#also drake bell discourse gets an instant block
sage-nebula · 2 months
Look, I grew up watching Nickelodeon in the 90s. I remember when Amanda Bynes joined All That and had her Ask Ashley segments. I followed her to The Amanda Show. I loved Kenan and Kel and can't look at orange soda without thinking about Kel Mitchell. I never did watch Drake and Josh because it started just after I stopped watching the network, but I did know Drake because of TAS and so many of the Nicktoons have stuck with me over the years. So I get it, okay? I get it. I was a '90s Nick Kid. I was before iCarly and Victorious, but I was there for Figure It Out and Kenan and Kel and Double Dare and Legends of the Hidden Temple, and of course, The Amanda Show. That was, as they say, my childhood.
But listen to me. It is fucking ghoulish to take a picture of the cast of All That or The Amanda Show, throw a filter on it, and plaster a message on it about how you want your childhood back, tagged "Quiet on Set." What kind of sewer troll do you have to be, to watch a documentary about child stars who were abused and sexually assaulted and think, "I hate that it happened because now I can't enjoy those shows anymore :("
I mean, seriously? Are you for real? What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Your precious childhood memories are worth NOTHING compared to the literal trauma and torture those children suffered, do you hear me? For you to walk away from that documentary making twee little edits about how ~your childhood is ruined~ when the primary subject of the documentary was sexually tortured as a child almost every day for six months . . . you need to get your head out of your ass and get reacquainted with what it is to be a decent human being. Because that really is ghoulish behavior. "Quiet on Set" is not about you and your precious childhood. And for the Cartoon Network or Disney watchers out there, it's not JUST about Nickelodeon, either. It's about the abuses faced by child stars across the industry and how few protections exist for them, how we adults have failed them, how we need to shed light on this so something can be done.
But stop making those self-centered edits, you fucking ghouls. Have some fucking decency, for fucksake.
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