#also his crown Does say onion king thank u for noticing
onegani · 2 years
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hbd onionthief hope u feel like a king today <33
for anyone wondering heres the tiktok reference WHJASDHJSD
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misstehbyulteh · 7 years
Chanwoo prince!AU
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[ Part 1.0 of the SEVEN KINGDOMS Series. ]
Welcome to the kingdom of the lost sun, Arenvour. It's basically the darkest kingdom among the seven kingdoms because rumor has it, no one saw the sun rise in this country. The country's basically ontop of a snowy mountain, and it's a.) cold, b.) dark c.) hard to go to and from but hey they're one of the richest countries because of their manpower, and wealth from the gold the ancestors got from a cave ontop of the mountains.
It's also the country's main source of income.
So here comes the crown prince Jung Chanwoo.
To be honest, no one knew that he's the prince actually.
He's a fan of acting so you can see him in the kingdom, roaming around, performing from one theater to another.
With bodyguards
In his trench coat and his favorite checkered scarf
But the other reason why no one knows about him being the prince is because of his unprincely actions.
Have you ever seen a prince skip out of his royal duties because he has a PLAY to perform in???
Have you ever seen a prince act so slyly with his staff?
Have you ever seen a prince who blatantly disrespects the king and queen easily as he does?
Yeah, he's pretty much a rebel, and a spoiled brat, but that's just his facade.
The truth is, he's really caring towards his kingdom, to the point that he goes "fuck the duties" just to help out in the kingdom.
Once, he went on a disguise as his actor self and helped out in the mines.
He also learned economics on his own by buying books from the kingdom of lost seas
He also helps out in making fire, hunting for festivals and such
It's the reason why his father allows him to brat out
But his mother hates that he's not royal-ish but does chanwoo care?
"Hell nah, I can do myself, thank you very much." he'd say.
So here's where you come in hehehe
You came from a family of hunters. And since you're the first female-born in the family, the entire family's protective of you
But you learned hunting from them so name a weapon, you can handle it.
And you wanted to try for knighthood but your brothers HATED that idea bc HEY YOU ARE THEIR BABY SISTER
But you reasoned "Shut up, i'm not a baby anymore!"
After 1234567890 years of practically blackmailing your family, you finally convinced them that you'll be a knight.
Oh, males and females are very equal in Arenvour basically because of Chanwoo and his equality agenda, so going to knighthood was fine for you
You're now assigned to Chanwoo as one of his bodyguards because you're a prodigy at fighting, anyway.
On your first day, in front of the king and queen, he gave you his schedule and you went "Oh, he's pretty norm--"
Scratch that normal.
The moment you two got out of the throne room, he pulled the schedule out of your hands and ripped it right in front of you with a cheeky grin.
"What the fuck?!"
You held your hand on your mouth when you realized that you said something rude. His grin turned to a stern look
And you knew you were doomed
"Terrific, you're getting fired on your first day, congrats." you told yourself
"You're funny Y/N, I like you already!" He laughed out loud before heading out first and you, ultimately following him, confused.
"You're not firing me?" you asked as he shook his head.
"Nah, why would I? And I think you'll be fun to be with for a change."
Turns out, his old bodyguard retired so he looked for a new one and you caught his eyes because you're pretty and you're from a family of hunters and he reasoned that he thinks he'll never go hungry as long as you're with him.
And he was brutally honest when he explained this.
Where did the shy chanwoo go?
and so you were flushing to death thanks a lot chanwoo
But you shook this thought off and back to work
After a week, you realized that his prince schedule is a 360 of his actual schedule. In the morning, when he has an ongoing play, he's usually practicing in town. If not, he's either helping out somewhere. In the afternoon, he goes out for lunch while reading economics books in the library (you wondered how he got access to the vip room but you remembered he's a prince, sooo) and in the evening, instead of eating in the royal banquet at that time, he performs or eats with the townspeople. At night, he'll just head back and sleep.
Which totally shocked you.
Actually, when he ripped out the sched, you thought he'd play around and mess around in the country.
"Oh, he's better than I thought."
And then his image in your eyes just went A++ for the next week because he's been treating you nicely.
"Oh, mister, how can you let Y/N carry that?" He grabbed whatever you were carrying and carried it himself.
"Y/N, it's dinnertime, what do you want?"
"Y/N, you're here to guard my body, so just watch me over from somewhere, i'll be fine."
"Y/N, I know you're tired so sleep while I perform"
But that doesn't stop him from bossing you around to be honest.
"Y/N, i'm hungry, get me chicken, but I want it fresh so hunt for one."
"Y/N, I can't shoot the pig, shoot it for me."
"Y/N!!!!!! My clothes won't fit!!! Sew it for me!!!!"
You basically got a manchild. He'd sometimes visit your quarters asking you to hunt something for him or make him tea or milk
Then he would also joke around you, like "OMG what are you WEARING dear knight you look like a FUCKING BROCCOLI"
And in general, he's what you'd call a prince-on-top with the royal family and staff.
But little did you know that the prince tends to be like that with the people he genuinely likes.
And he really adores you! Like he'd think it's fun to joke around and when you whine about it, he'd be even happier.
He began to really like you because of your advices though. Like, your advices makes sense and he likes that so much.
And your love for children!!! Heck, when you two helped out in an orphanage, you didn't hesitate to pick up the paralyzed kid who's thought to be cursed and his heart fluttered in amazement.
So the day for the royal ball held by Arenvour finally came. The night before that night, the prince visited you in his quarters with a wide smile. "Your highness, I'm off-duty right now."
He nods. "I know, I'm off duty right now, too." He said as he raised his arm, revealing that he's not wearing the royal brace. He smiled beautifully. "I came here to tell you that you should dress nicely for tomorrow, no need to be my bodyguard, just be there for me."
"Ok???" ofc you raised a brow at him and nodded in acknowledgement before leaving.
So the next day, you didn't get to act as a bodyguard because he sealed himself in his quarters, but you still guarded his door.
The night came and you dressed nicely into the dress your mom made, chose a nice hairpiece that your younger brother formed with gold and a good pair of shoes that your older brother made for you. (tbh your dad had a hard time sending you off.)
YOur brothers drag you out before your dad starts ranting about everything again.
Ok so now the ball. The palace changed drastically for the ball. Everything's suddenly anti-cold and all. You didn't get to see chanwoo immediately, but you saw some of the other princes from the seven kingdoms. Like Hanbin from the kingdom of the lost grounds, who made it clear from his ring that he's not single and not ready to mingle.
Then the music started to play. Everyone's chattering with someone, and you were with some of your fellow knights, like Mingyu for example. Or Kyulkyung, maybe, who are bodyguards for the royal family, too. And these two didn't hesitate to ask, "Ok we get it you have an affair with the prince"
And you were like "bhItCH what ths fuckkkk????"
Kyulkyung, who's the queen's bodyguard, kept asking "the queen asked me about you, about which family you came from or what lineage you're from because she thinks that her son likes YOU BITCH"
And you went "LOL he LIKES me??? I think it'll pass if you said he likes to annoy me u know"
Mingyu raised a brow. "care to explain the midnight visitations in your quarters and the laughing?"
"You heard that?!"
Mingyu nods. "You guys were LOUD." you mentally rolled your eyes and reminded yourself never to open up your quarters for him next time. "Anyway, I think you'd make a good couple."
"lol says who?"
Mingyu winks "says the guy who's the son of a matchmaker." before glancing somewhere. "looks like someone's mad at me for winking at you."
Before you can say anything you felt someone grabbed you by the wrist.
Surprise, surprise, it's chanwoo looking hot, flustered and slightly upset with a pout on his face as he ultimately pulled you away from your co-knights.
"Your highness, what's with you?" you asked when you finally were left alone on the dance floor.
"Y/N, what did we say about the your highness thingy when we're alone?"
"oh, right, Chanwoo." you raised a brow at him as you two began to slow-dance. "So, care to tell me why you pulled me away from my friends when we were chatting?"
He cutely pouted making you smile a little. "I told you to be here with me, for me, not to chat with them." his pout became longer. "you see each other almost every day!"
"not as much as I see you, though."
He rolled his eyes. "fine, you made your point."
You began to notice his outfit. It's not his usual clothes, it's his prince uniform. You took note of this fact as you remembered that the royal family only wears the royal uniform during ------
The coronation. Holy shit. "The reason you wanted to have me here is because you're going to be crowned tonight?!" OKAY BEETCH YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING
"shh!" he scolded you. "you did your homework, didn't you?" he smiled at you before he did his curtsy. "i also came to get a queen." but before he can explain further, he walked away and headed for the podium, further confusing you.
[ Part 2 here! ]
[other members: hanbin || jinhwan || bobby || yunhyeong || junhoe || donghyuk ]
[other princes: Chanwoo (1)(2) || Jaehyun || Seungcheol]
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