#also hhhhh between the forms of address and the chengyu translating some of this dialogue sure is. a time.
neuxue · 2 years
Mei Changsu: “既已荒败多年,多半已无旧日之痕。郡主又何必非要进去睹物思人呢?”// “There are likely no traces of the past left there, after so many years abandoned. Why is Your Highness so intent on going in to reminisce?” Mu Nihuang: “人去楼空,物换星移,可不代表一切就消失了。该留下的还是会留下。有些人,有些事,依旧深藏在心里,不会被时间抹去。”// “The room stands empty of those who are gone, and all things change with the turning of the years... but that does not mean everything is lost. That which must stay will stay. Some people, some things, remain hidden deep in the heart, and cannot be erased by time.”
Mei Changsu: “[...] 苏某奉劝郡主,不要在此地逗留了。” // “[...] I advise that Your Highness not linger too long in this place.”
she is trying SO hard to realise who he is and he is trying SO hard not to let her, pulling out all the stops to bury any trace of who he was (and definitely not hurting both of them more in the process)
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