#also don’t get me wrong. Yano is cool but his character gimmick does get a bit old later on
dreamlanddeluxe · 3 months
Still waiting for my brain to process everything so my thoughts may not be the most cohesive but I do recommend people watch odd taxi, genuinely such a wonderfully interesting psychological mystery show. I could go into each characters lives individually but just as a whole I love how all these characters are so raw and believable and complicated and so so alive. No character is 100% good and their backstories aren’t revealed to excuse their actions, rather to provide psychological insight on to how their environment and upbringing shaped who they are and led them to where they are today. Many situations the characters live through are in part self-created, but also showcases how the system we live in controls one’s sense of reasoning and even goes so far to blur the line between self-instigated problems and problems that result from the system and having the viewer question the many ways the relations between the two can form and what truly is to blame in each case by case scenario. And I really love Odokawa as a main character he makes me so happy. I don’t want to say what exactly is up with him as that in itself is a major plot point and this is a show you should go into knowing little as possible, but it’s so refreshing to see a character like him so fleshed out and kind hearted in his own way. It’s so easy for characters that operate the way he does to be written as “off-putting” and “scary,” especially so in the psychological mystery genre, so to have him as our main character and written in such a genuine manner is so refreshing to see. And it’s not that he isn’t a little strange at times, he’s just portrayed in a way that thankfully doesn’t ostracize him for it and treats him just as human as any other character. Listen to me ok. Go watch odd taxi
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