#also god we've got to stop viewing character pov as the author's honest to god thoughts. we're not in the victorian era anymore
vulcan-moon · 1 year
im of the opinion that some of the original criticisms posted on tumblr were legit worth thinking about but to hear that it just turned into a complete dogpile on twitter is really disappointing :/ why i dont use that site ig lmao
yeah, i've just seen so many of these callout posts inevitably end up as a dogpile. no matter how much you label a post as "do not harass this person", the action of making the post in the first place, putting it in front of an audience, condemning actions as morally bad rather than thinking of them as mistakes someone can learn from, it just. doesn't ever end well, especially not when the person making the callout post views getting blocked by the person they're calling out as "winning". so often, this shit is seen as a way to gain internet points rather than as a way to actually open up any kind of a dialogue with people.
it creates such an atmosphere of fear where people are afraid of fucking up - and they shouldn't be! nobody is ever going to handle something perfectly, and no group of people will ever agree on what the right way to handle something is. people should be allowed to fuck up and be told it in a way that isn't instantly hostile. it primes an environment where people are so, so quick to distance themselves based on any allegations without reading into the motives of the person making them, all out of fear of being associated w that person and so called out themselves.
and it's got to the point with those kinds of posts now where such heavy fucking terms are misused and it waters down any actual accusations that people make. bc there's stuff like what happened in the last week w silvercistern that could have been handled in private or by distancing from her if she didn't take criticism well, vs like genuinely horrific shit that should be called out like the whole ukulele apology video situation.
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