#also friendly reminder that clippers are good to have and if you maintain them they basically pay for themselves if you just use those to
bitegore · 2 years
this is referencing something entirely else but in theory i would love to buzz people's hair in exchange for like. dinner or something or even just Hanging Out. i can do a decent job with a pair of clippers and i love making sure my friends don't have to spend money on things and i own clippers
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petnews2day · 2 years
'I look exactly like my dog - strangers stop me in the street to say we're twins'
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'I look exactly like my dog - strangers stop me in the street to say we're twins'
Harriet Harper, 28, from Didsbury, Greater Manchester, didn’t realise how similar her and toy poodle Boo looked until she brought her home – now strangers remind her of their matching appearance on a daily basis
It was a complete coincidence (
Image: Harriet Harper)
They say dogs look like their owners – and for this duo the phrase certainly rings true.
Harriet Harper, 28, gets told by strangers every time she leaves the house that she looks just like her dog.
Though it’s no surprise when you see the pair together.
Toy poodle Boo has beautiful red-haired curls, just like her owner – yet Harriet says she didn’t even realise the resemblance when she bought her.
Harriet told The Mirror : “It didn’t go through my mind once – I’m in shock myself. When I got home and looked at us both in the mirror, I realised OMG we’re the same.”
Harriet’s hair is naturally ginger and curly (
Harriet Harper)
She didn’t clock they were matching (
Harriet Harper)
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Harriet, from Didsbury, Greater Manchester, welcomed tiny puppy Boo into her home when she was two-months old.
Their uncanny resemblance was a complete coincidence, Harriet reassures.
“It wasn’t intentional, I just really liked red poodles – I thought they were gorgeous,” she said.
“I get comments every day from people saying ‘you look just like your dog’.
“When someone walks passed us in the street, I now expect them to whisper ‘she’s got the same hair as her dog’.
Strangers often stop them in the street (
Harriet Harper)
She expects to hear whispers about their hair (
Harriet Harper)
“Family and friends say we look alike too, and Mum calls us the two gingers.”
Harriet also admits to having similar personalities, with both of them “enjoying their own separate space and time together”.
The dog groomer and actress says: “We are naturally very identical.”
Boo’s beautiful red-haired curls are completely natural – and so are Harriet’s.
The pair have similar personalities too (
Harriet Harper)
Though it’s potentially caused them rejection in the past.
“We’ve auditioned for pet adverts together before, and sometimes I think the reason we didn’t get the job is because we look so stereotypically alike,” Harriet says.
“It’s almost not realistic – but she really is just my dog.”
The dinky 19-month-old pup weighs 3.5kg and is the “smallest in her litter”, but Harriet thinks she’s perfect.
“She was meant to be miniature poodle size but didn’t grow like her brothers and sisters,” she said.
Actress Harriet has been turned down for looking too alike (
Harriet Harper)
Their resemblance is almost unbelievable (
Harriet Harper)
“Though many people mistake her for a cockapoo due to her teddy bear appearance.”
Harriet describes Boo as extremely playful, friendly and sociable.
“She wants to be everyone’s best friend. She likes to pick and choose her affectionate moments, but you’ll always see her playing with a toy,” Harriet said.
“She’s not one to sit around and thinks it’s hilarious to nip at my feet as I walk up the stairs.”
Harriet has been a dog groomer for three years and recently started up her own business POOCH Bespoke Dog Styling in Manchester.
Toy poodle Boo is Harriet’s favourite client (
Harriet Harper)
“Boo has turned out to be a very good business partner because people often ask where I get her groomed,” Harriet said.
“To maintain Boo’s Asian Fusion style, she takes a lot of upkeep. I give her a bath, tidy and brush out once a week – she’s a high-maintenance puppy.
“She throws a tantrum in the bath like any child when you say ‘bath time’ but absolutely adores being styled on the table with scissors and clippers.”
You can keep up-to-date with Harriet and Boo on her Instagram and Facebook page @pooch_bespoke_styling.
Do you have a dog story to sell? Email [email protected].
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avecorviidae · 5 years
Fic: Aubade - Chapter Two
Fandom: Mob Psycho 100 Rating: M Relationship(s): Kageyama Ritsu/Suzuki Shou Word Count: 4828
Ao3 Link
Spirits and Such hasn’t changed much. It’s never, in Ritsu’s memory, been dirty, per-se. Well, alright, it’s been battered, wrecked, and burnt to the ground, but it’s never been grimy. Just… a little run-down. The walls are a shade of beige that Ritsu thinks might have been white once, the laminate tiles of the floor are uneven and scuffed all to hell, and there’s always something that’s jury-rigged, a bedsheet functioning as a curtain, or a dictionary shoved under an uneven table leg. A faint smell of smoke lingers in the air, despite Reigen kicking his habit for the most part. The building has its fair share of dings and dents as well. “Did you know there’s a hole in that wall?” He can’t really stop himself from asking. He’s been staring at it for about the last seven minutes, seeing as that’s about the only direction that Teru is allowing him to look. It’s not huge–probably only about the size of a golf ball, if you were to measure it. He keeps finding himself zoning out in its direction, though, a miniature black hole marring the otherwise uniform plaster. Teru makes a noncommittal hmm noise close to his ear as he leans down to snip at some stray hairs. He’s entered into a mode of pure concentration, one that Ritsu can only equate to when he’s reading a good book. In other words, Teru is more or less lost to the world. Mob, on the other hand, looks up from his phone in the direction that Ritsu is facing. “Oh, right,” he nods when he notices it. “A client was angry with Shishou, so he threw a stapler.” Ritsu moves to look fully at Mob, but a sharp tap on the side of his head reminds him to keep looking straight ahead, so he ends up directing his incredulous look at the hole in the wall. “He threw a stapler… at the wall? Not at Reigen?”
“Well, he was standing over there at the time. He was performing an exorcism.”
Ah, well that explains it. Teru, rummaging through his little hairdressing kit balanced on a nearby stool, glances over at Mob. “Speaking of that hole, when’s it getting fixed? Reigen said he was going to plaster it up months ago.” He finally comes up with a little black piece of plastic, which he fits to the head of the cordless clippers. He tilts Ritsu’s head forward, ordering, “Look down, please.” The ground is a welcome reprieve from the hole. Ritsu follows the path of a spider across the floor with his eyes while Teru takes the clippers to the back of his head.  
“He’s going to fix it,” Mob says earnestly, “He bought the plaster and everything! He just hasn’t had the time.” “Sure,” Teru says airily, “Just like he’s already bought oil for the door and a new latch for the window. All we’ve got now is a hardware store in our desk drawers, a hole in the wall, a door that sounds like the screams of the dying, and a window that’s held closed with duct tape, rope, and prayer.” He dusts some stray clippings off of the back of Ritsu’s neck and runs his fingers through the long hair at the top of his head. He grabs a few strands and starts to play around with them, flipping his bangs from one side to the other, pulling them back from his forehead altogether.  “Are you sure you won’t let me do anything different? I swear, Ritsu, half a decade` I’ve known you and you’ve never had any fun with this mop.” Ritsu sighs, batting Teru’s hand away. “You mean I’ve never let you have any fun with it?” Teru comes around to stand in front of him, crossing his arms and scrunching his face into a ridiculous pout. “Exactly! There’s only so much that I can do to myself, and Mob won’t let me do anything with his either. I swear, you two really are brothers.”
Well, he’s certainly pushed the limits of what he can do to his own hair, Ritsu thinks, glancing over Teru’s haircut. It’s longer than Ritsu remembers, with the blonde strands braided along his head and pulled into a bun at the top of his head, but the entire lower half seems to have been shaved close to the scalp, and there are little designs and patterns buzzed into the undercut. It’s certainly not the weirdest that Ritsu’s seen out of him, but it’s probably the most elaborate. “I liked the haircut you gave me,” Mob volunteers hesitantly, “I just… prefer this one. It’s simpler.” It had actually barely been different, Ritsu remembers, Teru had just shaved his undercut a little closer and changed his parting so that it was less of a uniform line down his forehead. Ritsu suspects that at least part of Mob’s discomfort with it had to do with the fact that people kept mistaking him for Ritsu when he forgot to brush it down. “Exactly,” Ritsu agrees. “This is easy to maintain.” He’s spent most of his life being able to roll out of bed without touching his hair, moreso now that he’s not living with a mother telling him to comb his hair all the time, and it’s a lifestyle he’d like to be able to continue. Life is hard enough without having to spend energy on styling that nonsense every morning. Teru rolls his eyes and mutters something as he turns to pack up his clippers, but it’s good-natured, the fond sort of grumbling that he adopts around Ritsu and Mob. When Reigen arrives, they’re all cleaning up the office, shoving the stool and the hair kit back into their rightful places and dragging out the ancient, barely functional vacuum cleaner in order to hoover up the piles of black hair scattered around the floor. They’ve been bickering about lunch for about the last three minutes, which is about enough time for Ritsu and Teru to have turned it into a full-on friendly shouting match, half to match the volume of the vacuum cleaner, and half because Ritsu has a deep moral objection to eating at any establishment that’s calling its food ‘experimental’.
Ritsu actually doesn’t notice him entering until he loudly clears his throat, making the room fall silent for just a moment before there’s a discordant mixture of greetings, a bright “Shishou!” from Mob, a slightly sheepish “Hey, Dad,” from Teru, and Ritsu gets caught somewhere in between, a weird mixture of ‘Reigen’ and ‘Dad that comes out as more of a general greeting sound that’s lost in the noise of the room.
Reigen just sighs as he strolls into the room, one hand in his pocket and the other ready to reach up and pull Ritsu into a one-armed hug. It’s a little awkwardly positioned, due to Ritsu being a bit taller than Reigen, but he still leans into it, letting Reigen reach up to ruffle his hair as he says, “Hey, looking good, kid! Not too shabby at all.” Ritsu steps out of the hug, before Reigen ends up sending any stray hair clippings flying. “Wow, thanks, I look exactly the same as I always do” he says, and it’s meant to be deadpan but he can’t stop himself from laughing just a little. Reigen claps a hand on his shoulder, saying, “Nah, I mean you don’t look very dead inside for someone who just took finals. I remember college, kiddo. It’s not a fun time.” Ritsu bites back any number of retorts ranging from Didn’t you drop out of college in your first semester? To I always look dead inside, instead settling on, “Dad, tell Teru that we’re going for Ramen.” He’s long gotten over the embarrassment of accidentally calling Reigen ‘dad’. It was inevitable, considering how often they’ve all being doing it since they were in middle school. By this point, he’s learned the strategic advantages of doing it on purpose. Case in point: it’s a surefire way to get him on your side in an argument. Reigen squints at Teru. “As opposed to?” Teru gets about three sentences into his explanation of his strange, obscure, trendy restaurant before Reigen cuts him off. “Mob, is the food there any good?” Teru’s taste in food famously cannot be trusted, whereas Mob has proven to be decent, though he’s pretty easy to please. He’s usually the deciding factor in these decisions, and any argument beforehand is just for the sake of routine. Mob hesitates, clearly caught between being honest with Reigen and not hurting Teru’s feelings. He eventually seems to decide on, “Their milk was nice…” and Ritsu’s guessing it’s probably the only neutral statement he can actually make about the place without lying. Reigen claps his hands with the air of authority and finality that’s basically the only thing that puts him in charge of this business, and says, “Alright, ramen it is!”
Something is up, and Mob is in on it. Ritsu’s not sure it’s a bad thing, but it’s definitely a secret from him specifically, because Teru keeps shooting him these knowing looks, and he’s trying to send conspiratorial grins in Mob’s direction, but his brother has stuck to Reigen’s other side, half hiding behind him, clearly trying to avoid eye contact. Reigen seems oblivious to the whole thing, but then again, you could never really tell with him.
Still, if it were something negative, Mob would probably look a lot more stressed, so Ritsu decides to leave it be. Despite how reserved he can be with his emotions, in many respects Mob does and always has worn his heart on his sleeve, and even if Ritsu hadn’t been able to read his brother’s emotions easily, it would probably be a simple matter to tell if he were upset or guilty. They probably make an odd group, walking down the street. Ritsu and Mob are on either side of Reigen, taking up most of the sidewalk, so the obvious solution for Teru is apparently to take a few steps forward and walk backwards so that he’s facing them. Reigen and Mob have warned him every time he’s almost bumped into poles, boxes, assorted street junk, or a dog, but Ritsu is keeping quiet, mainly because the pure comedy factor of Teru falling flat on his ass would be a beautiful, beautiful thing. Also, if he were on the ground, Ritsu wouldn’t have to look at that shirt anymore.
It’s a decently styled shirt, sure, loose and wavy where it’s tucked into his high-waisted jeans and hanging off of one shoulder, and Ritsu thinks it might look like soft material, or at least, it would if it wasn’t neon fucking yellow. The glare of the sun off of the damn thing is enough to make them all squint at Teru as he talks, telling some story about one client or another, throwing his arms out as he trots backwards (and almost hitting a streetlight with his hands about every ten seconds) and messing with the brim of his cap about as much as Reigen plays with his tie.
It’s a quick walk, since they’re just going to the nearest ramen place to the office, and it’s a relief to step out of the rapidly warming morning sun and into the cool shade of the building. Teru immediately slides into the booth next to Mob, so Ritsu ends up elbow to elbow with Reigen, once more staring Teru’s atrocity of a shirt right in the face.
Once they’ve ordered, Reigen says, “‘Fraid I can’t stay too long, I’ve got an exorcism in an hour or so.” Teru’s been typing on his phone since they sat down, with Mob resting his chin on his shoulder in order to read off of his screen. “That’s fine,” he says lightly, not looking up from the screen, “we were just going to take a walk around town anyways.” Ritsu raises an eyebrow at him. “We were?” “Yep! You need a new shirt.” Ritsu looks down at the shirt he’s wearing. He’d grabbed a white, kind of blue-ish button-up from his closet, basically the kind of thing that he could throw on comfortably and still technically be dressing like an ‘adult’. It wasn’t exactly a new shirt, but it wasn’t dirty or in disrepair, so he doesn’t really see why he’d need a new one�� and knowing Teru, he’ll probably try to stick Ritsu in something neon, florally patterned, or both. Mob glances up to smile at Reigen. “Be careful, Shishou. Call us if you need any help.” Ritsu snorts quietly. You mean if it turns out to actually be a spiritual thing? Reigen nods, putting on his air of adult authority as he says, “Of course! I’ll probably be fine, though. It didn’t seem like something particularly dangerous.” Because you’re such a brilliant judge of that.
He feels his phone buzzing in his back pocket, and shuffles around in the booth until he can pull it out to look at it. FROM: YOUR FAVORITE ;) WHY ARE CHILDREN LOUD THIS KID HAS BEEN SCREAMING FOR LIKE AN HOUR RITSU WHY
TO: YOUR FAVORITE ;) No you dont Everyone within a 5 mile radius knows your problems FROM: YOUR FAVORITE ;) SHHHHHHH LET ME COMPLAIN
FROM: YOUR FAVORITE ;) NO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Teru snaps his fingers under Ritsu’s eyes. “Oi, stop smiling at your phone and agree with me already!” Ritsu narrows his eyes. “About?” “Kale.” “No.”
Ritsu shoves the hanger, shirt and all, back into Teru’s arms. Teru fruitlessly tries to push it on him again. “Come on, Ritsu, it suits you perfectly!” Ritsu pinches the bridge of his nose, reaching out to lean on the clothes rack for support. “Okay, one: yellow. Two: elbow patches.”
They’ve been in this store for about half an hour and they’ve already had this exchange upwards of ten times. Ritsu had learned after the first time not to try on everything Teru handed to him, but Mob is somehow still falling for the “We won’t know until you put it on!” speil, and well. Ritsu has a few moral standards, but he isn’t above taking pictures. He’s sent a few of the choice ones, including one shirt that seemed to be made out of woven strips of plastic bag, and a pair of pants that were just straight up bell-bottoms, to Shou, and has received various levels of incoherent gibberish in response.
Mob, helping to sift through the clearance rack, holds up another hanger. “Oh… this is nice?” Teru glances over. “Let’s see it, then!” He brings it over to them, holding the sweater up for Teru’s inspection. It looks… not too bad, actually. It’s a light, faded shade of green, nothing like the abrasive primary colors that Teru has been shoving in his face all day, and it looks comfortable. Teru reaches out and pinches the hem between his fingers. “Is this…? Oooh, cashmere! This is clearance?” He takes the hanger from Mob and hands it to Ritsu. “Put this on.” For once, Ritsu actually agrees, so he starts towards the changing rooms, but only makes it a couple of steps before Teru snags him by the elbow. “No no no,” he corrects, “I mean over your shirt.” Ritsu raises an eyebrow, but complies. “Alright…?” It’s soft as sin, and it looks warm, but it’s thin and light enough that even in the middle of summer, the heat isn’t overbearing or too uncomfortable. Teru walks around him slowly, scanning him up and down with a thoughtful expression. He steps into Ritsu’s space and starts fussing with the him, pulling the collar of his dress shirt out to the front and reaching under to untuck his shirt so that it pokes out from under the hem of the sweater. He smooths the fabric over Ritsu’s shoulders and takes a few steps back, looking over him again before scrunching the sleeves of the sweater up to his elbows and rolling up the sleeves of the dress shirt over them. It actually makes the heat quite a bit better. Teru gives a satisfied nod. Mob smiles at him. “That suits you, Ritsu.” Teru walks around him, and Ritsu feels him tugging on the price tag at the back of his neck. “Oooh, cheap too.” Ritsu pulls it over his head, agreeing, “Yeah, I like it. It’s the only thing I’m buying though, alright? I’m not exactly made of money here.” His parents still send him a monthly allowance for meals and such, and he still has some money saved from the last time he’d helped out at Spirits and Such on a job, but he still prefers to be careful with his spending. Mob and Teru stay over by the clearance rack while he’s in the checkout line, and he can see them both hunched over Teru’s phone, talking to each other hurriedly. Teru grabs the phone from Mob’s hands and starts to make a call, but Ritsu can’t try to catch any more of what’s going on before he’s reached the front of the line. It takes probably less than two minutes to finish buying the sweater, but by the time he walks back over, Teru’s already hung up. “Who was that?” “Nobody important,” Teru says, far too hurriedly. “Really.” Ritsu raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. Apropos of absolutely nothing, Mob comments, “We should get ice cream.” Teru pounces on the idea with an enthusiasm that makes Ritsu think that something is definitely about to happen. He manages to sweep the three of them out of the door, get Ritsu to put his new sweater back on, offer to pay for everyone’s cones, and get them walking towards the nearby ice cream place before Ritsu can even register that it’s happening.
The conversation drifts around as they walk, from some of the weirder clients Mob and Teru have gotten at Spirits and Such, to the most annoying little shits Ritsu has ever had the displeasure to sit next to during a lecture, but as the ice cream place comes into view, they switch to flavors.
Mob is, with dairy products, by and large without a flavor preference and almost always chooses vanilla, so he’s mostly excluded from this discussion. Well, less discussion, more Teru telling Ritsu about unusual flavors and Ritsu being boring and judging him for it. “Kiwi.” “Eugh, what? Why? Who took a look at a fucking kiwi and decided to make it into ice cream? That’s so unnecessary.” “It’s good, though.” Ritsu doesn’t even dignify that with a response, just gives him a look. They’ve been in the ‘obscure fruits’ vein for a while now. “I’ve got to say, I’m with Ritsu on this one,” Shou says as he falls into step on Ritsu’s other side, “Kiwis look like balls, dude.” Ritsu stops dead in his tracks, and the other three stop with him. About a thousand and one thoughts cycle through his head, and he wants to say how long have you been following us and wow I didn’t realize that I missed you until literally this exact moment and he wants to punch Teru in the fucking face because that smug grin says that this is what’s been going on all morning, and his brother’s little smile only corroborates, but he only manages to grit out, “You asshole,” before he grabs Shou into a hug and squeezes. Shou’s laughing at him, but he also immediately reciprocates, wrapping his arms around Ritsu’s waist and pressing his face into his chest. Come high school, Ritsu had grown. Shou… well, less so, enough that Ritsu can rest his chin on Shou’s head. It’s. Well, it’s a lot of things, almost tight enough to be uncomfortable and definitely a little too warm, and Shou’s hands, fisted in the back of his sweater, are definitely going to leave some crumples, but god, it’s nice, just to stay there. Mob says, “Ah, Teruki, they’re…” Teru laughs, saying, “Yeah, they sure are. Alright, you two, let’s go before your auras start being indecent.” Ritsu starts to say what’s that supposed to mean? But he gets distracted by Shou stepping out of his space quickly enough to leave Ritsu feeling unbalanced, but oh, and then he gets it because he can actually feel Shou’s aura clinging to him, indescribably warm in the way it sits on his shoulders, trails down his arms and threads through his fingers. It’s withdrawing fast though, following Shou as he steps back, running fingers through his hair and grumbling about gel and ruining his style. It leaves Ritsu feeling oddly cold, considering that the sun is beating down on them relentlessly. Ritsu’s pretty sure Shou’s hair was a hot mess even before the hug, and the rest of him is looking a little dishevelled as well, just something about the vaguely blurry way Shou’s blinking at them and the rumpled look of his clothes makes him think… “Did you just come straight from the airport?” It probably sounds more accusatory than he intended, but Shou looks dead-walking, with the beginnings of bags under his eyes and a slight sway to the way he’s standing. Ritsu doesn’t even know where he’s just come from, didn’t even know that he was coming. His face is tinged an angry pink, making the freckles on his cheeks stand out in stark contrast, and he’s wearing a red tank top that shows that the light sunburn trails down his shoulders as well.
Shou crosses his arms, laughing a little sheepishly. “Well, yeah. The plan was, I’d have time to go back to the house before we met up, but I got laid over big time in LAX, so I basically just got here.” Shou, who seems to have a deep seated moral objection to staying still for any length of time, starts to walk in the direction of the ice cream place again, and the rest of the group automatically starts to follow. He doesn’t so much walk in a straight line as he weaves, vaguely between Mob and Teru and then in front and behind them, but manages to end up back at Ritsu’s side, falling into step beside him easily for the rest of the short walk. As predicted, Mob gets vanilla. Shou gets one scoop of chocolate and one of vanilla, and Ritsu gets mint chocolate chip. Teru gets kiwi purely to spite him. They sit at a little white table outside of the shop, with a bright pink umbrella shading them. Teru had told off Shou for putting his feet up on the table, so he’s got them resting on Ritsu’s knee as he tells them all about the storms in New York, falling asleep in some other gate in LA, sprinting halfway across the airport to catch his flight.
Ritsu knows that all of this was probably pretty stressful at the time, and that travelling is kind of hell, but Shou always tells airport stories in this ridiculous way that leaves them all doubled over laughing, Teru’s loud snickering almost drowning out Mob’s giggles, muffled into the sleeve of his shirt. By the time Shou’s halfway through retelling his layover in LAX, Ritsu’s laughing so hard that all that’s coming out are near-silent wheezes, and he’s bent over at the waist, gripping at his burning stomach. When he can breathe again, he notices that Shou’s fallen silent, and looks up to see that he’s staring at him, this kind of soft, open smile that makes Ritsu grin back at him even as he’s asking, “What? Is there ice cream on my face?” Shou shakes his head slightly, says, “Nah, but look! I made you laugh!” He almost says These stories always make me laugh but Shou wouldn’t know that, would he? He wouldn’t really know that Ritsu always snorts every time Shou sends him a picture of something gross he found in an airport bathroom at three in the morning, or that he has to bite the back of his hand to stifle his laughter when he’s in lectures, staring down at his phone as Shou sends paragraph after paragraph complaining about the weird German guy he met in customs who kept offering him various and dubiously legal meat products.
Mob’s phone rings before Ritsu can say anything, and he gives a quiet “oh,” before putting it to his ear and saying, “Is everything alright, Shishou?” He’s silent for a few moments, listening, before he says, “Ah, I see. I can come. Yes, I’ll be there soon, text me the address. Please be careful.” Ritsu raises an eyebrow. “Spirit?” “Yeah.” Teru nods thoughtfully. “Well, that puts a bit of a wrench in our plans. Hmm…” He fiddles with his cap for a moment, considering. “Here’s the new plan: Mob and I go help Reigen with the exorcism, you two hang out, we all meet up for dinner. Sound good?” Ritsu shrugs, nodding in agreement. “Sure.” Everyone else follows suit, and as soon as Reigen texts them the address, Teru threads his fingers through Mob’s and the two set off at a brisk walk, with Shou shouting, “Tell Pops hi for me!” at their backs. Ritsu finally sucks up and asks the question that’s been eating at the back of his mind. “You’ll be able to tell him yourself, won’t you? I mean, depending on how long you’re in town.” Shou blinks at him once, twice, then says, “Oh! Right, no, yeah,” and it’s hard to tell because the umbrella has washed Shou in pink, but he looks almost embarrassed, and he thinks he might be blushing, “I’m back for good. There’s other business, and stuff, but I can do pretty much all of it online now.” He tries for a laugh and makes it most of the way, but it’s just a little shaky. “Modern technology, it’s pretty cool.” Ritsu finds himself breathing a sigh of relief and realizes that he’d been worried, that Shou was going to disappear again, show up in the country again and then go on another year-long trip, slipping out of his life like the threads of his aura slipping through Ritsu’s fingers. Because, it’s, well, it’s not like the texting and the calling and the Skyping wasn’t nice, but, well. They’d been practically attached at the hip since middle school, and this past year hasn’t been fun without him. He’ll still be a ten hour train ride away once Ritsu goes back to Grain City in a couple of weeks, but having him staying, living, in the country makes something nervous settle in Ritsu’s chest. “Oh, cool. So, you’re moving back into your mom’s old house?” Shou nods. “Yeah. I haven’t been back there, but it’s probably kinda gross now. It was never the nicest place to start with.” “It’s huge. Shou, it’s practically its own estate.” Shou’s eyebrows shoot up along with his arms, and he stands up, pacing as he answers. “Exactly!” There’s no way to fill up that many rooms! It always feels empty and weird, like there’s ghosts everywhere!” “You’re psychic, Shou, you would be able to see any ghosts.” Ritsu is leaning on the table, resting his chin on his palm and watching Shou bounce around with a bemused smile. Eventually he comes to a standstill, thumbs hooked in the belt loops of his washed out grey jeans. Somehow he’s managed to put away two scoops of ice cream and about half of Ritsu’s in less than half an hour, whereas Ritsu is still munching on the cone of his. “Wanna walk?” Shou says, and he’s been still for all of three seconds but he’s already bouncing on his toes. Ritsu stands as he shoves the last of his cone into his mouth. “Mhm,” he says, fixing his sweater and readjusting the sleeves. They start down a random street, without a real sense of direction, just like they’d done in school. Shou’s tempo only matches Ritsu for steps at a time before he’ll suddenly trot a few steps ahead, or get distracted staring at a shop window and drag behind, but it’s a comfortable rhythm, well established and easy to fall into. They walk in silence for a block or so, and Ritsu would usually wait for Shou to start the conversation, knowing he’ll take them down some strange, arbitrary philosophical track like ‘How scared shitless must the caveman who accidentally made the first fire have been? Wild,’ that’ll last them most, if not all, of their walk, but Ritsu has a jab he’s been meaning to make. “So, screaming children on planes, huh?” Shou stops dead on the sidewalk, burying his face in his hands and groaning from between his fingers. “Please, god, no, never again.”
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
The Best Cat Grooming Supplies for a Healthy Kitty
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For Cat People By Karen Anderson
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Not a substitute for professional veterinary help.
Our current kitties are pretty low maintenance. They get regular brushing to avoid hairballs, and Zoe requires a monthly pedicure. But when Max, our thick-coated Siberian, drooled all over his fluffy fur while recovering from dental surgery, I was sure glad we had some cat grooming supplies on hand. I grabbed a cat-friendly shampoo and gave poor Max a quick clean-up.
To help you gather your own stash of must-have cat grooming supplies, we’ve put together this list. It starts with the basics (brushes, combs, and tooth-cleaning supplies) and moves on to the nice-to-have items (nail clippers, shampoo, towel, and a variety of wipes for eyes and ears).
Of course, the challenge with some cats is to get them to accept these healthy and often necessary treatments. The experts suggest introducing your cat to grooming sessions as soon as possible after they join your household. Start by petting them and shift gradually into massaging, brushing, or combing. Add a few treats to make the sessions appealing. You’ll find plenty of tips in these articles on how to groom a cat and the best cat brushes.
VIA PIXABAY/David Zattarin
Tackling Baths, Tooth Care, and Fleas
While regular brushing is important, you’ll be relieved to hear that your cat does not need regular bathing! Certified Master Groomer Rose Silcox-Rither, the owner of Better Kitty in Seattle, reminds us that cats are desert creatures. They clean themselves, and washing may remove the natural oils their skin needs.
But what about the times that your kitty requires “spot cleaning” or gets in a real mess that might call for a real bath? (This is particularly true for older cats or cats who are seriously ill—or for a frightened cat who has a pooping accident in her carrier.)
You can handle it, but you’ll need to avoid bath soaps or human shampoos, which can irritate your cat’s skin. There are some great soap-free pet shampoos, but avoid pet products that contain essential oils (some essential oils are toxic to cats).
Silcox-Rither says you can always use Dawn dishwashing liquid, diluted. The unperfumed product is used to safely clean wild animals even more sensitive to chemicals than our domestic cats. “It gets out grease and dirt, and a little goes a long way,” she says. “Take a very wet washcloth with a little Dawn to clean the spot, and then use another wet washcloth to rinse.”
No discussion of grooming supplies would be complete without a mention of the basic (and inexpensive) flea comb. Use it to check for fleas and flea dirt, or to remove fleas. There is no need to panic if fleas turn up—but check out this article on the best flea treatments for cats.
Last, but not least, a few words about tooth cleaning. Dental care should have a regular place on your cat’s grooming schedule to remove plaque and bacteria and prevent the buildup of tartar. If your cat is up for it, you can try tooth brushing, using a special cat-size toothbrush and flavored pet toothpaste with pet-safe ingredients. If toothbrushing sessions are not going over well with your kitty, there are some alternatives. Silcox-Rither says it’s easier on the cat (and safer for your own fingers) if you give your cat special dental chew-treats (just one or two a day) or a use a drinking water additive that promotes dental health.
The Best Cat Grooming Supplies
Whether it’s a dental care session or an emergency shampooing, your grooming session with your kitty will go better if you have the right supplies. Here a list of gentle-but-effective brushes and combs, along with nail clippers, washing supplies, tooth cleaning gear, and wipes.
The inexpensive ZoomGroom from toy company Kong is the must-have tool for short- and medium-haired kitties. It’s a gentle rubber cat brush that will get your cat accustomed to being groomed. Use it to massage dirt and loose hair up to the surface—and to comb hair if your cat refuses to deal with other brushes or tools. Owners swear that even the most skeptical cat will warm to it.
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This cat-scale comb will make for a comfortable grooming experience. The teeth have rounded tips that prevent injury to the cat, and the rubber handle is easy to grip.
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This basic slicker cat brush is one of the cat grooming supplies you’ll reach for most often. It’s easy to use and comfortable for both the cat and the person doing the grooming. After you’ve removed dead hair and dirt with the rake, the slicker brush smooths fur and redistributes healthy oils, giving the coat an attractive sheen.
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This soft-bristled toothbrush for pets has a large and a small brush—you’ll want to use the smaller end for kittens and most cats. Gentle cleanings with this brush and a cat-specific toothpaste will keep your cat’s teeth healthy and help prevent painful gingivitis.
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When it comes to toothpaste, Virbac C.E.T. and Vetoquinal lead the field. This, and other food-flavored toothpaste, are for both cats and dogs—who knew they shared tastes?
This poultry-flavor toothpaste is designed to prevent the formation of plaque and people say their cats love the flavor (the actual brushing, not so much). If your kitty already has tartar issues, talk with your vet about the need for professional cleaning. And If your cat is averse to poultry, look for Virbac’s other flavors.
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In tempting flavors like salmon, catnip, and this roasted chicken, Greenies dental treats offer an easy and delicious way to maintain your cat’s dental health. (You have to wonder why they don’t make them for humans!)
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This concentrated water additive contains enzymes that work together to reduce odor-causing bacteria. Oratene reduces the formation of plaque biofilm by making the plaque water-soluble so it won’t attach to your cat’s teeth. For best results, shake well and add as directed to fresh water, daily.
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Certified Master Groomer Rose Silcox-Rither of the Seattle company Better Kitty says it’s understandable to be hesitant about trimming your cat’s claws. Still, want to give it a try? She recommends getting this type of inexpensive clippers specially designed for cat claws—not ones designed for dogs or humans. “The less fancy, the better,” she says.
These claw clippers are available in two sizes (small/medium is appropriate for most cats) and come with detailed instructions for use. The scissors shape and rubberized handles give you a good grip; semi-circular indentations in both blades allow you to see exactly where you going to cut.
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In some households, nail grooming includes applying glue-on nail caps for indoor cats with scratching issues. Some cats will adapt readily to them. Others don’t like it any more than getting their nails trimmed. If your kitty is a fan, these Soft Claws get great reviews.
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This scented shampoo is gentle on skin, but effective enough for spot cleaning a yucky mess. For cats (and people) less than thrilled about scents, Earthbath also makes fragrance-free shampoos.
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You probably don’t want to dry off a wet cat with one of your nice bath towels. An old towel will do, but these lightweight microfiber towels offer more absorbency, plus quick drying. Choice of two sizes.
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Clean up your cat’s sticky spots with these sturdy, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic grooming wipes. These moisturized wipes remove dander and dirt and are great for getting litter off those little paws.
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Banish eye goop! These pre-soaked sterile pads make it safe to gently remove dirt, grime, and bacteria around your cat’s eyes. The cleaning solution is soothing and non-stinging.
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These alcohol-free wipes are pre-soaked in a solution formulated to prevent and combat infections that can be caused by yeast, bacteria, and dirt build-up. If your cat (like mine) reacts to ear drops by shaking her head and getting most of the drops on you, this is an easier and neater ear-care solution!
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This inexpensive comb, ideal for short-haired cats, can be your first line of defense during spring and summer flea season. Use the soft flexible bristles on this plastic comb to gently coax any evidence of fleas from deep in your cat’s fur. Start with the wider teeth if your cat is wary of combing, then switch to the narrower teeth if necessary.
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Need a Cat Grooming Pro?
Need a professional to remove mats, clip claws, or give an elderly kitty a makeover? A groomer can now come to your house, equipped with a full complement of cat grooming supplies and tools! To learn more about the grooming services Rover now offers, please check out our groomers’ page. Enter your postal code to find grooming services in your area.
Further Reading
Feeling a little overwhelmed by the prospect of spiffing up your cat? Here are a few articles to inspire confidence.
Featured image via Pixabay/Сергей Корчанов
Karen Anderson is a writer at Rover. Before joining Rover, she was a writer and editor at Apple and a freelancer for companies including Cardiac Science, Houzz, the Home Owners Club, and the Seattle Times. Her hobbies are dancing, gardening, science fiction, and pet-sitting for friends and neighbors. She shares her house with a delightful clowder of quirky rescue cats.
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from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/the-best-cat-grooming-supplies-for-a-healthy-kitty/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/623434687729270784
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
The Best Cat Grooming Supplies for a Healthy Kitty
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For Cat People By Karen Anderson
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Not a substitute for professional veterinary help.
Our current kitties are pretty low maintenance. They get regular brushing to avoid hairballs, and Zoe requires a monthly pedicure. But when Max, our thick-coated Siberian, drooled all over his fluffy fur while recovering from dental surgery, I was sure glad we had some cat grooming supplies on hand. I grabbed a cat-friendly shampoo and gave poor Max a quick clean-up.
To help you gather your own stash of must-have cat grooming supplies, we’ve put together this list. It starts with the basics (brushes, combs, and tooth-cleaning supplies) and moves on to the nice-to-have items (nail clippers, shampoo, towel, and a variety of wipes for eyes and ears).
Of course, the challenge with some cats is to get them to accept these healthy and often necessary treatments. The experts suggest introducing your cat to grooming sessions as soon as possible after they join your household. Start by petting them and shift gradually into massaging, brushing, or combing. Add a few treats to make the sessions appealing. You’ll find plenty of tips in these articles on how to groom a cat and the best cat brushes.
VIA PIXABAY/David Zattarin
Tackling Baths, Tooth Care, and Fleas
While regular brushing is important, you’ll be relieved to hear that your cat does not need regular bathing! Certified Master Groomer Rose Silcox-Rither, the owner of Better Kitty in Seattle, reminds us that cats are desert creatures. They clean themselves, and washing may remove the natural oils their skin needs.
But what about the times that your kitty requires “spot cleaning” or gets in a real mess that might call for a real bath? (This is particularly true for older cats or cats who are seriously ill—or for a frightened cat who has a pooping accident in her carrier.)
You can handle it, but you’ll need to avoid bath soaps or human shampoos, which can irritate your cat’s skin. There are some great soap-free pet shampoos, but avoid pet products that contain essential oils (some essential oils are toxic to cats).
Silcox-Rither says you can always use Dawn dishwashing liquid, diluted. The unperfumed product is used to safely clean wild animals even more sensitive to chemicals than our domestic cats. “It gets out grease and dirt, and a little goes a long way,” she says. “Take a very wet washcloth with a little Dawn to clean the spot, and then use another wet washcloth to rinse.”
No discussion of grooming supplies would be complete without a mention of the basic (and inexpensive) flea comb. Use it to check for fleas and flea dirt, or to remove fleas. There is no need to panic if fleas turn up—but check out this article on the best flea treatments for cats.
Last, but not least, a few words about tooth cleaning. Dental care should have a regular place on your cat’s grooming schedule to remove plaque and bacteria and prevent the buildup of tartar. If your cat is up for it, you can try tooth brushing, using a special cat-size toothbrush and flavored pet toothpaste with pet-safe ingredients. If toothbrushing sessions are not going over well with your kitty, there are some alternatives. Silcox-Rither says it’s easier on the cat (and safer for your own fingers) if you give your cat special dental chew-treats (just one or two a day) or a use a drinking water additive that promotes dental health.
The Best Cat Grooming Supplies
Whether it’s a dental care session or an emergency shampooing, your grooming session with your kitty will go better if you have the right supplies. Here a list of gentle-but-effective brushes and combs, along with nail clippers, washing supplies, tooth cleaning gear, and wipes.
The inexpensive ZoomGroom from toy company Kong is the must-have tool for short- and medium-haired kitties. It’s a gentle rubber cat brush that will get your cat accustomed to being groomed. Use it to massage dirt and loose hair up to the surface—and to comb hair if your cat refuses to deal with other brushes or tools. Owners swear that even the most skeptical cat will warm to it.
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This cat-scale comb will make for a comfortable grooming experience. The teeth have rounded tips that prevent injury to the cat, and the rubber handle is easy to grip.
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This basic slicker cat brush is one of the cat grooming supplies you’ll reach for most often. It’s easy to use and comfortable for both the cat and the person doing the grooming. After you’ve removed dead hair and dirt with the rake, the slicker brush smooths fur and redistributes healthy oils, giving the coat an attractive sheen.
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This soft-bristled toothbrush for pets has a large and a small brush—you’ll want to use the smaller end for kittens and most cats. Gentle cleanings with this brush and a cat-specific toothpaste will keep your cat’s teeth healthy and help prevent painful gingivitis.
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When it comes to toothpaste, Virbac C.E.T. and Vetoquinal lead the field. This, and other food-flavored toothpaste, are for both cats and dogs—who knew they shared tastes?
This poultry-flavor toothpaste is designed to prevent the formation of plaque and people say their cats love the flavor (the actual brushing, not so much). If your kitty already has tartar issues, talk with your vet about the need for professional cleaning. And If your cat is averse to poultry, look for Virbac’s other flavors.
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In tempting flavors like salmon, catnip, and this roasted chicken, Greenies dental treats offer an easy and delicious way to maintain your cat’s dental health. (You have to wonder why they don’t make them for humans!)
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This concentrated water additive contains enzymes that work together to reduce odor-causing bacteria. Oratene reduces the formation of plaque biofilm by making the plaque water-soluble so it won’t attach to your cat’s teeth. For best results, shake well and add as directed to fresh water, daily.
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Certified Master Groomer Rose Silcox-Rither of the Seattle company Better Kitty says it’s understandable to be hesitant about trimming your cat’s claws. Still, want to give it a try? She recommends getting this type of inexpensive clippers specially designed for cat claws—not ones designed for dogs or humans. “The less fancy, the better,” she says.
These claw clippers are available in two sizes (small/medium is appropriate for most cats) and come with detailed instructions for use. The scissors shape and rubberized handles give you a good grip; semi-circular indentations in both blades allow you to see exactly where you going to cut.
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In some households, nail grooming includes applying glue-on nail caps for indoor cats with scratching issues. Some cats will adapt readily to them. Others don’t like it any more than getting their nails trimmed. If your kitty is a fan, these Soft Claws get great reviews.
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This scented shampoo is gentle on skin, but effective enough for spot cleaning a yucky mess. For cats (and people) less than thrilled about scents, Earthbath also makes fragrance-free shampoos.
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You probably don’t want to dry off a wet cat with one of your nice bath towels. An old towel will do, but these lightweight microfiber towels offer more absorbency, plus quick drying. Choice of two sizes.
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Clean up your cat’s sticky spots with these sturdy, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic grooming wipes. These moisturized wipes remove dander and dirt and are great for getting litter off those little paws.
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Banish eye goop! These pre-soaked sterile pads make it safe to gently remove dirt, grime, and bacteria around your cat’s eyes. The cleaning solution is soothing and non-stinging.
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These alcohol-free wipes are pre-soaked in a solution formulated to prevent and combat infections that can be caused by yeast, bacteria, and dirt build-up. If your cat (like mine) reacts to ear drops by shaking her head and getting most of the drops on you, this is an easier and neater ear-care solution!
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This inexpensive comb, ideal for short-haired cats, can be your first line of defense during spring and summer flea season. Use the soft flexible bristles on this plastic comb to gently coax any evidence of fleas from deep in your cat’s fur. Start with the wider teeth if your cat is wary of combing, then switch to the narrower teeth if necessary.
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Need a Cat Grooming Pro?
Need a professional to remove mats, clip claws, or give an elderly kitty a makeover? A groomer can now come to your house, equipped with a full complement of cat grooming supplies and tools! To learn more about the grooming services Rover now offers, please check out our groomers’ page. Enter your postal code to find grooming services in your area.
Further Reading
Feeling a little overwhelmed by the prospect of spiffing up your cat? Here are a few articles to inspire confidence.
Featured image via Pixabay/Сергей Корчанов
Karen Anderson is a writer at Rover. Before joining Rover, she was a writer and editor at Apple and a freelancer for companies including Cardiac Science, Houzz, the Home Owners Club, and the Seattle Times. Her hobbies are dancing, gardening, science fiction, and pet-sitting for friends and neighbors. She shares her house with a delightful clowder of quirky rescue cats.
The Dog People Newsletter
Sign up and get $25 off pet sitting and dog walking!
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/the-best-cat-grooming-supplies-for-a-healthy-kitty/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-best-cat-grooming-supplies-for.html
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petfashionweekblog · 5 years
10 Best Dog Clippers for Goldendoodles – Updated 2019 Guide
What are friendly, very clever, and have curly hair? The answer is simple – Goldendoodles. They are amazing family pets, and you can even train them to work as guide pooches or search and rescue hounds. But like all furry dogs, Goldendoodles need regular clipping and grooming in order to maintain their good looks and charm. So, the search for top quality dog clippers for Goldendoodles begins, especially for new dog parents. Don’t worry, we have done the hard work for you, all you have to do is choose a product that fits your budget.
  PetFashionweek's List of the 10 Dog Clippers for Goldendoodles Reviews Product Type Speed 1. Wahl Figura Equine Clippers Cordless One Speed View on Amazon 2. CEENWES Pet Clippers Cordless One Speed View on Amazon 3. Nicewell Cat Shaver Dog Clippers Cordless One Speed View on Amazon 4. Oneisall Dog Grooming Clippers Cordless One Speed View on Amazon 5. Wahl Bravura Lithium Clippers Cordless One Speed View on Amazon 6. Wahl Show Pro Plus Clippers Cord One Speed View on Amazon 7. Wahl Chromado Lithium Pet Clippers Cordless One Speed View on Amazon 8. Andis UltraEdge AGC2 Clippers Cord Two Speed View on Amazon 9. Wahl Motion Lithium Ion Clippers Cordless One Speed View on Amazon 10. Oster Golden A5 Clippers Cord One Speed View on Amazon
  Top 10 Dog Clippers for Goldendoodles Reviews
#1 Wahl Figura Equine Clippers
[img_products img_code="316PS0RQ59L" alt="Wahl Figura Equine Clippers" code="B0794PQZDJ" reviews="Check on Amazon"]
Wahl has once again proven their proficiency and commitment to pet care and grooming with the release of the new Wahl Figura Equine Clippers. This new model has a great new design that is beautifully balanced and very comfortable in the hand. The slim contoured design features side and top grip parts that allow for continuous hand placement during extended use. It has a 5-in-1 blade design that goes from #9, #10, #15, #30, to #40. You can easily adjust the blades when cutting sensitive parts without having to stop clipping. The design is quiet running; so, the blades don’t get too hot during use. You can do the entire body trim without having to worry about the blades heating up. [su_row] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Pros" box_color="#00bf08" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#00bf08"]
Lithium battery delivers more power and torque
You don’t have to worry about memory effect
5-in-1 blade system is highly versatile
Sufficient runtime and quick charge time
Contoured, slim housing is comfortable to handle
[/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Cons" box_color="#eb4923" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: ban" icon_color="#eb4923"]
May not perform well with matted hair
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#2 CEENWES Pet Clippers
[img_products img_code="61PLzNHcsgL" alt="CEENWES Pet Clippers" code="B07F1MV9DR" reviews="Check on Amazon"]
Do you want to change the looks of your Goldendoodle with a nice cut off? Look no further than the CEENWES Dog Grooming Kit Clippers. Comes with a stylish design that features golden and black colors. The contoured housing is not only chewed proof but also easy to grip and maneuver. The secret behind the cutting power of these clippers is the powerful motor. The motor delivers more power, torque, and speed. Not to mention that it is quiet running at 50 decibels. It comes with sharp but safe blades, which highly skin friendly for close cutting grooming. The precision clipping titanium blades won’t pull the hair of your Goldendoodle. The manufacturer also supplies you with Cleaning Brush, Slicker Brush, Comb, Stainless Steel Scissor and Nail Clipper. You can easily and quickly trim your dog. [su_row] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Pros" box_color="#00bf08" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#00bf08"]
Sharp and safe blade that won’t hurt the skin
Low noise and low vibration motor
Easy to handle and maneuver housing
Suitable for trimming sensitive parts
Adjustable blades allow you to cut at different lengths
[/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Cons" box_color="#eb4923" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: ban" icon_color="#eb4923"]
Blades may get hotter
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#3 Nicewell Cat Shaver Dog Clippers
[img_products img_code="61q7qrFPF6L" alt="Nicewell Cat Shaver Dog Clippers" code="B0719DVKG9" reviews="Check on Amazon"]
Are you searching for cordless clippers that are engineered to deliver the sharp and precise cuts that professionals demand? The Cat Shaver Dog Clippers by Nicewell is what you need. Comes with a high-performance motor that has impressed over two hundred pet parents. The motor only produces 55 to 65 decibels, which is remarkably quiet. The clippers come with ceramic and stainless blades that are sharp and safe to use. They provide snag-free clipping and fast hair removal. Unlike most conventional cordless clippers, the Nicewell are equipped with a li-ion battery that provides a runtime of one and a half hours for constant clipping. This model is equipped with four attachment combs (1/2, 3/8, 1/4, and 1/8) for different clipping lengths, and it does not cause cuts or pain. [su_row] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Pros" box_color="#00bf08" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#00bf08"]
Quiet running motor that produces low vibration
Charging indicator for monitoring battery status
Sharp and durable ceramic and stainless blades
Easy to navigate on/off button
Additional accessories and grooming tips available
[/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Cons" box_color="#eb4923" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: ban" icon_color="#eb4923"]
May loose battery juice faster
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#4 Oneisall Dog Grooming Clippers
[img_products img_code="71BEi6KsrML" alt="Oneisall Dog Grooming Clippers" code="B01HRSZRXM" reviews="Check on Amazon"]
You don’t always have to look for the big names on the market. Oneisall Dog Grooming Clippers provide superior performance at a budget friendly price tag. Your Goldendoodle will love the feeling of these clippers, thanks to the low noise, high performance motor, which delivers sufficient RPM for effective cutting. This unique design features a durable metal blade made of high carbon steel. The precision cutting blade is self-sharpening and snags free. It is a modern cordless design with a high charge capacity li-ion battery that provides up to three hours of runtime. The cordless setting allows for easy use. Another impressive part of the design is the intelligent LCD indicator, which reminds you of the battery status, and when exactly to connect the charger. [su_row] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Pros" box_color="#00bf08" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#00bf08"]
Durable and sharp high carbon steel blade
Cordless design is easy to maneuver
Long lasting battery life
Intelligent LCD indicator shows battery status
Easy to adjust blade length with a taper lever
[/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Cons" box_color="#eb4923" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: ban" icon_color="#eb4923"]
A little bit noisy
Doesn’t have a very strong grip
[/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] [/su_row]
#5 Wahl Bravura Lithium Clippers
[img_products img_code="31poHUazw9L" alt="Wahl Bravura Lithium Clippers" code="B004QNP9RG" reviews="Check on Amazon"]
The Bravura Lithium Clippers by Wahl are among the most popular choice for most pet parents. This model is suitable for most dog breeds, including Goldendoodles. It is among our top five dog clippers for Goldendoodles because of its high-performance lithium technology that eliminates memory effect. What probably sets this model aside from conventional clippers is its 5-in-1 blade design, which allows for effortless blade length adjustment without stopping clipping. Like its counterparts in the same Wahl lineup, the Bravura is equipped with an ergonomically shaped housing that fits comfortably in the hands. The design is also incorporated with a charge indicator that shows the battery level status. This ensures you never run out of battery juice when clipping. [su_row] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Pros" box_color="#00bf08" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#00bf08"]
Long lasting lithium ion battery
Highly versatile 5-in-1 blade system
Ergonomically made and comfortable grip housing
Constant speed control for superior cutting
Suitability for all-purpose grooming
[/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Cons" box_color="#eb4923" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: ban" icon_color="#eb4923"]
Plastic clip can easily break
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#6 Wahl Show Pro Plus Clippers
[img_products img_code="71G3rwLuoLL" alt="Wahl Show Pro Plus Clippers" code="B0042LBX2M" reviews="Check on Amazon"]
Keep your goldendoodle healthy, beautiful, and happy with the Wahl Show Pro Plus Clippers. This single speed model is suitable for your pet. More than a hundred users in the pet parent community are satisfied with its powerful motor, which is capable of generating up to 7,200 SPM. The contoured red housing with the Wahl Show Pro Plus logo is not only shatterproof, but also provides a strong, non-slip, and comfortable grip. There’s an adjustable taper lever on the side that makes blade length adjustment super easy between three sizes, including #10, #15, and #30. The clippers are fitted with a generously long power cord that offers better maneuverability, especially when clipping hard to reach places. The package also comes with a face brush, cleaning brush, blade guard, blade oil, and a DVD containing clipping and grooming tips. [su_row] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Pros" box_color="#00bf08" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#00bf08"]
Powerful motor that can produce 7,200 SPM
A taper level for effortless blade length adjustment
A generously long power cord for maneuverability
Contoured and easy to hold a housing
Additional accessories and a how-to DVD
[/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Cons" box_color="#eb4923" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: ban" icon_color="#eb4923"]
Blades may lose sharpness easily
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#7 Wahl Chromado Lithium Pet Clippers
[img_products img_code="7108DPbDxcL" alt="Wahl Chromado Lithium Pet Clippers" code="B00IGUJZ5C" reviews="Check on Amazon"]
Introducing Wahl’s Chromado Lithium Clippers that combine the use of lithium technology and adjustable clipping performance. This model features a simple design that is best suited for your goldendoodle. The contoured, slim body is easy to hold in different positions. The most eye-catching feature of these clippers is the 5-in-1 blade technology. You no longer have to stop clipping in order to adjust the blade lengths. The Wahl motor on this model is remarkable. It can deliver up to 5,500 RPM to deliver sufficient clipping power and solid torque. You also get constant speed control for effective cutting. Wahl also provides you with a complete grooming kit that includes six attachment combs, cleaning brush, instruction manual, blade oil, and charging accessories. [su_row] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Pros" box_color="#00bf08" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#00bf08"]
5-in-1 blade technology for easy blade length adjustment
Constant speed control for effective cutting
The clippers can be used cordless or with the cord connected
Long lasting lithium battery technology
Quiet, lightweight, easy to maneuver design
[/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Cons" box_color="#eb4923" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: ban" icon_color="#eb4923"]
Internal lithium batteries are not replaceable
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#8 Andis UltraEdge AGC2 Clippers
[img_products img_code="31CA02TMvyL" alt="Andis UltraEdge AGC2 Clippers" code="B00UT3EYPA" reviews="Check on Amazon"]
Well-known for their groundbreaking products, Andis UltraEdge AGC2 are among the most popular clippers in the pet parent community. They come with a heavy-duty casing that is not only shatterproof, but also chew-proof, comfortable to handle, and easy to maneuver. The motor that comes with the UltraEdge AGC2 isn’t just powerful, but also quiet and cool running. It delivers fast, clean, and effective cuts. It is a highly versatile and easy to use on hard to reach places, thanks to its 14-foot super strong power cord. The detachable blade system allows for ultimate versatility because cleaning and changing of blades are exceptionally easy. Also, it works with all Andis blades. [su_row] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Pros" box_color="#00bf08" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#00bf08"]
Versatile detachable blade system
Cool and quiet running motor
Break resistant casing that’s highly durable
Two speed settings for effective grooming
Long power cord for superior maneuverability
[/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Cons" box_color="#eb4923" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: ban" icon_color="#eb4923"]
Attachment comb set not included in the costly price tag
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#9 Wahl Motion Lithium Ion Clippers
[img_products img_code="41aRbZNUvqL" alt="Wahl Motion Lithium Ion Clippers" code="B076JQ94G5" reviews="Check on Amazon"]
Coming ninth in our list of top 10 dog clippers for goldendoodles are the Wahl Motion Lithium Ion Clippers. They perform moderately well, but they are a bit pricy. The very first impressive attribute of this product is the slim, contoured body that is very comfortable to hold in any clipping position. The powerful motor is powered by motion lithium technology and it is capable of generating up to 5,500 RPM for fast trims and clean cuts. The 5-in-1 blade system has also simplified your work. You can trim or clipless sensitive and more sensitive parts by simply adjusting the blade length. This model is also fitted with a multi-level traffic light LED that informs you of the battery capacity during use. [su_row] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Pros" box_color="#00bf08" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#00bf08"]
Slim, contoured body that‘s easy to handle
Multi-level battery indicator for monitoring battery capacity
Long lasting motion lithium battery
Highly versatile 5-in-1 blade system
Removable finger grip offers stability and ultimate control
[/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Cons" box_color="#eb4923" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: ban" icon_color="#eb4923"]
May not be suitable for matted hair
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#10 Oster Golden A5 Clippers
[img_products img_code="61cZvU3FBRL" alt="Oster Golden A5 Clippers" code="B000LRN32E" reviews="Check on Amazon"]
We end our list with the Golden A5 Animal Grooming Clippers by Oster. It is a choice you will not regret making. The heavy-duty body is engineered for heavy use. The casing is break-proof and features well-defined grooves for non-slip and strong gripping during use. Comes with a detachable blade system for effortless and quick blade change. The blade design is also well-matched for a number of blade types as well as universal guide combs. The model comes equipped with a size #10 Oster cryogenx blade that is super hard, sharp, safe, and durable. The only thing that may not be so impressive about this model is the motor, which is capable of generating slightly over 2,100 RPM. [su_row] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Pros" box_color="#00bf08" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: check" icon_color="#00bf08"]
Chew-proof and shatterproof casing
Grooves on the casing that offer a strong grip
Detachable blade system for easy and fast blade change
Super hard, sharp, and durable cryogenx blade
Grooming tips provided
[/su_list][/su_box][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2"][su_box title="Cons" box_color="#eb4923" radius="0"][su_list icon="icon: ban" icon_color="#eb4923"]
Motor delivers less cutting speed
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Final Review
This marks the end of our top 10 dog clippers for goldendoodles. One of these products will surely meet your requirements. But we would like to remind you that an expensive choice doesn’t necessarily mean surefire clipping and grooming performance. You have to consider the blade design, shape, and grip of the housing, motor speed and torque, and easy maneuverability. Also choose clippers that can trim, clip or groom for long sessions without getting too hot or too noisy.
#petfashionweek #dogclippers
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