#also he and ryuuji are freaky and a formal invite to their home 9/10 times is a sex invitation
poorks · 6 months
Could you give us a rundown of RP Sylvain’s lore?
Also a run down of his pregnancy
I was gonna say "oh I did!" then I found the post with RP Sylvain and Victoire and I didn't say ANYTHING. Shame on me.
So the children that Maidens give birth to are referred to as Heroes, which are children of the Goddess, in her image, essentially demigods meant to expel whatever monster children Vivi plagues mortalkind with.
Sylvain was born to Avery (who is in the RP twice because we found an extra role for him in the present day, we do this with Claire too because its fun) who heard about the legendary Maidens and bargained with the Goddess to be one. The birthmark on Sylvain's face is her mark as a reminder of this.
Sylvain was also gifted with an ability he calls his Sight. He can see past, presents, and futures at a touch, and the visions are tangibly real to him. It makes time a difficult thing for him to parse, and in a way he exists on the edge of temporal space.
Sylvain was supposed to kill Ryuuji the Dragon, a young man of monstrous appearance who had a total command over fire. During a battle, Sylvain was given a discarded cloak of Ryuuji's to study for intelligence. He saw Ryuuji's past, his present, and his future, and he fell hopelessly in love with his enemy.
Instead of doing his duty from birth and slaying the monster, he cast down his weapons and his armor and made a declaration of love. The fighting ended from this, and the two children of the goddesses found love in each other. When a Hero completes their task, they're allowed up to the Heavens with the Goddess Lotte to serve from above. Because Sylvain did not do what he was told and did not kill Ryuuji, he was not allowed with her. So for hundreds of years he remained on the soil with the mortals and his story has been told enough times that people aren't sure if he really is still around or not.
In the Abyss there's a river from an old monster king that used to be a moat. It would halt invaders by impregnating them as they soaked in the water, leaving them unable to fight if they waded for too long. Sylvain and Ryuuji decided they wanted a child, so Sylvain dipped himself into these waters. But as a punishment, and likely out of fear for a child being born with the blood of all three realms, the gods cursed him with an immensely slow pregnancy. He's been pregnant for 500 or so years by the time of the RP and his belly is just barely showing, and there's no telling how long it will take him to finally give birth.
Sylvain's emblem is of the wise raven, and he's often sought after for advice by those who still believe in him. To some, his name is tarnished and his legacy is one of a coward. To others, his story is an inspirational one of compassion and love.
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