#also have I ever talked about what a shit name Threedom is
nakanotamu ยท 1 year
How long have you been watching stardom for?
Since June or July 2017 iirc! I signed up for World bc New Japan was my main promotion at the time but I missed women's wrestling so I was like well I wonder what Japanese women's wrestling is like and I had seen Threedom on Lucha Underground. I just went to the most recent Korakuen Hall show and started from there. (It was the show headlined by Kagetsu vs Mayu very shortly after Mayu won both belts. I had no idea at the time but I think in a lot of ways that show was "episode 1" of Stardom from that period up until the pandemic.)
I then just watched every match of every show going forward, though there have been breaks. Tag League 2017 kind of sucked, and then I was devastated about Tam leaving Oedo Tai, in 2018 when Hana came back and betrayed Kagetsu I sped-watched all of 2018 before then in 3 weeks. I fell behind again in 2020 bc I was sad about Kagetsu and Hazuki both retiring, very quickly escalating into being sad about all of the... everything in 2020. But once they came back I just picked up from there once I got back into it. (I think I was a few months behind again but I just watched like a show a day and eventually caught up again.)
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