#also frustrating bc usually my therapy appointments are on fridays so i rescheduled it
loverdude · 3 months
I'm so fuckin nuts my family was planning to go out shopping today like at the mall and stuff and to get dinner but my mom lifted smthn too heavy a few weeks ago and she thinks she like reinjured it or smthn cuz it hurts too much so we're gonna go another time like between tomorrow and next Friday depending on what they say at the doctor but I hate having plans that I know abt for awhile and like waiting for them, including holidays etc, it makes it hard for me to sleep cuz I'm too wound up it's like anxiety inducing almost, even tho it's almost always smthn I'm exclusively looking forward to, and no matter if it's a big thing or not, and it like... Makes it into my dreams sometimes even, and it's so upsetting to me when stuff like that gets canceled, it's like the one post that's like "I built my entire personality around going out today" or whatever like I was just looking forward to it but I like. Cried and shit why am I crazy
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