#also didn't do any Halloween art bc I wasn't feeling the inspiration but I did a little scary closet cosplay like thingy
lieutenantselnia · 8 months
I hope everyone had/has a nice Halloween! For me it was mostly a long work day (also the reason I didn't really participate in the trick or treat game going around, I was just feeling busy and exhausted😭 it was very cute to see though! Mayyybe going to give it a few tries since it is still Halloween in some parts of the world)
The most Halloween-like thing I probably did this year - albeit unintentionally - was getting a new f/o who fits right in with the whole haunted aesthetic, and consecutively I ended up treating myself with some merch of him💕
(The text reads "Handsome Devil" in case you're wondering, and yes this was 100% an impulse purchase)
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