#also don't worry i don't plan to stick to that 'third person style' of answers!
ghostofpolaris · 10 months
RP Ad 11/20/2023 📰
[UPDATE 11/23/23: If I do not hear back from you in a week, I will assume you have ghosted and will dissolve any RPs we have. Please understand, it is incredibly disheartening hearing nothing back after weeks at a time. I understand if you have IRL stuff going on, but please give notice at the very least. I think it is only polite.] Howdy everyone! My name is Ghost and once again I am here with an updated RP ad for this account (gosh time flies and so much has changed! <3). I am hoping to find a couple different RPs with someone 21+ (as an adult I just don't think it is comfortable for me to try and RP with a minor sorry) since stuff have slowed down and I have different interests I hope to explore. I won't many to just keep things easier on myself so I hope to get at least 2 RPs going with some lovely people. Just to let everyone know, I do not RP on Tumblr anymore and stick to Discord because I don't know how to really RP on Tumblr anymore (I did at one point but stuff has changed so much I can't wrap my head around it, but I am happy to relearn if someone is willing to pass on advice!). If anyone is interested (after reading this please), please DM me and we can talk more. :D NOTE: Please adhere to any RP Guidelines/Rules I may have! It will help make things smoother for everyone. <3
Just a little bit of info about me: I am 27 years old, Genderfluid (currently using They/She pronouns), and am in the EST time zone. My style of RP is Third-Person POV and I usually range from Semi-literate to Novella depending on what inspiration I have but do not feel you ever have to try and match me! My main request is please just keep the storyline going and no one-liners. I have been RPing since 2008 (started on YouTube of all places) and I like to try and befriend the people I RP with. I have RP'ed with all sorts of fandoms from Genshin Impact to Twisted Wonderland and even Assassin's Creed, but currently I am looking for RP's based more in the Marvel Universe as Marvel seems to really capitvate my attention right now. Also wanted to add: I do doubles and am totally happy to give it a go to RP as a character you may want. It will take some research, but I am happy to do the best I can. So if you are wanting something even like OCxOC or even OCxCanon I am happy to double up and give anything a whirl. I just hope that before you contact me, that I do tend to incorporate a ton of detail and have lots of details I want to add so if this is not okay, please feel free to not answer this ad.
Below are ideas I hope to explore: 1.) I am hoping to find someone who may be able to RP as Peter Parker but more specifically, the one from Marvel's Spider-Man game from 2018 (I have played the Miles Morales game and have yet to play Spider-Man 2 but plan on doing so soon. :) ) against a Spider-person OC of mine. I have a whole storyline behind this idea so please bear in mind there may be lots of stuff I may send. Even if it is mainly set in the Spiderverse movies too, I am also down to find some adventure there too. 2.) This is the idea I hope to find the most, but especially after Season 2 of the Loki show ending, I was hoping to find someone who can RP as Loki with my OC. To make it short and sweet, I had the idea of my OC making a Pact with Loki (in another Universe) and became his Avatar after their world is destroyed. Eventually, they get separated but I would love to see the dynamic of another Loki with my OC and what could blossom from it whether it is a friendship or even romance.
3.) This would be cool if someone was interested, but I would love to find someone who could RP as Stephen Strange with an OC of mine (technically an AU of them but no worries) who essentially is just King Arthur reawoken in the modern world and Stephen essentially has to watch them and make sure they won't be a threat. Where myth and legend get it wrong, is King Arthur was actually a woman named Artinia Pendragon (I totally did not rip off Fate/Stay Night shhh).
Other than that, I am also up for any ideas people have for within the Marvel-verse! Feel free to DM me if interested and if we are a good match, I don't mind taking stuff to Discord. :D I hope to hear from you soon and thank you for reading everything. Let's have a bite of adventure together!
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soudamask · 5 years
does gundam or kazuichi have other hobbies? like other than their ultimates
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((I also have a pic with them together cause it looks nice I think!))
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