#also he was gonna be holding a joint in his left hand but it would've made that spot look too cluttered
hooved · 1 year
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haven't drawn more than a bust doodle of my fursona in years
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peppermintquartz · 1 year
Twisted Metal (TV series) AU, pro wrestler kayfabe personas
Violence, fluff, Joestafa (except it's also Sweet Tooth)
Look, it's me. If there's Joe, imma write Joestafa one way or another.
Title to be decided. Tentatively "Under the Mask".
Mustafa stops only when he hears the change in sound from the crunch of bone to the sticky-wet slap of flesh. Then he steps back, every joint and muscle aching, and sees what he's done to Agent McFuckface.
With a grunt he slams the hammer in his hand into the dead agent's skull and leaves it there.
As he's catching his breath and trying to work out where to go next, he hears applause behind him. Whirling around, Mustafa sees Death coming towards him.
Well, a huge machete-wielding man in a chest harness and white pants with red dots who's wearing a clown mask that has orange hair sticking out the sides is close to being the embodiment of Death as makes no difference, really.
"That was intense! You looked like you really worked through your issues," the clown says.
Mustafa shrugs. "Some of them."
The clown approaches. If Mustafa were less drained of emotion after beating in the face of the last of his pursuers, he'd be afraid. As it is, he's thinking if the clown will chop his head off immediately or just remove his limbs one by one. Both would suck, except one would suck less.
"Look, man, if you're gonna kill me, I'd appreciate a quick death," Mustafa says.
Despite the mask, the clown looks offended. "Kill you? Why would I do that?"
Mustafa raises an eyebrow and points at the blood-stained machete in the other man's hand.
"Oh, this? Don't worry about it. I am not killing someone who's just put on a passionate and focused performance. It was stunning!" He tilts his head and, through the eyeholes, he winks. "Get it? Stunning?"
Mustafa glances at Agent McShithead. He chuckles. "Yeah. Took his breath right away."
The clown laughs uproariously. "I like you! You're funny!" Suddenly the machete swings through the air, right towards Mustafa's neck.
It stops before the blade breaks skin.
Mustafa glances down, then his gaze follows the weapon all the way along to the massive arm and trails up to the clown's masked face. "That was fucking impressive, man. That control."
"You didn't even flinch." The clown sounds different now, almost serious. "Most people would've flinched. Or screamed. I've heard so much screaming."
"You said you wouldn't kill someone who put on a stunning performance. And you said you like me."
"I could've been lying."
"A guy like you? Nah. You have no need to lie." Mustafa spits on the dead agent. "Fuckers like him and his boss lie."
The clown lowers the machete and tilts his head quizzically. "You sound like you got a story."
"You wanna hear it? I don't wanna bore ya."
"Hmmm. I'm trying to come up with a new play. My previous one was a flop." The clown stares at Mustafa. "Maybe I can use some inspiration..."
Mustafa waits. He has nothing else to do, anyway. He can't go back east to Topeka, take out a sharp implement, and ram it through Agent Stone's head the way he wants to. He remembers the way his mom had looked at where he was hiding just before-
"Alrighty then! How about you come with me to my place, I'll treat you to some white tiger steaks, and you can share all about how you got to the point of beating a man's brains in over a dinner." The clown holds up both hands. "I'm not trying to get in your pants, just so we're clear. I am a gentleman."
"Pity," Mustafa quips, offering a small smile. "Food sounds good. Lead the way."
The clown's voice seems to hold a smile. "By the way, I'm Sweet Tooth."
"Like the Lion King?"
"No, that's Mufasa. M-U-S-T-A-F-A. Mustafa."
The clown - Sweet Tooth - tries the name out a couple of times as they walk, and finally gets the right inflection. Then he points to a burnt shell of a hotel, with the word "RAGE" left on the wall. "Home sweet home."
Mustafa stares. Then he shrugs again and sticks his hands in his pockets. "You got a shower in there, Sweet Tooth?"
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mollyhw14 · 3 years
Fallen Angel: Tied to the Devil's Daughter - Haechan / Lee Donghyuk fic (demon au) ♛ CH4 ♛
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Hi Guys, sorry for the long wait for this, I know it’s only a small filler chapter but I’ve just started a new job and not had time to write a new chapter until now. Don’t worry though, I’ve already started the next chapter and it’ll definitely be a lot longer! Enjoy :)
“Okay, let’s learn the first steps shall we.”
Seraphina watched her dance teacher seriously, as she counted each step with an eagle eye, making sure she didn't miss a single step. Once her teacher finished with the female demonstration, she then continued on to show the male demonstration. This give Phina enough chance to practice her steps.
On counts of eight, she perfectly danced each step, making sure her moves were sharp and powerful before then focusing on what her partner would be doing alongside her.
She realised she was staring a bit too long at Haechan as he copied each step he was shown, looking effortless and ethereal in the process. She noticed how he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, which made him look quite cute and puppy like. His body looked defined and beautiful as he glided with each move, and she couldn't help but notice that he had a habit of biting his bottom lip when he was nervous that he'd done the step wrong.
Not like he needed to be because he was an amazing dancer. But she wouldn't tel him that.
"Now it's time for the joint steps."
This caught both Seraphina and Haechan's attention as they shared a joint glare towards their teacher.
"Okay so you're gonna put bring yourself into a waltz position. Guy's, left hand on the wait, right hand interlocked with your partner. Girl's, right hand on the shoulder, left hand interlocked."
Phina could feel Haechan tense up beside her, and she could tell he was still glaring at you without even looking.
"Let's just get this over and done with." She huffed as she placed her hands in the right position.
Taken aback by her boldness, Haechan hesitantly etched his hands to their placements, keeping as much distance between the two as possible.
"At least look like you both don't hate each other!" Their teacher shouted from the side of them, rushing over to the pair.
"You need to be closer together." She pushed the pair closer together, and Seraphina swore she heard a small gasp come from the male.
Taking in a sharp breath she slowly brought her face up to face the boy she hated most in the world. Unfortunately, she couldn't help but feel speechless at how beautiful he actually was. Up close she could see how his tanned skin complimented his dark hazel eyes. She never noticed how he had numerous freckles, she couldn't help but think they made him look cute. His eyebrows were furrowed and she realised she'd once again stated a bit too long. She also didn't fail to notice a quick flash of gold and orange spark through his eyes. Doing a double take, she shook her head before refocusing on the routine.
"What's wrong? My beauty too much for you Sunshine?" The cocky tone was back, and she wanted to punch his face again. All beauty demolished there and then.
"Ha ha very funny. I just thought I saw something..." she wondered back to his eyes. Was he a low-key demon? But then his would've been black not gold and orange.
"Right, first guys I want you to dip your partner in the left direction, then circling your partner before going into a lift."
Cutting Phina from her thoughts, she focused back on the routine once again, earning a confused look from her partner.
Following the routine perfectly, the pair was then praised from their teacher, earning the attention from rest of the class. Realising they were still holding onto each other, the pair pulled apart quickly, both red-faced and sweating.
"Okay, we can finish there until next class."
Seraphina couldn't get her bag quick enough, before she was out searching for her friend.
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She couldn't find Cheonsa anywhere and she was starting to get worried. Was she hurt? Was she sad? Did it have something to do with before?
Looking in the final place she could think to look, she finally found her friend, crying, at the back of the school.
"Oh my god Cheonie are you okay?"
Seraphina ran over to her friend, kneeling down so that she could comfort her.
"I'm in so much pain Phi, I don't know what's wrong with me. Why does it hurt?"
Cheonsa finally looked up, and Seraphina could finally see her face.
A loud gasp came from the brunette causing Cheonsa to look at her in panic.
"What's wrong? Why did you gasp?"
Phina stood still, not knowing what to do.
"Cheonie, we need to get you out of here. Your eyes are glowing gold."
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