#il tag this later but THANK YOU FOR INDULGING IN ME
anonbinaryweirdo · 8 months
🎵 Last song you listened to?
🐕 - What animal do they remind you the most of?
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
selfshipping asks now
What are your names saved in each other phones?
PDA? Yes or No?
✨️ - What's the height difference between you two? What are your F/O's feelings on that?
swiss cheese and funky orange for the color ask thing btw.
🎵 — Stay Alive (Reprise)
🐕 — who. you??? a golden retriever, next
🍪 — oatmeal raisin. no further elaboration
🦖 — I don't have one :D I don't care much about extinct animals enough to look into them❓ but !! there was this one animal from wild kratts. i forget what it was but it was like a hyena thingy that coul stand like a kangaroo and to this day I thought jt was cool
selfship asks >:]
What are your names saved in each other's phones?
It depends, really... If he's particularly irritating, then I would either have his name or an insult, along with "DO NOT ANSWER." in parenthesis. other than that, "ajax 💚" or, uh.. "my prince 💙" will suffice, most nights..
why, "my princess 💚" of course! though, sometimes I'll change it just to mess with her. when I do that, its usually something about cats.. she just reminds me so much of one. the similarities are so evident, even though she'd deny such things — then proceed to compare me to puppies. I think the contrast is rather adorable, actually.
PDA? Yes or No?
i don't really care... just nothing too out there. a simple hand-holding or pinkie-linking is fine. stuff like that — but as far as stuff like kissing, or even hugging or doing any of.. that in public goes? I'd rather that be saved wherever straying eyes aren't present.
I don't really mind any of it. though - I know how Oliver feels about it, so I keep it to a minimum just for her. I do have my days where I like to tease her and test her patience, however, and her reactions are priceless every time! don't get me wrong; I stop if she tells me to. but.. you get the idea.
What is the height difference between you two? (What's your F/Os feelings on that?)
He's absolutely insufferable about it. I hate it, and I hate him. So much.
How could you say such a thing to the man who gets things off shelves for you? You wound me, baby..
You put the things so high up.
I can't help that you're so small! It's cute, seeing you struggle to reach things.
It's a six-inch-difference. That's hardly anything.
That's half of a foot, my love. It still makes me taller than you.
Do you value your knees, Ajax? Do you value any part of your body from the hips down? Be honest.
I do, actually. Which is why I'm shutting up right here.
I hate you.
I love you even more, princess <3
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bewires · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by @tobebbanburg , thank you!! for some reason the tag was being weird but I saw it anyway by virtue of blindly scrolling through tumblr all day
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 105
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 919688 (maybe I need to have a party when I cross over to a million lol)
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 15: Torchwood, Supernatural, High School Musical, The Old Guard, Stranger Things, Harry Potter, Riverdale, The Hobbit, Star Trek (AOS), Stormlight Archives, Sevenwaters Trilogy, Inception, Il Padre d'Italia, Hartenstraat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? chrysalis, offer no absolutes, incurable, say the word (& I'll be your renaissance man), heavens doth move (all TOG lol)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I used to never back when I was pretending this is not my fave hobby and also I was kind of a lurker on ao3 for a long time. For about eighteen months, yes, although I am bad at getting to later comments on a fic that I posted a while ago.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? um. I don't....do that? I guess a few SPN fics from way back when (aka 2009) are pretty angsty in the end.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written? Rarely. The craziest one would have to be the SPN/TOG one I did for @theanity
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes, several times. It was fairly evident it wasn't actually about the fic each time though.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, and in terms of pairing I have written m/m, m/f and f/f, though I hope to write more f/f soon. In terms of kinks I have some hard limits though.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, closest thing was the time someone put a quote from a Destiel fic I wrote on their organic candles they were advertising on pinterest with credit but without asking me.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have, although it was ages ago.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yep excellent experience, highly recommend.
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship? Right now it's Joe/Nicky, although it has changed in the past.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? All original works baby, I'm pretty good at finishing fics.
15. What are your writing strengths? I think maybe dialogue? Hard to say about my own writing. I'm told my yearning is good.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Describing locations and action.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? If it's German it feels incredibly self-indulgent because it's just for me by me. If it's other languages....I try to limit myself bc the internet is not trustworthy. See Down For You Always for the time I broke that rule.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Under my current username, Torchwood. Prior to that it was I think Tamora Pierce fanfic?
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written? Oof. Anything I've collaborated with @dreamtiwasanarchitect, (don't) blame it on the moonlight for the yearning, and the star trek threesome fic I wrote that one time. Oh, also "under the brine" because I wrote a plot for the first time!
tagging @dreamtiwasanarchitect, @knoepfchen, @raedear
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chick-from-nz · 4 years
Paper, Scissors, Rank (Ch: 8)
CHARACTER/PAIRING:  modern!Carrillo x Army!OC (eventually) 
WARNINGS: maybe some swearing, military slang, more military talk,  spelling and grammatical errors. Flippy floppy points of view and tenses. Could be very OOC/AU for some. Carrillo may not be narcos accurate as this is an AU. Some OC x OC. awkwardly and/or poorly written moments
AUTHORS NOTE: hope yall enjoy this, i was in fact a lil tipsy while writing this so if there is some spelling errors or something akin to that, that could be why.  @1zashreena1 i thank you so much for letting me bounce my ideas off you for most of this content, you are forever a legend. 
TAG LIST (OPEN): @girlpornparadise @1zashreena1 @xxidontwikeitxx @nicke0115 @allalngthewtchtower @lettherebrelight
The first few days of their second week together were surprisingly more interactive than the previous week. Carrillo had been spending less time in his office and more time in the living room putting up with whatever terrible show Ash had decided to watch that day. Arguably though, not that he would admit it out loud, he was rather enjoying the quiet company and shitty tv, an incredibly different routine than what he was used to but a welcome one at that.
It was on Tuesday night that the Colonel finished any important and pressing paperwork for his team, with it all being completed by the early hours of twenty three hundred, or at least early for him, he decided that he would turn in early for the night. Before that though, he would do his usual security checks of the house, first starting with the living room. To his surprise the room was not empty, instead he found himself smiling softly at the picture before him. Greyson was slumped upright on the couch, head leaving on the palm of her left arm, and shoulders rising and falling in measured deep breaths. She was yet again asleep on the couch, an increasingly common occurrence over the last few nights.
It was as if his feet had a mind of his own as the Colonel soon found himself standing before the sleeping junior officer. He debated whether or not it would be wise to wake her up, her position did not look comfortable in the slightest, but if her soft snores were anything to go by, she was in a deep sleep, something he felt she didn't get often. The last few nights he'd woken to anguished screams coming from Ash's room, before hearing her door open and her footsteps as she began to pace the length of the living room before exhausting herself and collapsing onto the couch. He would usually lay awake for a good ten or so minutes after her pacing had stopped before he would check on her, normally finding her drenched in sweat but shivering on the couch as she had not had the forethought to grab a blanket in her exhausted and frazzled state.
A small part of him felt sorry for the fresh officer, whatever was haunting her was obviously taking a toll on her and there was another part of him that wanted to slowly crack through her defences and find out what it was so he could help her, or at least comfort her,  in some way.  These kinds of thoughts were becoming more and more common and were beginning to somewhat startle him and set him off kilter around Greyson. He usually had a good grip on his emotions and was able to push feelings away and stay strictly professional around any female colleagues, but with this officer he found himself wanting to cross that line. He barely knew the young soldier  but she had set a lasting impression on him that he had tried to shake with all his might. So for now he would indulge himself in caring for her in subtle ways that could be seen as a superior caring for his injured member of his team and wait to get a positive or negative reaction from Greyson. Either way, this former cadet was going to be around for a while, so he needed to restrain his growing feelings as best as he could, he would not want a repeat of the Sinclair situation. 
Huffing quietly in frustration he hastily snatched up a blanket that resided on the back of one of the neighboring couches before, as gently as possible, draping it over the sleeping soldier. He watched as she began to stretch out on the couch, grasping the blanket closer to her chest and snuggling down into the warmth. A strange tightness developed in his chest at that, one he hadn't felt in many many years. Whatever feelings he had for this soldier needed to be pushed aside, he couldn't afford for a margin of error in his team or a potential weakness to be exploited against either of them. With measured steps he conducted his nightly checks of the house, ensuring the locks on the front and back doors were engaged, the window locks were secure, and the security cameras that were hidden around the outside of the house we recording as usual. 
Checks completed he all but marched his way back to his room, silently closing his door, before ripping his shirt over his head, shucking off his boots and pants, and climbing into bed in naught but his boxers. Double checking that his alarm was set he decided that an early morning run would be a good way to clear his head, and he could scope out areas of the property that would make for good exercise scenarios training spots.
His sleep was fitful. Full of moments already shared between himself and the younger officer who constantly occupied his every waking thoughts and potential moments that he silently hoped would come to fruition as their time together continued to build a bond between them. Whether that be strictly professional or borderline inappropriate he wasn't sure if his resolve was strong enough to keep his feelings at bay long enough for them to fizzle out into nothing but a thought he could look back on and scoff at. 
Ash groaned the moment she woke, she stretched out her legs, laughing lightly at the way her joints all seemed to pop and her muscles became taught. She missed the daily ache that accompanied the constant tiredness of her cadets course. Instead now she was stuck on prescribed bed rest, unless she saw fit to disobey a direct order from the Colonel. Just a thought of his rank sent an oddly delighted shiver down her spine. Reaching over to grab her phone to check the time had her eyes bugging out of her head, she had woken il two hours later than normal, and frankly, while she knew she needed the rest, she had wished she had had the forethought to set an alarm rather than relying on her messed up body clock.
Her injuries were beginning to heal quite well now, the stitches in her head and her side were itchy and ready to be taken out but the concussion was having more of a lasting effect than she would have hoped. While she no longer woke up feeling sick or dizzy she would now have random bouts of dizziness during the day instead, which was usually succeeded by a varying degree of nausea. This morning however, she felt great. Climbing from her bed and pulling on a normal length military t-shirt and a pair of military issue shorts, that even she deemed to be a tad on the shorter side, she quickly pulled on a pair of running shoes. Today she was determined to walk around the edge of the property and see if anything other than the house had changed since she had attended this particular training ground all those years ago.
She left her room functioning on autopilot, intending to head in the direction of the kitchen to have a quick coffee before venturing outside. Her plan, however, was foiled when she suddenly collided with a solid mass after taking no more than four steps out of her room. The momentum of the crash had her hands flying out to grasp onto whatever she had bashed into in an attempt to steady herself. It took her a moment to gather her senses, but when she did, a blush settled across her face and down her neck.
Her hands had landed on a warm, slightly damp, very shirtless and muscular chest that could only belong to one person, the one person who she had began developing feelings for since she met them, Colonel Carrillo. A small yelp left her mouth at the realisation of what was happening, he was shirtless, for some reason, and she was just standing there with her palms on his chest, not so subtly feeling him up. Time seemed to have frozen, neither person was moving except for Ash’s eyes, which were drinking in the sight that was oh so wonderfully close to her. Making the first move she began to pull away from the man before her, running her hands featherlight over his pecs in a self indulgent moment, a smile growing on her face as she felt, rather than saw, the small shiver that wracked his body. 
She took a small step backwards, intending to put enough space between them to be professional, only to be stopped by his hands coming up and grasping onto her elbows in a tentative grip. Ash let her eyes trail languidly over his body as she made her way up to his face, his stomach was well toned, the deep ‘V’ of his hips was prominent and his abs were defined but not chiseled , he was bulky in a way that screamed alpha male. It was inherently obvious he worked out alongside his already physically demanding  job. Her eyes continued their upwards, her breath  hitching while taking in the broad beautifully tanned expanse of skin that was his chest, his pecs where the most defined part about him, a key feature one might say, along with those arms of his. Ash took note of the way his breath had sped up over the course of her gaping , thankfully it seemed she was not the only one affected by the others presence. 
She yearned to reach out and run her hands along the taught muscles of his forearms and up along his biceps, feeling the strength that he held within the muscles, muscles that she more often than not dreamed about. Her eyes finally came to settle on his face. He looked pained, brow drawn downwards in feigned confusion and his lips pressed tightly together as if to stop himself from speaking, his eyes were what betrayed him. His pupils were blown so wide that the delicious brown was now but a small ring around them. Ash could only imagine her face mirrored his own, the lust was palpable, this was dangerous territory. 
His eyes were fixed intently on her and Ash had to gulp as his lips parted and his tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip. Her thoughts were getting more and more muddled being this close to him in this situation. Ash took yet another small step backwards as to put enough distance between them for them both to clear their thoughts, failing to do so when she tripped on the edge of the rug that covered the majority of the living room. Her eyes widened in shock when she felt her back hit the ground and felt the breath of the Colonel on her face as he fell with her, landing in the perfect pushup position above her. If Ash thought their previous position was dangerous territory she didn’t have words to describe their current predicament, though she would be lying if she said she hadn’t imagined this situation before but with her in significantly less clothing. It took her till this moment to realise that Carrillo was in fact, only in a towel, that was now, hanging on by only a small margin and stretched tight and low along his hips. 
The position was compromising at best, her hands had one again found themselves attached to his glorious body, this time settling on his biceps just like she had wanted, the sheer mass of muscle contained beneath both her hands had her stomach in knots and a fire flowing through her veins. She watched, mesmerized, as a droplet of water made its descent from behind his ear, along the tight muscles of his neck and down into the dip of his collar bone, stopping for a moment before continuing down his chest. Ash involuntarily licked her lips, wanting nothing more to lean forward and run her tongue along the path the droplet was taking before sucking a mark wherever the droplet stilled. A movement to her right drew her attention away from gawking at his chest and up towards his face yet again. He had shifted himself onto one arm and was peering down at her with an unreadable expression on his face, but there was clearly some kind of intent swirling in the depth of his eyes.
Ash jumped momentarily when his hand settled heavily on her now exposed midriff, a hair's breadth away from the stitches that decorated her side. The smirk that graced his face when he felt her jump sent a bolt of pure unadulterated desire right to her core, the look on his face was lustful and hungry. Her breathing was beyond erratic now, there was a pent up tension in her body longing to be released but at this moment she was going to leave the fate of the situation in her commanding officers’ hands, since he so clearly fed off being in control. It was as if she forgot how to breathe as she felt his hand began to trail upwards, lifting her shirt in the process and exposing more of her toned stomach to the man before her, his hand moved inwards trailing the tip of his forefinger along the etched grove of her stomach and up towards her breasts in a teasing manner, but before he could reach the destination she so desperately hoped for he stilled, pondering for a moment as he searched her face for any kind of hesitation, finding none he continued his journey north between the valley of her breasts and along the hollow of her throat before settling his hand there with barely any pressure. 
 Ash let out a barely there moan, the action was much more comfortable and thrilling to her than she would care to admit out loud. She watched as his face went through varying emotions before settling on determination, and with measured movements the Colonel shifted his large hand slightly to guide her chin upwards slightly to be in the optimum position to finally plant a kiss that the both wanted so badly onto her lips. Ash watched with bated breath as his face oh so slowly made his way closer to her own, eyes searching for any hesitation that would have his moments ceasing in an instant, to his surprise, she began moving slightly off the floor to meet his advances and finally seal the deal and cross the line between professional and personal. 
They were a mere centimeters apart, breath mixing and both breathing unsteadily, when a shrill ringing pierced through the silence of their moment, ruining the potential moment of bliss for the Officers. It was like a bucket of cold water had been poured over the both of them, shocking enough to have Carrillo rolling to the left as fast as someone could yell ‘gun’ and Ash rolling the opposite direction and jumping to her feet. The tension in the room was thick enough to be cut with a knife but as the Colonel looked at her with something akin to regret crossing his face Ash knew she couldn’t stand to be in the same room as him for a moment longer, so she scampered away and into the comfort of her room, slamming the door on her way in before collapsing on her bed and trying to wrap her head around what had just happened. Had the Colonel really had the intention to kiss her? 
To say little interaction happened between the two officers after the incident was not far from the truth. Despite her desires for the Colonel , Ash had been all but avoiding him since that fateful morning, hoping that by avoiding any contact possible with the man in question that her feelings would also be avoided, a plan that was full of holes considering it was only the two of them on the property and a good three hours of driving between them and the rest of civilisation. She knew her behaviour towards the man in question could be seen in multiple different ways but she was stubborn through and through, if she didn’t need to be near the man then she was never found near him.
Their late night tv watches, breakfast together with interesting little chats, dinner shared together when Carrillo wasn’t doing paperwork had all been scraped at Ash’s behest. She would wake up before him and quickly make some food and disappear either back to her room or go for a brisk walk around the tree lined property. She would force herself to stay in her room even after the multiple nightmares would have her jolting awake with a scream leaving her throat, while she had once sought comfort in pacing the living room she could now only reflect on the incident  that had occurred there and the look of regret that had graced the Colonels face. As for dinner time, the Colonel still cooked for the both of them, even if she was avoiding him, something she was highly grateful for, except now instead of sitting on the couch watching any number of things in quiet company, they now went their separate ways. Carrillo to his office and Greyson usually went outside to sit in nature and calm her frazzled nerves from being around her commanding officer. 
Her plan was going extremely well for a few days until she got a call from the medics back at base confirming that it was time for her to come and get her stitches removed as it had been a good few weeks now. This put a kink in her plans, she was still getting far too many dizzy spells randomly throughout the day which meant she wouldn’t be able to drive herself to the hospital so she would be forced to man up and ask the Colonel to drive her. Three hours in a car with the man who by all means she was trying to push down her feelings for was going to be a world of hell, infinitely more awkward than the current household situation. 
She got up off the couch and began moving in the direction of the room that was set up as the teams workspace only to stop dead in her track as the Colonel exited the room and stared directly at her before pointing at the phone current held in his left hand, “I just got a call from the medics, you're needed at the hospital to get those stitches taken out”  he pointed at her head and then gestured in the general direction of her stab wound, “ Doctors protocol call for me to drive you there, they want your concussion to be cleared before you’re allowed to drive” 
Ash began to open her mouth to voice her protest but was cut short when the Colonel levelled with a look that said ‘don't try me’ and the words, “That's an order soldier! Now let's go”.  Ash wanted to protest and kick up a fuss but she knew it was no use, he was probably pissed that she’d been ignoring him for the past three or four days, and rightfully so, she’d acted much like a petulant child rather than the strong young soldier he had recruited her for. Ash knew that the only way she would be able to survive the awkwardness of the car ride was to sleep, something she hadn’t got much of for the last few nights because she had been tossing and turning trying to figure out if what she had encountered with the Colonel had been a slip in his defenses or a trick to see if she was loyal to his cause. But as she glanced over to take in the disheveled appearance and tired eyes of the Colonel beside her, she knew he had been feeling the same or at the very least, not been sleeping like he used to, he looked far too tired. 
Ash dropped her seat backward in the SUV they were travelling in, a bulletproof rig the army had provided to keep the team safe whenever they did live fire practice or did a real raid, leaning her head against the cool window of the car brought a small moment of clarity for the young soldier, it might have been easier to apologize for her actions and try and smooth things over but that was not how Greyson worked. She would apologise when things got so bad that she had no other choice. The sense of peace the came from being around her commanding officer soon had her falling into a deep sleep, hopefully one that was peaceful and refreshing for once.
They were nearly two hours into the three hour drive to the base hospital when Carrillo heard a whimper come from the young officer in the seat beside him, at first he thought she had just bumped her head on the window as the road was rough in some areas, but when he heard another whimper and a quietly whispered “no” come from the sleeping female he had no choice but to look over at her and when he did he slowed the car down and threw it into park. The junior officer was sweating profusely, shaking violent and pale as a sheet, quietly mumbled words were tumbling from her lips as her brows were drawn together in a look of muted horror.  Carrillo didn’t know what to think but he knew he couldn’t let her suffer so he reached across the car and gently shook Greyson by her shoulder, increasing in intensity when she didn’t wake up the first time, it was on his forth more violent shake of her shoulder that she finally woke, glancing around with tears brimming in her eyes and a startled expression on her face.
Ash had to take long measured breaths to calm her frantically beating heart, that nightmare had been one of the worse yet and she was silently grateful that the man before her had woken her before it had got any worse, reliving the death of a family member was not something that Ash wanted to repeat, but it seemed her brain wanted to taunt her constantly. She had to hold back a muted sob as emotion overtook her body and the tears began to flow freely from her eyes, she hated look weak in front of people especially someone who she’d be working beneath for god knows how long. The blood was rushing in her ears cause her to zone out and try and focus on bringing herself back to a calm state, it wasn’t until she saw Carrillo’s fingers snapping in front of her face that she finally snapped out of it and turned her tear stained face to meet his own pained expression. 
“Care to tell me what has got you so upset Greyson? Is it the same thing that has had you waking up screaming in the middle of the night? I want to help you Ash” 
Hearing her first name leave the mouth of the man before her was like a shock to the system, but it had the desired effect, she felt the need to confess what was happening to her and why she was indeed having horrible nightmares almost every night since she woke up in the hospital bed nearly three weeks ago. Gulping down her pride and realising that out of anyone the Colonel was probably the best person to tell her troubles too incase her past came back to haunt her, she turned to him, a sad smile on her face and uttered, “It's a long story, Sir, but if you want to know I’m willing to share” 
Carrillo smiled softly at the young officer before him, reaching out to grasp her hand tightly in his own to instill a small sense of comfort, he nodded slowly, he had finally managed to crack into her defences but what he didn’t know is he was about to find out how truly broken the soldier before him really was. 
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Fandoms & Me
Spoiler: this is gonna to be a long-ass post
OK so I did a not-so-little list of questions about fandoms because I needed an excuse to talk and I wanted to do a sort of a recap for 2020.
Feel free to use it, as a tag game, as a 1 like= 1 answer.. Whatever you want!
Also yes the format is inspired by another list of questions about shipping lmao. (I have to finish it btw....)
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I had been reading Fairy Tail and One Piece fics before but the first fandom I really got into is Harry Potter!
Well technically I started reading on Skyrock lmao. But the first true platform dedicated to fics I used was FFnet
I think it was Tomarry and Drarry
I'm really focused on the MCU and its fandom currently but I do enjoy content from other fandoms sometimes (like HP, SPOP, Lore Olympus…)
FROSTIRONSTRANGE. Ironstrange and frostiron are my second faves. I discovered frostiron while I was watching the MCU (I mean.... IT'S SO EVIDENT????) and started reading fics about it. Ironstrange was also evident but frostiron was first. For frostironstrange it was with the @frostironstrange blog (and their fic on Ao3) and it's later that I really jumped on the ironstrange and strangefrost wagon.
Yep. I'm very focused on my main ships but I'm always ready to enjoy good content about other ships I like. Especially beautiful fanarts and cool headcanons.
Obviously. I could die for polyships. They make my little heart go doki doki *loud sniffles*. Apart for frostironstrange there is also Draco/Harry/Tom, avengers OT6 (or more), Sam/Steve/Bucky......... Basically if I can polyship I will.
I love the 2012 avengers fics' headcanons. And I think I have a lot of headcanon I like for HP but it's because the fandom basically rewrote the whole universe. HP belongs to the fandom and Mrs Dementor can eat my ass.
I'm firmly pro-ship: ship and let ship, your kink is not my kink and it's okay, I'll never condone harassment and hate in fandoms. I encourage ppl to use tools they have blocking, muting unfollowing, to curate their online experience.
Well 2020 basically brought me everything. A new fandom, a new ship to dedicate my whole soul to. I discovered Ao3 (and THAT'S amazing). I started actively reading and talking in English (very proud). And most of all: I started WRITING FICS and even tried to DRAW. I mean. There was so little content, I had so many ideas for this ship. I decided to start creating the content I searched for. ALSO I COMMISSIONED FOR THE FIRST TIME AN AMAZING FANART SKXJSKXJSK. And I discovered amazing people to talk with and share about ours ships 💖💖💖💖
Huum... It's really rare for me to like a fic writer so much that I go read everything they wrote. But there are some French fic writers in the HP fandoms who's fics I absolutely love (one of them is Magouille on FFnet). And I think I admire Rosae on Ao3 a lot.
I discovered Rosae (@frostironstrange) year! Their works introduced me to frostironstrange, the amount of content and headcanons they created for frostironstrange is truly amazing. It really inspires me and encourages me to create as much content as I want to.
Yep. I'm thinking about several fics. One of them is Vlad Kemenov ou la Vengeance des Potter, a French Harry Potter fic written by Magouille on FFnet. It's truly excellent! It starts as Vlad Kemenov growing up in the Russian magic mafia's circles and the author creates a whole universe around it. The characters, the ideas, the plot, the several political/diplomatic etc intrigues over the years are so well written. It's truly captivating and a fabulous jewel.
There is also The Black Heir by FirePhoenix8 on FFnet, an excellent Tomarry fic in English.
Revenge is so sweet in French by Elisabeth Canden on FFnet. SO GOOD but alas abandoned.
Very known, it's the most famous HP fic but Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. I only read the first 20 chapters of this last Fic but trust me. In the first chapter I understood why it was one of the most popular HP fic. Genius.
And also An Aunt's love by Emma Lipardi on FFnet in English is excellent as well.
I didn't read a lot this year but I loved:
Worldbuilding is important by Rosae on Ao3 (amazing frostironstrange smut)
Kinktober 2018 fics by Meshkol on Ao3 (god-level written smuts...... Just. Wow. It takes my breath away)
Iron infinity by DuncanIdaho2014 on FFnet, this is an infinity War fix it fic with Tony being an atrocious Gary Tsu. It's one of the first mcu fics I read and I have a fond spot for epic Gary Tsu (and Mary Sue as well).
Poetic Justice by Limmet. OF COURSE, a true frostiron reference. the first longfic I read in English.
Collared by HogwartsToAlexandria, an amazing ironstrange fic....... Wow. WOW. So well written..... And I love D/s fics......
Il souriait by Asrial on FFnet in French.... It's Tony being Ares' reincarnation and WOW. WOOW. BAMF Tony Stark, homoerotism, interesting spiritual vision
Shit I forgot to put this number. It's the ghost-question.
My favorite fanartists are @sed269, @Kraionis, @Blackrain1019 (on Twitter), @hackedmotionsensors, @fu-king-liar, mokonosuke7, @batwynn..... OH MY GOD THERE IS SO MUCH INCREDIBLY TALENTED AND AMAZING ARTISTS I WANT TO THANK THEM SO MUCH. Their art is always breathtaking 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖 I honestly can't list all the awesome fanartists we're blessed to have.
Literally all of the fanarts of the artists listed above lmao. ❤️ But ok, I'm fond of every frostironstrange fanarts, I always keep a list of them lmaooo. (especially fond of the one I commissioned of course 💖💖💖)
I love all these ppl giving recs and headcanons for their ships. It's so precious. Thank you so much.
I also love ppl creating incorrect quotes like @shinindragon for frostiron, @salty-ironstrange-shipper and @stark-strange-love2 for ironstrange.
Currently my wallpaper is this absolutely breathtaking and gorgeous fanart by @sed269 💕💕💕💕 I can't express how much this is truly an outstanding work of art. My love for it is unlimited.
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20. Okay, to be perfectly honest I almost created this list of questions only for this question and the next.
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22. Well. I always have so many ideas I'm overwhelmed most of the time but I love creating things (fics, headcanons, incorrect quotes...) with these ideas to share them.
Content call content. Ideas call ideas.
Also, my advice is: ALWAYS NOTE YOUR IDEAS. ALL OF THEM. even the silly ones, the embarrassing ones, the most self-indulgent ones... Bc no u won't remember clearly all of them without noting them. Bc they can always grow into more. Bc the more you note, the more you have ideas
23. There are so many WIPs I'm excited for.... I think one day I'll dedicate a whole thread/post about them. (I feel too lazy to talk about all of them rn lmao)
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