#also her maybe bonding with elwin over biology would be SUCH a win
synonymroll648 · 1 year
opinion: ro’s character might be a lot more useful narrative-wise if her being a microbiologist wasn’t just acknowledged, but explored. 
in the books, we see her show the characters (and consequently, the reader) that she knows what she’s doing, and that ogres pride themselves on having a lot of knowledge when it comes to microbiology. particularly using that knowledge to make effective weapons, both almost harmless and lethal. 
but there’s so much more potential w/ ogre microbiology than just them having good weapons because of it. ogres (authorities, at least, like ro) being interested enough in expanding their microbiology knowledge that they’d be willing to collaborate more with other species? like how they cooperated with lady cadence on figuring out how soporidine works? it could open so many doors! 
we could have ro branching out to make ‘trial run’ alliances with other species (like elves, goblins, and most importantly, gnomes) to do joint studies of how certain things work on a microscopic and ‘normal’ scale. we could see that her being a princess doesn’t just mean she’s a good fighter and that she’s got connections, but she can also be a diplomat. it’d make her being in the lost cities a lot more important, plus, it’d be a great chance for shannon to flex some worldbuilding. ro could also flesh out connections she’s made in the lost cities (like with sophie’s bodyguards [i’m thinking of flori and sandor in particular] and elvin authorities she’s had to deal w/ like mr. forkle and the council) through sharing or gaining knowledge as a microbiologist. 
using ro as a character-driven plot device, ogres could add ‘willing to cooperate even with creatures we have negative history with for science’ to their reputation among other enlightened species. it’d make ogres more nuanced, and maybe, if shannon decided to go this route, cause problems for elves who claim their interspecies role is being peacekeepers. 
#i am having brainworms about the untapped potential of ro as a character ok#i wanna see her be more than the stand-in for wattpad sokeefe girlies!!#believe it or not this is the shorter version of what i originally wrote#like. she doesn't have to give up being an excellent warrior!! she doesn't have to give up being snarky!!#but she can be less 'oh look what i know and you don't hahaha LOSER'#and more 'listen if i give you this info will you tell me how this works?'#and it'd be so much more interesting!#also her maybe bonding with elwin over biology would be SUCH a win#strangers to 'you seem cool and we're also the closest keefe has to parental figures of sorts so we're bros now'#like. c'mon. it'd be so great man#also i keep picturing ro picking up flori and putting her on her shoulder#and walking around wildwood and going 'tell me how this works from your pov'#after pointing at some gnomish phenomenon#and then listening to flori ramble#and then when she's done going 'alright. that sounds funky in a good way. wanna see what science has to add?'#and then ro whips out a microscope she just has bundled up in one of her ten million pockets and runs a mini experiment with flori#manipulating the plant to do something and ro looking in the microscope and adding commentary on how that works on a cellular level#and them becoming friends!! perhaps. maybe even. because i have accidentally dug myself into a new rarepair hell. lovers#ogre queen ro being independent on the throne is something i love and is realistic#but it'd also be fun from a fanon point to have her just have a gnomish gf. or permanent fiancee. or wife#like. oh yeah i killed the guy my dad forced me to marry so i could get the throne after my dad died.#yeah i'm committed to this cute little gnome that i met because our charges were dating back when i was a bodyguard#pleeeeease. ro's snark + flori's genuine attitude towards everything?? them bringing out their main traits in each other??#plus the fucking HEIGHT DIFFERENCE?? it'd be so cute oh my god#as a lesbian of short stature i think flori deserves a tall buff lady to sweep her off her feet#also flori sweeping ro off her feet using a tree or something would be funny as FUCK#might ramble on ro and sandor tolerating each other better because of studying how transforming a corpse to gold works and then expanding#that concept to apply to other things would be cool to see#kotlc#keeper of the lost cities
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