#also for the sofa vs window question i do both daily
retrogradedreaming · 3 years
Heya I’m back!
Okay so, here’s a bunch from the valentines asks so, don’t feel like ya have to answer them all unless ya feel like it:
3, 8, 20, 31, 42 lmao, 46, 50
Hope you’re having a great day!
lskdfjdskl thank you for sending so many, hell yeah i'm gonna answer them all!!!
3. favorite love song?
oh this is hard because i don't really like a lot of love songs. so hang on while i look through my spotify for something i've saved.
okay i'm back and after scrolling through 200 songs i found that i only saved like 2 love songs (if you'd even call them that), so i'll say:
difficult by peppermint ollie
feel good by gryffin, illenium, daya
appalachian wine by eleventyseven
8. favorite fanfic trope?
hurt/comfort!!! i like it broadly but i'm also just a sucker for sickfic (as long as it's not like...a stomach thing. can't handle those unless i'm in a very controlled headspace). there's just something about one character caring for another when they're really vulnerable like that and in a state where they're just not having a good time, not at their best...like, a lot of people don't want someone to see them when they're not feeling well, and i really like fics where a sick character shows this side of themself to someone who cares about them and receives love even though they don't feel lovable in that moment. i could go on about this trope until the end of time, i just love it so much.
putting the rest under a cut because it got long!!
20. sweetest romantic memory?
ugh okay i know i have a lot of them because @nycorix and i have been together for over 8 years now but every time someone asks i blank because i don't always pick up on romantic stuff and a lot of mundane things are very romantic and lovely to me. but honestly, it's just kind of a bunch of collective things. we were long distance for years before we lived together and when we'd visit (they lived in indiana and i was in massachusetts), we'd start the night in separate beds because we weren't out and then when everyone else was asleep, we'd go to bed at like 3am and sleep in a twin bed huddled together. we'd savor the time we spent going to anime cons because it was the only time we got to sleep in a king or queen bed and be able to be open about it because neither of us was out to our families. things they did like writing a whole travel itinerary for me the first time i traveled alone to see them. making chocolate for them for valentine's day (even when it got smushed on the plane and turned into a giant turd). little things like that all add up for me, so there's no one thing i consider MOST romantic.
31. guitar or piano?
piano! my pepere used to play the piano so beautifully, and i have several of his cds. he composed his own music, and one of his pieces is named after me. at christmas, i usually try to listen to his christmas cd at least once. he always played at the big family christmas party and everyone danced in the living room, and it was always everyone's favorite part of the evening. piano is relaxing to me, and sometimes it's the only music i can listen to that lets me focus. i like listening to other pianists, too, but pepere's music is special.
42. do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?
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46. favorite liquor?
i don't drink, so i don't really have a favorite. i do like some - rumchatta and kahlua are my favorites, if i have to choose - but i can't even remember the last time i had alcohol, and i don't like it in general
50. what's your dream house?
at this point, something that isn't attached to other people's houses. i live in a condo, and i really just want to live in a house where i don't hear my neighbor's stereo system vibrating the place at 11pm. but dream house....i like cape style homes, two floors, somewhere that has a lot of privacy but isn't totally cut off from other people. also, a yard for my dog. also, it isn't my dream house, but i think it'd be so cool to live in an old mansion. i'd probably hate it and i'd never be able to keep it clean and i'd get lost in my own house but imagine being able to hide from people so thoroughly, like you have a party and you don't even have to interact or hear it because you're in the other wing. idk, my real dream house is just something big enough to separate me from other people if i want to be alone but small enough that i can be cozy.
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