#also hc ajax is like 6'1“ (hope he chokes) and olis 5'7” (just an inch taller than irl me)
anonbinaryweirdo · 8 months
🎵 Last song you listened to?
🐕 - What animal do they remind you the most of?
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
selfshipping asks now
What are your names saved in each other phones?
PDA? Yes or No?
✨️ - What's the height difference between you two? What are your F/O's feelings on that?
swiss cheese and funky orange for the color ask thing btw.
🎵 — Stay Alive (Reprise)
🐕 — who. you??? a golden retriever, next
🍪 — oatmeal raisin. no further elaboration
🦖 — I don't have one :D I don't care much about extinct animals enough to look into them❓ but !! there was this one animal from wild kratts. i forget what it was but it was like a hyena thingy that coul stand like a kangaroo and to this day I thought jt was cool
selfship asks >:]
What are your names saved in each other's phones?
It depends, really... If he's particularly irritating, then I would either have his name or an insult, along with "DO NOT ANSWER." in parenthesis. other than that, "ajax 💚" or, uh.. "my prince 💙" will suffice, most nights..
why, "my princess 💚" of course! though, sometimes I'll change it just to mess with her. when I do that, its usually something about cats.. she just reminds me so much of one. the similarities are so evident, even though she'd deny such things — then proceed to compare me to puppies. I think the contrast is rather adorable, actually.
PDA? Yes or No?
i don't really care... just nothing too out there. a simple hand-holding or pinkie-linking is fine. stuff like that — but as far as stuff like kissing, or even hugging or doing any of.. that in public goes? I'd rather that be saved wherever straying eyes aren't present.
I don't really mind any of it. though - I know how Oliver feels about it, so I keep it to a minimum just for her. I do have my days where I like to tease her and test her patience, however, and her reactions are priceless every time! don't get me wrong; I stop if she tells me to. but.. you get the idea.
What is the height difference between you two? (What's your F/Os feelings on that?)
He's absolutely insufferable about it. I hate it, and I hate him. So much.
How could you say such a thing to the man who gets things off shelves for you? You wound me, baby..
You put the things so high up.
I can't help that you're so small! It's cute, seeing you struggle to reach things.
It's a six-inch-difference. That's hardly anything.
That's half of a foot, my love. It still makes me taller than you.
Do you value your knees, Ajax? Do you value any part of your body from the hips down? Be honest.
I do, actually. Which is why I'm shutting up right here.
I hate you.
I love you even more, princess <3
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