#also eliphas doesnt nesseccary have to be to blame
moonlit-orchid · 2 years
So Eliphas has been decided by us to be Astral's father, but I think it might actually be someone else.
The reason I think he isn't Astral's father is because he endangered him. Eliphas comes across as being more of a possesive parent, and I think he would imprision his child to keep them away from chaos rather than throwing them into the chaos.
So who is his father?
I think it might actually Don Thousand.
Buckle up, because this is gonna get long.
I read someone's post somewhere saying that Astral was created in the imagine of Don (although I can't remember much of it) and I think this could be true, but I'm taking it a step further. I'm saying Don is Astral's biological father.
I know Astral is supposed to have been 'artificially created', but we don't have much proof of that. It's just Eliphas's word. He was wrong about chaos, why should be assume he was telling the truth about this? As for Astral's birth scene, I'll get to that later.
So, why can we assume Astral is Don's son, or at least created in his image?
Well, Astral has more in common with Don than with Eliphas. Eliphas seems to have a hotter temperment, considering how quickly he raged at Yuma, while both Astral and Don keep relatively cool. Also, Don and Astral have similar styles of operating. Both of these characters don't duel themselves, but they still remain in the action, in the background with their respective partners doing the physical dueling. Also, neither want to duel until they are sure they can win, with Astral outright saying so early on (although he later overcomes this). Don also doesn't duel until he has the power to completely rewrite the duel, making him sure of winning (until the unexpected occured and Eliphas died to finish it). Compare this to Eliphas who never actually went out to duel, and only dueled a literal child.
Also, there's the fact that Eliphas sent Astral, someone who is undeniably closer to childhood than adult hood, to fight Don Thousand. Like I said, he wouldn't want to endanger his own spawn, but on the other hand, it would be the perfect sort of irony to send Don's own son against him. As his enemy.
This is where Astral's birth scene fits in. How do we know that this was Astral's actual birth? Astral himself calls it his birth, but what if that's because it's the first thing that he recalls? If Eliphas had erased his memories and then let him out of the crystal, like he had planned too, maybe he would assumed that was his birth too. What I think was that that was Eliphas 'purifying' him, of sorts. Reforming him, changing him, so he can be his soldier. And erasing his family memories to make sure Astral will destroy Don instead of trying to save him.
My idea of the backstory is that Don was ruling with Eliphas, however Eliphas hated chaos/felt it was a threat. Either to prove him wrong, or Eliphas trying to prove himself right, Don ended up absorbing too much chaos, becoming into the unfeeling monster we know. Then, Eliphas decided the best person to take on Don would be his own child, probably because Astral would have inherited whatever made Don a threat, and so he took Astral and took control of him to make him into the perfect soldier, even causing bodily harm to him to ensure he never rebelled.
It's probably also why Astral doesn't even have a name unique to himself. If he ever thought of himself as an individual, he might have wondered about his family, and worked out who he was.
Also Ena is definetly his mom. I mean, she was crying when Yuma saved Astral and said so (granted it was in the dub and in the sub she just says 'thank you' but we all know why)
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