#also dragons ARE big scaly cats & i Will die on this hill tyvm
tyrseward · 4 years
this just in: local fic writer cannot stop thinking about this post he made & has decided to make it canon to line in the sand. the concept will be in the fic, but this scene in particular will likely not, as i am still working things out for the dragons in this fic... but it’s still a fun little thing so i thought i’d share :) 
kyrsess is the green dragon pictured in my icon, size is not accurate to what’s written here (was drawn before i decided to bring more dragons into this story)
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“Wait,” Merlin says, brows furrowed as he glances between Kilgharrah and Kyrsess. “If you’re barely an adult, how are you so much larger than Kilgharrah?”
Kyrsess’ lips quirk into something Merlin imagines must be a smile, and she watches Kilgharrah with bright, mischievous eyes.
“I am...” Kilgharrah says, with clear reluctance, “quite smaller than the average dragon.”
Oh. Merlin bites his lip, doing his very best to not burst into laughter. Though, Kyrsess’ full-body wiggle makes that difficult.
“Indeed,” she agrees, “my parents were closer to average size, and I still have a few years left of growing before I reach that point.”
“That’s...” he pauses, takes a deep, slow breath beneath the heat of Kilgharrah’s glare. “That is very interesting information.”
“I’m sure,” Kilgharrah responds, then stalks off, head held high. As though trying to appear taller.
Merlin breaks, muffling his giggles into his jacket sleeve. Beside him, Kyrsess looks far too pleased with herself.
“He’s quite tiny, really,” she adds, with another full-body wiggle.
He wheezes.
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