#also goreguts IS an unhealthy relationship at it's core but that's not all i'm going to dwell on either
vellichorom · 1 year
Hey I have a genuine question and I dont mean it is a mean way at all. This is me being actual confused /lh
In ur pinned post it says:
"abuse-glorifying whatever freak people by ANY other name are NOT welcome here."
But you have shown a deep care for goreguts and have talked about how unhealthy it is and hold them in a light that really doesn't seem to be not glorifying their relationship? Maybe I've read this all wrong or something but it was something that kinda bothered me when I read ur pinned. Again, I ask this question in a genuine way and mean for no feelings to be hurt, sorry if it does though, im bad with that kinda communication
Highlighting ( again ) that Goreguts is unhealthy, NOT abusive.
They're impossibly, mutually co-dependent & neglect to see the other's fatal flaws or the flaws in the relationship because they're all the other has now, but are otherwise happy & content to be together. They're also freaks who kill for mutual recreation, but ultimately don't mean the other actual, malicious harm beyond what they can't themselves enjoy. Unhealthy & strange, it didn't start off great & I certainly don't recommend it, but not ABUSIVE.
Now, every abusive relationship is OBVIOUSLY unhealthy but not every unhealthy relationship is outright abusive; it's often complicated, or not great for one reason or another, but not to be held to the same comparison standards as an objectively abusive relationship just because there's negative aspects to it.
Said negative aspects I highlight regularly regarding Goreguts, as MUCH as I may highlight the many better parts of the relationship.
WHICH you can discuss! & I will! At the behest & interest of myself, my sibling, others, we're fleshing out & exploring this complex & multi-faceted relationship, which includes touching upon EVERYTHING, including the better, more positive parts of the relationship - which Goreguts still retains a lot of for still being unhealthy. That much you CAN still discuss while also while also acknowledging it's obviously not the best relationship overall & still stating as much.
Which I do. I certainly don't beat around the bush with this ship & will eagerly tell you or anyone that they kind of suck together ( at least within the canon default ), but I'm not going to tack an addendum saying as much every time I say something positive about the ship or hype it up to any degree or joke about it, nor should I have to just to convey that I'm not glorifying it or the more questionable aspects of it.
I'm genuinely sorry if you took any of the silly shenanigans OR positive highlights my sibling & I do with this ship as glorification, but that's not the case, nor is it intended to be whatsoever. So I hope this ask clears things up a little bit.
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