#also hi anon sorry if i misinterpreted ur idea or fucked around w it in a way u dont like <3 sorry. i love you.
hellhoundlair · 1 year
So we know Jack likes to imitate dean, right? What if when Dean is absent (literally even just for a supply run or to a bar) Jack thinks it's his job to step up and be the Dean of the bunker because he thinks sam can't cope without dean. So sam starts to think its a bit strange that whenever dean is out Jack keeps trying to get him to eat and asking him how much sleep he's getting and hovering in his room, but he's kind of used to it from Dean after all these years so it doesn't feel that out of the ordinary to him. But then Jack thinks, dean would do anything for sam so that means I should do anything for sam too even if it would make him unhappy. So he thinks he's helping sam get more sleep by bringing him tea before bed that's laced with whatever drugs they have in the bunker and he doesn't tell anyone what he's doing because dean would just do what's best for sam without asking for permission so why should jack. And dean is pissed because how the fuck is the kid getting sam to sleep more when Dean himself hasn't been able to do that? And he's already suspicious of Jack so he makes sam sleep in his room with him (gen or wincest whichever you prefer, it feels so much more fucked up as gen or pre-wincest though) and Jack becomes convinced that well if dean won't drug sam to help him sleep then maybe he's not willing to do anything for sam like I would
(I'm so sorry this is so long and so weird)
do not apologies for being a free thinker. this concept is weird and good and also i love the creepiness of it. ill be honest i didnt pay very close attention and have never rewatched the jack era of the show so excuse me for inaccuracies but i rly want to expand or contribute to this idea because it has such good creepy weird unsettling potential.
i think at first it would come of as completely innocent. a little funny but endearing. like when a kid want emulate a parent and tries to try to take care of that parent the way their parent takes care of them. jack genuinely fretting over sam not taking care of himself and making steps to take care of sam instead. its cute until it becomes a bit too much. it gets weird. sneaking pills into sams food (ur mind <3), reading though his phone and forging texts and being affectionate in a way that sam doesnt usually see from jack. and his attitude stopping the second deans back every single time. i also love the idea of dean to be extremely suspicious of jack and protective of sam in this scenario. ironically, deans "jack is a monster and we need to be wary of him" attitude would drive sam towards excusing jacks behavior more and defending jack instead.
i also like to imagine that either sam and dean r in an unconventional platonic relationship type thing where they have their own rooms but sometimes they sleep in the same bed and cuddle and come across as a couple. OR. wincest but no one knows, they sleep together and go on covert dates and are physically close when no ones around (or when they think no ones around. its harder to be sneaky with jack in the bunker)
and jack has picked up on that dynamic and also tries to fill that space for him. lingering touches, brushing sams hair out of his eyes undressing him for bed when hes limp from the sleeping pills, playing with sams hair while hes asleep. and every time sam catches it a spike of panic goes through him. and whenever sam tries to ask jack why hes doing that or tell him its not appropriate jack hits him with the "you and dean do it. why cant i?" and theres so many reasons why but sam cant tell jack that with dean its different, because jack will get depressed about not being able to fill deans space. and in the case of a wincest scenario he absolutely cant tell his adopted son that dean and him are only affectionate like that because theyre fucking. jacks already overly attached to sam and telling him ''incest is okay and i partake in it all the time'' is not a good idea when jacks already pushing boundaries. dean and him shouldve really thought through how their unconventional nature of their sibling relationship would affect the development of a child before they ended up coparenting one together.
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