#also dead dove: do not eat... thats a secret but i promise you its nothing truly disgusting
the-spacetronaut · 2 years
me fighting myself from adding "hurt no comfort" and "dead dove: do not eat" onto ms. janitor because it already has the "major character death" tag on it
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vjwildlife · 4 years
Tag...YOu R It
Most of us think of our beings, our bodies and minds and selves, as separate and individual and fully under our own command. This is a misleading way to consider your "self". We are in fact a relationship...... and the culmination of this inter dimensional and  outer dimensional relationship is what our frequency is. Our cosmic signal, our BEING....the one note that we play in the Eternal Orchestra of consciousness and energy taking form as physicality. Let me give you and example. Our bodies are made up of four to ten times more cells that are other than human as they are made up of human cells. There is an ongoing profound relationship between every cell that makes up the community that you call YOU. How intelligent and harmonious this community relationship is is what creates your own experience of harmony or dis -ease, intelligence or the lack thereof etc.  Throw into the mix that there must be a ongoing process of communion in order for the community of cells called YOU  to thrive and exists and now the entire relationship that is YOU becomes far more profound. SO you need energy and intelligence in the form of fruits, vegetables, roots, water, air, light, heat, electrical information from the Earth grid to regulate your circadian rythms, information from the SUN to tell you how to BE, communities of culture in the form of bacteria to actually feed into your body what you put into your alimentary canal, etc. You are a relationship! SO to think that you are independent and controlling your experience is ridiculous. You are being stimulated and informed every nano second. You are the sum total of this in-for-mation. Your structure or lack therof is  YOU. SO to call something a drug that is dangerous is curious, as there is not one thing that goes into our being that does not alter our chemistry, biology, immune system, metabolism, brain wave patterning, hormone profile, and everything else that is going on in order for YOU to be YOU. From every breath taken to every sip of water, every word uttered or heard, every fraction of Light being taken in by your retinas, every degree of light being calibrated and measured on the surface of your exposed skin, every parts per trillion of hormonal input per second which is regulating your entire body process from depth of breath to heart beat regulation to secretions from your ovaries........so when you throw food into the mix...if there was EVER a drug, thats the one sister. Every morsal is altering your state. ALWAYS! SO the question really becomes NOT is it smart to later my state? As you are altering your state endlessly and cannot NOT later your state. That is LIFE and you are THAT relationship that is altering itself endlessly until you are feeding worms in the Earth for the next round of manifested Light. SO again, the relevant question becomes, what do I want to commune with in order to maximize the Light potential of my SELF? What shall I inform myself with, tap water or spring water from the source? Cheerios or kale blood? Artificial intelligence in the form of twinkies and soda or Living Intelligence from the Original Author in the form of wild blueberries raw and Reishi mushroom tea to educate your immune system with HYPER INTELLIGENCE obtained form the experience of growing in fungus and mold and decay and THRIVING rather then the artificial intelligence of the human brain in all of its limitation that would even think to create wonder bread and pop tarts, let alone actually eat it and call it food.  So getting intentional about what you relate with as you continually become what you are is the only real question here. YOU ARE DEPENDENT and EVERYTHING IS A DRUG! Thats the nature of relationship. The more complex it is the healthier and happier it is. The more limited and controlled the relationship is, the more lifeless and dull and dead it is. The smaller your box, the less you are alive. Rules and love have no place together. YOu follow rules because you have no wisdom. Once you have the wisdom, there is no place for rules, you simply live off of inspiration. Only love can consider everything and be perfectly expressed with nothing being left out. Rules are a  dead brain program based on fear. The NO DRUGS rule is stupidity. Get particular about what you are saying here....choose your drugs well. Living plants are my  drug of choice along with living spring water. These drugs inform and educate and structure and edify my being so that I can contain and express more Light. RIGHT ON!!!!!!! If My Mother made it and I can eat it from her as created, I will eat it. If it has to be altered in some way, Id rather not eat it.  There is a reptilian consciousness alive and well in this third dimension today. IN our bodies it is called parasites. These extraterrestrial foreign invaders breach our weakened defense system and poor culture-less relationship in our guts and the first place they go? Your Central Nervous System. They wind themselves into your nervous system and begin to clip off the tips of your nervous system called telomeres. Now your nervous system is what gives you information about your environment and consequently how you can know yourself. A stunted and not growing nervous system will never be able to receive the entirety of the information that it needs to navigate intelligently through its environment. Why would this reptilian consciousness do this? because it wants to feed off of your energy as its Life Force. IT does not want to create the intelligence required to increase its own energy so it will parasitically rob you of yours. Having control of how you view the world gives this lizard consciousness control over what decisions you make....and it does not want you to make decisions to perpetuate your own life force. It wants you to be afraid and dull and confused and hungry for SHIT!!!! because shit is what keeps it alive. The second thing it will do is take over your immune system.....if you cant procreate, then more energy for it. Our population is well on its way to being completely unable to recreate itself. How many women are no longer having periods? How many men are sterile and even impotent? This reptilian consciousness is found in the micro universe called our bodies as parasites. It is also found in the macro Universe as the consciousness striving to control our consciousness on this planet. It is a reptilian alien consciousness  that literally wants to feed on your body as you die. If that particular consciousness is in charge, WE ARE FUCKED in the worst way ever. Look at the program of our culture? You are infected with it! Fear, guilt,  shame, doubt...all frequencies to keep you enslaved.  This lizard type consciousness is making decisions like these every day and while you donwload the visions being sold to you on your TELL-A-VISION.... WE are literally under attack on every front.  From our fear and guilt and shame based cultures, to our poisoned water supply, poisoned and denatured food supply, dying oceans, mercury filled teeth, poisoned air,  institutionalized thinking, domesticated mind sets, useless educations that have taught us nothing about how to live on this planet and eat well and pray and play and laugh and sing and commune with The Divine within ourselves...., no relationship to our Mother, and we have systematically destroyed all of the wild people on this Earth, along with their tools for healing and accessing Source...primarily the intelligent use of plant medicines as the consciousness that can guide us through this version of eternity in a good way.      Plant intelligence gets us out of the books and scriptures and traditions of Men...and into the Living Truth of NOW. The more potent plants actually erase the false programs out of our DNA and nullify the self destruct cultural programs that are actually running our show. What we see going on outside of ourselves such as war, genocide, chemtrails, and the literal collapsing of human consciousness is what is happening within us. We have literaLLY BEEN HIJACKED. ....TRUE STORY! If you want control of your own consciousness, its time to play space invaders intelligently . I dont know of another way to do that than with plants, plants and more plants. Living wild plants carry the pattern of the Original Intelligence which created them. They slowly and surely clean out our hijacked systems and restore us to our Original Master Program. For some it is too late. Think of the last stages of cancer when there is not enough life energy or intelligence left to restore the massive damage created by a lifetime of poison.  For others, there is still time.  If you are this fortunate, get the reptilians out of your body immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cleanse as if your very Soul depended on it.  The only way out is in, and in means cleaning house.  Eating Shamanic plants can retune your frequency to the Trtuh and break through the patterning of delusion which has led you very far from home. This life on earth experience is full on! You must be clever as a fox and innocent as a dove in order to navigate the Armageddon that it happening right now.    It is part of our karma and part of the Karma of this Earth. We will ether ascend with her into the fifth dimension or we will die off in the compost heap of this third dimension. Getting the poison and sickness and culture out of our systems and getting back to the Truth of what and who we are by reading the Original Program written by The Master Programmer is the only game in town....and it is full contact and full on...people are losing their MINDS and their  LIVES and  their HEARTS and their SANITY. This is NOT target practice. There is actually something going on and if you are not paying attention, something else will pay attention for you and I can promise you that it wont be what you would willingly choose for yourself.   These parasites are real and they are foreign and they desire to control and destroy us. Im not making this up. Consciousness takes shape and form. If you want to know what evil looks like, pull a tapeworm that is eating you alive out of your butt.  Your life will radically radically radically shifted from that moment on.  Evil is part of our evolution to push us and teach us to choose our complete ennoblement. Through the friction and pressure of seeming opposing forces, we grow and learn exactly what we are and are not.   We must rise up to meet the challenges presented to us and learn the lessons required so that we can fire the teachers and move on to Higher Learning and Education. I fired my parasites. They were amazing teachers and I love them for their role in my evolution. Im so glad to have graduated from that class. Please join me. There is so much more to learn. Get this one and move forward. Its important. Its not the whole story though so dont get stuck here. We must learn and grow in order to evolve. I am sharing this in an attempt to help as clearly and intelligently as I possibly can. We are in an Earth School. Choose your Teachers wisely. If its green and alive, I say go for it!   I bless it all, and I especially bless plants.......Shamanic plants being at the very top of my list. I  absolutely do believe that mushrooms can and just might save this planet and San Pedro might actually save our Souls from a horrific journey into darkness before finding the Light. Ayahuasca might actually reconnect us to our Source  and Shamanisms is the only religion that I trust.  Im all for paying up front for my lessons rather than learning through consequence...so I pay up front and take my lumps and become more of what I am and less of what I am not.  So in a nutshell, I say  SAY THE PRAYERS EAT THE PLANTS SING THE SONGS TELL THE TRUTH Saving the planet is the most spiritual thing you will ever do, and saving yourself is what you are destined for. Tag...YOU ARE IT! Do it now. 
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