#also his teeth were changed from black to white so the headshot is a bit inaccurate
funkylilworm · 5 months
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Vikki - the name they got when they joined the vees a few years ago
Rikki - the name they got stuck with the moment they ended up in Hell 
Richard Axel Newson (or just Richard) - Their real name/ their name when they were alive 
Vik - Nickname given by Vox and Velvette 
24 yrs old 
Omnisexual and Aroace
Nonbinary (was closeted when they were alive) 
Demon Class:
Demon species:
Axolotl Demon 
Demon species meaning:
° When they were a live their middle name was Axel
° Axolotl, a lot of x's (a play on words) ,when a demon is in it's demon form or just has an x on their body in general 
,it explains which part of their body was hit when they died or which body part was removed. Like for example when Alastor is in his demon form he has an x on his forehead because he died from a headshot or Vaggie has an x over one of her eyes sense Lute removed it
So whenever Vikki goes into their demon form they have x's all over their body sense they died getting shot multiple times. 
Birth town:
Las Vegas ,Fremont
Birthday & Death day: 
December 21st, 1480s -  Birth 
January 16th ,2480s - Death <----(Shot and burned alive)
Zodiac :
Sagittarius ♐ 
Voice claims: 
Talking - Lucio from Overwatch (but their voice kinda fried / scratchy because of how they died)
Singing - Titus Bergus (for now, I haven't decided on what their singing voice claim is yet)
Super Abilities: 
☆Music Bending - can control and bend music to their will ,can control the volume, and sound waves of it
☆ Chains  - they can summon dark turquoise chains to their will, said chains are usually connected to the demons whose souls that they, Vikki owns 
☆Underwater breathing - Vikki can breathe underwater without a struggle 
☆Transformation- Can shape shift and change into their demonic form 
☆ Brim hat - Vikki's brim hat floats over their head and not only acts like a disco ball and as a speaker, but it also amps up their powers similar to how Alastor's microphone cane amps up his 
☆Talking Cane- 
They have a purple disco ball cane that has a mind of it's own. The cane's name is Ritz , goes by He/Him pronouns, has a mind and personality of his own, he tends to be annoying petty sarcastic and blunt ,and Ritz tends to always either try to embarrass insult or tease Vikki (also my voice claim for him is Yago from Aladdin) 
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Mental Disabilities that Vikki has: 
Neutral form/Demon form(how they usually look): 
Vikki is an Axolotl Demon with hazel skin (w/ half their body chard thanks to how they died), the background of their eyes is a dark purple with them having light purple pupils that's shaped like music notes (specifically this 🎶), they have ocean blue hair that's in a pompidour hairstyle, they have sharp dark purple teeth , they're around 6’1 ft tall and is very chubby, they wear a black brim hat, they wear hot pink shutter sunglasses, they wear a black long sleeve 80s themed button up shirt w/ a blazer over it, one side of said blazer is dark purple w/ a long dark red sleeve and the other side is a dark turquoise w/ a long hot pink sleeve, they wear dress pants with one side being hot pink and the other violet purple ,and they wear white dress shoes 
Scary demonic form: 
They basically look the same but the inside of their tail starts look like a music note (specifically this 🎼) , their pupils look like this 🎵, they become a little bit taller , their teeth becomes ten times sharper, and they start drooling this dark purple substance uncontrollably 
Height : 
Hobbies : 
• Listening to electric music, pop music, house music, trap music, and Mashup and remix music (their favorite music genres) 
• Playing music on their turn tables
• Attending and Dj-ing for parties 
•Drinking (may be an alcoholic) 
• Making music Cds and cds of their djing playlists
• Drawing sketching and doodling all on paper 
• Stamp collecting 
• Music production 
•One of the vees (apart of the VVV entertainment district along with Valentino, Vox, and Velvet) 
•Local Dj for big fancy parties the higher ups go to (such as the Morningstars like Lucifer Lilith and/or Charlie, the ars goetia, overlords, and the vees)
•The music overlord/ 80s overlord
They work at the VVV entertainment district along with Valentino, Vox, and Velvet . While Valentino is in charge of all porn throughout Hell, Vox in charge of all electronics and media throughout Hell, and Velvet is in charge of all clothes and fashion throughout Hell; Vikki is in charge of all music throughout Hell 
Though he mostly prefers electric music, pop music, house music, trap music, and Mashup
• Listening to electric music, pop music, house music, trap music, and Mashup and remix music (their favorite music genres) 
• Playing music on their turn tables
• Attending and Dj-ing for parties 
•Drinking (may be an alcoholic) 
• Making music Cds and cds of their djing playlists
• Drawing sketching and doodling all on paper 
• Stamp collecting 
• Music production 
Favorite food/s and/or drink/s: 
•Meat lovers pizza 
• Pineapple pizza 
• Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream 
• Energy drinks (orange and/or mango flavor)
• Orange and mango flavored slushies 
• Slushies 
• Pina Coladas 
• Listening to electric music, pop music, house music, trap music, and Mashup and remix music (their favorite music genres) 
• Playing music on their turn tables
• Attending and Dj-ing for parties 
•Drinking (may be an alcoholic) 
• Making music Cds and cds of their djing playlists
• Drawing sketching and doodling all on paper 
• Stamp collecting 
• Music production 
•Meat lovers pizza 
• Pineapple pizza 
• Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream 
• Energy drinks (orange and/or mango flavor)
• Orange and mango flavored slushies 
• Slushies 
• Pina Coladas 
•Fast food and/or junk food 
•Listening to music through their headphones 
•Their turn tables (they have turn tables in which they named Bolt Retro Newson, Bolt for short) 
•Air horns (owns a shit load of air horns)
•Making sound effects with either their turn tables or keyboard (they own a keyboard)
•Their keyboard 
•Slow Walkers 
• Hangovers 
• Feeling trapped ,helpless ,or vulnerable (because they feel as if it'll put them at risk at getting hurt ,manipulated, ridiculed, or killed) 
• Asking for help (too prideful, their head is stuck up their ass)
• Owing favors (too prideful, their head is stuck up their ass)
• Being judged 
• Valentino (loves Vox and Velvette more)
• Loud chewing 
• Silent rooms and atmospheres (silence leads to them over thinking = thinking back on childhood trauma /past trauma and inner turmoil ) 
• Both their mom and dad (has mommy and daddy issues) 
• Crying 
• Stupid people 
• Getting sick 
•When people take advantage of their kindness (those who does winds up either dead injured or traumatized)
Long language:
•Physical touch  (and vise versa) 
• Gifting  (and vise versa) 
•Words of affirmation  (and vise versa) 
•Validation (and vise versa) 
But only from people they trust the most 
Vikki is a laid back and east going energetic overlord with a “cool dude” and “Go with the flow” demeanor and is known for being the fourth member of the vees /entertainment district and instead of being in charge of fashion like Velvet, the porn like Valentino, or the tech like Vox ,Vikki Is instead in charge of the music that goes around Hell. 
Vikki's demeanor is normally easygoing, calm, and carefree, no matter the crisis. However, they are generally impatient as they hate boredom,cannot hold still,and can be impulsive and short-tempered. Because of this, Vikki can be reckless and quick to act before thinking, throwing themselves into trouble without a second thought and regards for others' warnings, to the point that they acknowledged that their speed has gotten them in all kinds of conflicts. 
Their carefree nature could often lead to them being terrible at controlling the volume of their voice  , humming and or singing to themselves a lot, carrying air horns wherever they go and blowing them as either a stim ,excited, or just because  . 
Vikki is a loose-canon that's known for being extremely energetic, enthusiastic, easily distracted, fun loving, mischievous, cool (with a hint of insanity underneath) and ,creative . 
Vikki puts up a laid-back, fun-loving and musically adept public persona. However, beneath this collected, suave exterior is Vikki's true nature: a self-absorbed, superficial con man. Rarely thinking ahead, Viks largely coasts by on luck and social media buzz, and it's rare they put actual effort or thought into doing anything- they'll disregard or simply not listen to others' instructions, and they tend to put more work into flimflamming people.
Vikki is fond of gloating when they think they have the edge over their adversaries. Vikki also displays neurotic, perfectionistic personality traits, and they rapidly come unglued when things don't go exactly the way they want them to. 
While they are typically open-minded, it won’t seem as if they are when they’re being self-righteous about their views. Vikki can become reckless. They are impulsive and immature at times.
While they do have a kind and soft side, they rarely show it thanks to pride and the fear of being vulnerable, infact similar to the other vees and/or other demons in general they can be just as evil, deranged, malicious, and cynical!!
Also Vikki's vocabulary and/or what they usually say is things like ; bro, bruh, broski , rad, radical , eat my shorts, let's roll ,and ect. (Other 80s slang) in their speech and/or sentences!! 
 Childhood upbringing -
Grew up in Las Vegas in the 80s with their mom and dad and their older brother and sister (the two were twins) and their parents made the three child celebrities that has ended up acting and/or staring in a lot of commercials, PSAs, ads, shows, movies, and games and none of the ever liked it other than their parents 
Growing up - 
As Richard Axel Newson got older they left their TV fame behind to become a Dj and start dj-ing at parties ,those not being the only things he started doing but he became extremely impulsive and self destructive to the point it'll always leave them into trouble 
Adulthood - 
Their self destructive and impulsive behavior soon started to lead Richard to no only insanity but their relationships with people to start gradually but slowly fall a part ,even later on causing them to end up getting into an argument with their sister about their own health and safety 
Death - 
Months prior from that argument , no one has heard from Richard because they were in their bedroom all day with the door locked, only to one day for their siblings to come in check on them, only to find their door kicked in (hinting at a murder) and Richard on the floor with 15 bullet wounds in their body and their house on fire (the murderer must or been trying to burn the evidence) 
because turns out,he owned somebody money
Richard was soon pronounced dead in the hospital 
Trivia(headcanons/ fun facts about them): 
Tw: May include dark themes like eating disorders , alcohol abuse,and childhood abuse (read cautiously)
•They work at the VVV entertainment district along with Valentino, Vox, and Velvet . While Valentino is in charge of all porn throughout Hell, Vox in charge of all electronics and media throughout Hell, and Velvet is in charge of all clothes and fashion throughout Hell; Vikki is in charge of all music throughout Hell 
•Vikki's favorite kind of music genre is electric music, pop music, house music, trap music, and Mashup and remix music
•Vikki's brim hat floats over their head and not only acts like a disco ball and as a speaker, but it also amps up their powers similar to Alastor's microphone cane 
•Vikki has a pet bull frog they named Phrappachino or Phrappi for short (with an PH instead of F ) and Vikki spoils the shit out of her and really really loves and adores her,Phrappi is a female 
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•Vikki's favorite foods is corndogs, chili ,meat lovers pizza ,pineapple pizza ,mint chocolate chip ice cream,and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
• Vikki's favorite drinks is energy drinks (orange and/or mango flavor), Orange and mango flavored slushies , Slushies in general, and anything alcoholic but mostly cans of beer
•Vikki is a perfectionist and it's most likely because they're traumatized on how their parents used to helicopter parent them 
•Vikki is black coded, they were a black guy when they were a live 
•Vikki uses the 80s slang words Bro, Bruh, Home skillet, Whatever, Crunk, Sick, Eat my shorts, let's bounce, and ect In their vocabulary very often 
• Vikki isn't one to usually use their power and Status to intimidate others unless they're being provoked or actively being disrespected 
•Most people actually really really love Vikki and loves how chill and charming they are and while that's true they're also scared of them sense they're an overlord and stays on their good side because of it 
• Vikki owns a shit ton of souls but barely remembers and/or keeps count with any of them unless one of those demons that's soul is in Vikki's hands are described 
•Vikki has insomnia and barely gets some sleep ,but when they do get some sleep they're a heavy sleeper that snores really loud and drools in their sleep
• Vikki used to have a problem with eating disorders, bulimia nervosa when they were a teenager because back than (when they were alive and/or when they were a teenager) they were bullied relentlessly for their weight and their parents used to fat shame them and put them on strict diets 
•Vikki owns a pair of 80s themed headphones and turn tables they named ,Bolt and Deziray 
•I inspired Vikki off a mixture of Sonic the hedgehog, Swag Sans from the Sans au, Mark Beaks from 2017 Ducktales, and Sardonix from Steven Universe 
•DeerSwag-  Lafayette × Vikki , the two have like a slow burn queerplatonic enemies with benefits type of relationship (this is the relationship, Lafayette kept the longest with alternate motivations and he's keeping it that way) 
•Ritz (Vikki's cane) is supposed to be the embodiment of Vikki's inner turmoil, negative thoughts,and suppressed anger
•Sense it's Hell, Ritz (Vikki's cane) is supposed to be Vikki's punishment (which is unfortunate for both of them) but they slowly buy gradually start becoming closer and closer 
•Vikki sees the vees as a found family, but isn't as close to Valentino as they are to Vox and Velvette 
•Vikki can glow in the dark just like an actual Axolotl, they usually use it for show in parties they dj in too
•The parties Vikki usually djs at is those really rich parties and/or parties overlords and other higher ups go to
•Calls people “friend” when they're pissed at them
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bubmyg · 5 years
headshots - myg
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pairing: yoongi x reader
genre/warnings: vampire!yoongi, fluff, blood mention, act of feeding but it’s not. in any way at all violent lmao, non-chronological with my other vampire!yoongi drabbles
word count: 1,920
summary: you need to update your headshots or yoongi volunteers because he doesn’t show up in photographs so his fingers getting in the way of the lens shouldn’t be an issue. also based from this request (sorry it took me literally forever happy spooky month afjslkfd):
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Yoongi murmured your name quietly, out of focus from where two delicate hands were stuttered in fiddling with various settings on the camera in his grasp. Your rambles faltered but didn’t stop, forcing him to glance up at you now, smile quirking when you tried to look away from him to the camera, hands cupping around his to correct whatever he’d changed before.
He didn’t budge, caramel grinning at you under long eyelashes and shower waved fringe until you finally silenced with your tongue between your teeth. 
“My love, I don’t mean to interrupt you…” Yoongi rocked closer, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek before nosing his way to your ear, “...but I know how to use a camera.”
You nodded, teeth catching the inside of your cheek now and you relaxed when he touched your hip, palm rubbing gentle circles into the place where your silk top quietly began to pull outward from where it was sanctioned by a belt. 
He hummed in acknowledgement, thumbing at your hip in one final, tender movement, before reaching for your hand, threading your fingers together. Lowly he spoke with a soft tug on your arm, “Come.”
“That’s the school’s camera, by the way,” You ranted after a handful of silent breaths in following him down the hall, “We have to be careful with it.”
You stumbled when he led you two doorways off from the bedroom, an elegant wooden arch without an actual door that opened into what modernly would be a living room. Instead, Yoongi had filled it with some of his most prized possessions, collectors items ranging from centuries old oil paintings to the tiny porcelain pig hidden underneath a rickety end table. The largest and perhaps most cherished was the piano, an antique version of the one he kept in his basement study, one that could be played but could not be as easily replaced. It sat cornered by two paisley print couches tucked on top of maroon rugs, cherry wood floors slipping underneath your socks as you anchored down on Yoongi’s hand.
Upon closer inspection, you found that he’d rearranged, angling the couches at a further distance from each other, adding a display of plastic fall flowers to the top of the piano, drawing back the two layers of grey blackout curtains to reveal the soft beige that rested on the outside, ones that still worked to absorb the last of the sun’s rays as they disappeared in pastels on the canvas of the horizon. The dimmers had been carefully adjusted, a few lamps drawn closer to the central part of the room by the means of scuffed extension cords. 
Balanced between the artificial leaves of the piano arrangement was another camera, barely peeking out from the top of an unzipped bag, one tagged with your university’s credentials. 
“No, that’s the school’s camera,” Yoongi said finally, gesturing for the object in question. He wiggled the one in his grasp, distorted imagery of the room around you melding on the display screen, as he clarified, “This is my camera.”
You frowned at him, connected by your intertwined hands that he bounced gently against his thigh. “I checked that one out from the school for a reason. We don’t have to use yours…”
He delved into a detailed explanation of lens’, color balance settings, and essentially all the things his camera had the one provided for you did not. Yoongi punctuated his rambles with a pointed, “Aren’t I the photographer here? This is an artistic decision made on behalf of your brilliant photographer in the interest of the most exquisite subject,” One dark eyebrow curled upward into his fringe as he lifted your knuckles to press a gentle kiss to, “That’s you, angel.”
The excess heat from the lights surrounding you began to prick into your hairline and your voice borderlined on a whine, “Can we just take these headshots, please? I’m hungry…”
“Of course,” Yoongi dropped your hand, moving fluidly toward the piano to draw back the bench. Hip against the closed lid of the instrument, he jostled the camera to shove up the sleeves of the hoodie dangling off his stature, revealing glittering silver bands on gaunt knuckles and the delicate birthstone bracelet that dipped into the rivet of his wrist bone. One side of his lips quirked knowingly at your mouth dry stare, catching your attention with a simple command. 
Rigid, you complied, perched on the edge of the black upholstery. A second of fiddling with various parts of your person, hair, top, smudging a thumb down the side of your mouth and you squinted up at Yoongi still stationed above you with the camera in wait. He offered a gentle smile, one that caused you to reciprocate the same gesture but it wasn’t nearly as relaxed. More heat crept up the back of your neck and you dropped your gaze once more, mumbling an apology alone with—
“—could we move some of the lights? It’s a little hard to keep my eyes open and—”
You didn’t recognize the soft squeal that left Yoongi’s lips as he dropped to a crouch in front of you, elbows digging into the tops of your thighs as he pulled a ridiculous facial expression behind the retracting lens. Your giggle came from disbelief but slowly turned into pure amusement, one he documented with a quick succession of shutter captures before he pulled the camera away to beam at you. 
Ring clad fingers danced to your thigh, gentle in gliding up, back down, a handful of heartbeats before he conceded, “Relax.” 
“Sorry,” You uncrossed your legs, a movement Yoongi wasn’t unaware of, and you began to ramble when his hand drifted higher, “Did you know the current headshot on all my profiles is from high school? I’m just...not a good picture subject. I don’t photographer well.”
Yoongi hummed, following the movement of his hand with blackening eyes, “I don’t photograph at all.”
You were gentle in pressing your palm into his shoulder, his mischievous irises flicking to you as the touch and your scolding noise, he cocked his chin. 
“What?” Crooked fingers trailed down your thigh, catching the underside of your knee to drag you closer to the edge of the bench. His teeth broke through into his smile when you gasped then glared at him, digging your nails into his shoulder now as he shrugged, “Vampire stuff. We don’t show up in pictures.”
“Maybe not in cameras made fifty years ago,” You grumbled, well aware of his scrunched nose taking up the majority of your phone wallpaper. 
He chuckled, a low sound that rumbled in your ear as he fit himself closer to you, dropping the camera to the floor next to him in the process. Two hands curled up your thighs this time, parting them enough to fit himself between. Expansive palms gripped your waist, lips brushing over yours to say, “You’re still not very relaxed.”
“I wonder why,” You grit your teeth, nails on his shoulder trading to card into the soft black tendrils at his nape. 
Yoongi’s lips trailed down your jaw, not lingering in one press for too long before they parted, brushing down the column of your throat to rest on your pulse. It spiked considerably and he pressed his nose against your skin, gripping your waist a fraction tighter. 
“Artistic decision by the photographer?” You squeaked. 
“On behalf of the best interest of the subject, yes,” He muffled. You felt his lips spread against your skin, fangs brushing over the tender skin a few times without making a move forward. “It’s not nice of you to lie, by the way.”
“You do photograph well. You’re beautiful.”
The slightest bit of tension curled out of your stature, melting against him as your heart fluttered in your chest for a different reason than the pointed pearls daring the break your skin. “Thank you, Yoongi.”
“May I show you how beautiful you are?” Yoongi’s canines applied a bit more pressure this time before disappearing altogether, nosing back up the path his lips had made to meet your gaze. His eyes shifted somewhere between an entrancing maroon and overly rich auburn, “I’ll only take a little. Nothing compared to other times.”
Your voice was small but you meant your words, hand sliding from silk tresses to cup his cheek, “Of course.”
Yoongi turned, kissing your palm before grasping your wrist, placing your hand on his shoulder. “Show me, angel,” He encouraged without explanation. You squeezed his shoulder three times, a nonverbal this doesn’t feel right, please stop. His soft smile disappeared as he ducked to peck your cheek again, praising at a whisper good, that’s perfect. 
White noise became more apparent in the build up, the soft buzz of the audience of lamps, Yoongi’s denim clad knees as they shuffled around on the rug for a more comfortable position, the rapid thrum of your heart in your ears. Unadulterated trust had you presenting your neck, head tilted to give him better access as he sprinkled kisses in a similar path as before, taking extra time to pepper the spot in soft ministrations. 
“I won’t hurt you,” He reminded, fumbling around to find your free hand, reminiscent of every time he’d fed from you. A nonverbal safe word, a gentle hand hold, a promise that reinforced why you trusted him so much (sometimes spoken more for the benefit of the dormant creature that resided somewhere deep within him). 
“I know,” You answered like clockwork, squeezing his hand. A shuddering laugh, one that stuttered on your tease, “Now get on with it, we have to get these headshots done tonight.”
Yoongi laughed, “Ready?”
When you nodded, his kissed affections became a countdown, one, two, three pecks and the tiniest of hesitations before his fangs pierced your skin. 
He was there long enough to coat his tongue in the sweet taste of what your heart propelled toward him, quick in healing the miniscule wounds before drawing back. He brought you with him in an embrace that ended on the floor, praises punctuated with chaste kisses to every place Yoongi could reach. Those very affections tangled in your eyelids when you lifted your head to squint at him, a misjudge that had him apologizing and you giggling as you cupped his jaw to stop him. 
“Was that enough? If you need more, I’m okay…” You spoke to the gentle glow that followed the act, filling your veins in the same adoring sun that emitted out of your features pointed at him. 
“I told you I was only going to take a little and that’s what I did. I’m okay, too,” Yoongi’s lips pulled into a toothless smile, one that pressed into his cheeks on either side of his mouth, “Are you more relaxed now?”
You swayed in his arms, enough to press your cheek into his shoulder, fatigue entirely more prominent on your eyelids now, “Mhm...maybe more so after a nice nap—”
“No napping yet,” Yoongi jostled you in his embrace, prodding at your cheek with the straight of his index finger, “I need to get some food in you. And, we need to take a few more potential shots.”
You cracked one eye open to his protests, “Hey, photographer?”
He immediately slumped at the way you addressed him, sighing, “Yes, gracious model?”
You closed your eye again, snuggling into Yoongi’s chest.
“It’d be in the best interest of the subject to let them nap.” 
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