#also domi thank you so much i literally owe you my life cause im pretty sure this inspired me to write champagne problems
liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
footballers proposing/getting proposed to
requested by my homeboy @sztrapacska!!! ty luv <3 ik i cant pull the "i HaD sChOoL" excuse for my lateness this time so i'll jus be honest,,, i got hit w the inspiration bug n wrote a whole ass fic. abt a proposal. so i was a lil distracted. speaking of proposals actually,,,
leo: tbh it could go either way, with him proposing or getting proposed to. in the moment, he'll be really calm and collected, not at all like youd imagine someone who just experienced one of the happiest times of their life to be like. but the second he gets home hes bursting into happy tears.
ney: he gets proposed to, only cause he straight up kinda forgets about marriage as a concept. hes like "yeah we're dating and everythings fine and cool so why bother." so when leo gets sick and tired of waiting for his ass and pops the question himself neys caught TOTALLY off guard.
christian: one morning he'll be talking to his partner about wedding plans, n when he notices the extremely confused look on their face hes like "...oh SHIT i knew i was forgetting something."
lewy: oh lewandowski my beloved. hes a gun jumper. he rushes to propose prematurely without thinking of whether he and thomas are really ready for it. in fact,,, if you would like to know more about said proposal,, maybe you could read more about it here,,, (yeah its a shameless plug ok)
muller: angsty fic that i poured my heart and soul into aside, lets say thomas says yes. within five minutes of getting engaged, EVERYONES gonna know about it. hes running up to his friends and shoving his left hand in their faces so they can get a good look at the ring n hes like "!!! ROBERT AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!" its very cute, actually.
trent: drunkenly proposes to and marries an equally drunk robbo because they thought it would be funny.
sergio: though he'll deny it to ANYONE who even suggests it, hes the BIGGEST fuckin romantic when it comes to luka. so when it comes time to ask him to marry him hes not pulling any punches. dude plans a whole candlelit anniversary dinner at home with romantic spanish music playing in the background. how can luka say no.
luka: lukas not stupid, he sees the proposal coming from a MILE away (his friends suddenly inquiring about his ring size, sergio acting particularly jittery the weeks leading up to their anniversary, etc), but that doesnt mean hes any less happy. its weird, even though he totally sees it coming, he still cries like a mf (tears of joy, ofc).
alisson: now, he wants virgil to marry him, but he also wants to experience getting proposed to. so what does he do??? he "accidentally" leaves engagement ring catalogs lying around his and virgils place, and makes sure the tv always happens to be on the channel that shows reruns of say yes to the dress.
virgil: falls for it hook line and sinker. within a month of alisson putting his little plan into action, virgils dishing out the money for a ring. when it comes time to actually ask the question, hes SUPER nervous. so nervous, in fact, dude straight up forgets about the whole kneeling part. he jus takes out the ring and,,, asks. ali wouldnt have it any other way.
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