'the store, ma." and you can't make me believe you don't lose vast amounts of characterization by trying to force it to work. And overly correct dialogue is one of the first reasons i'll drop out of reading fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First written? The Black Stallion (book not movie) First published online? Trixie Belden
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
hard to pick from my favorite children, lol
Cupid's Little Bag of Trix is a (now fairly heavily edited) mess of stream of consciousness that grew a plot from when i was writing quick switch omniscient pov and just expected my readers to figure it out. But i love it. And it remains the biggest boost to my writing ego as ten years after posting, i still get kudos Verge (post Omega DLC) is when i really figured out who Aedan and Kaidan are, together and it manages to wreck me all over again, every time i re-read it.
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