#also for some terrifying reading look up the therac 25 machine!!!
bringmefoxgloves · 1 year
saw x possible spoilers
Thank you Star ( @starlightsailfish​ ) for getting the screencap, and all the Sawtuals for listening to my infodump on radiation incidents in Mexico! 
But this particular trap? The one for the woman who faked being cured? She’s being exposed to a radiation therapy unit. 
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You can just see the arm of it, down below, turned upside down. Right side up, an older model could look like this:
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I believe the glow of the orange is from radioactive decay. Exposure to unshielded radiation, which as most people already know, creates terrible burns from weaker short exposure, and unrecoverable sickness and burns that lead to death from powerful exposure. Either way, she’s in for a rough time.
Based on the real life history of radiation therapy units becoming incidents of widespread contamination (The Ciudad Juárez cobalt-60 incident and the 1962 Mexico City radiation accident come to mind) from being not so closely guarded or maintained, (in Mexico itself, no less!) I think it is absolutely possible for John Kramer to get his hands on a unit, if not from the practice that deceived him, for curing his cancer. Which these units are used to treat. 
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