#also even if im obsessed with other stuff stocean is NEVERRR leaving my brain…. ill always discuss it rest assured….
cuntstable · 4 months
I know you're currently obsessed with Dunmeshi, but there's an aspect about Stocean I really can't get over...
Jotaro is such a shitty father. I don't give a damn if he cares about his daughter so much, I literally can't imagine him as a good father if he wasn't absent. If Jolyne had gotten to deck him at least once in the story, maybe I would've forgiven him. The fact that there are SOOOO many JoJo fans who defend Jotaro being an absent father makes me go nuts. Maybe it's because I have trauma relating to my own father but still. Jotaro, (a.k.a Mr. Misogyny himself), truly doesn't deserve an amazing daughter like Jolyne.
I still love Stocean mind you, but Christ I don't care how tragic the Kujo family is, Jolyne deserves a better dad.
yeah i feel like a lot of jojo fans DO struggle to accept that even if jotaro did do it out of what he believed were Good reasons he still deeply hurt and scarred jolyne by abandoning her. like ultimately his intentions are secondary to the very real trauma and pain he caused his daughter. thats the real tragedy, and jolyne ultimately forgiving him doesnt absolve him of that mistake
im a bit conflicted on the story aspect of it because on the other hand jolyne gaining peace with her childhood and her relationship with her father after learning his reasons for leaving is i think a really beautiful and touching character development moment for her. it also fits the theme of Memory in stocean, since its effectively her recontextualizing her memories of her father and of her abandonment and thus gaining strenght from them. but i DO also really wish we had gotten more of her being angry and conflicted about it before finding peace with that fact. i can personally definitely relate to how hurt and angry she was when jotaro first visited her in jail (mr. misogony father 2…..) but the switch between her hating him and forgiving him feels very fast considering the lifetime of pain between them. like i wish araki had let her express that anger and sadness more
also i AGREE that its a bit dumb how a lot of jojo fans swear that if it wasnt for jotaro leaving because of the stand stuff and his trauma with losing his loved ones to it he would have been a good dad. like be serious……. hes still an incredibly emotionally distant and emotionally constipated man who clearly has a Not Great way of showing affection for his loved ones (with holly for example, he loves his mom more than anything in p3 but still cant openly accept affection from her or show it in return), not to mention his misogony….. like theres no world where jotaros and jolynes relationship would have been perfect or uncomplicated, and i think thats a part of their tragedy and what makes jolyne such a sad yet strong character
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