#also honorary mention to aj's entire mlist another GIGANTIC inspiration for me specifically polygraph and even death and highways
wavesmp3 · 4 years
what are some of your favourite svt fics? currently or ever, i don’t care!
anon ! sorry this has taken me so long to answer. but get ready for a ton of fic recs because i love talking about my favorite pieces
1. enouement (jeonghan) by @chanhao-s -- if i had to pick one fic on tumblr, this is the one i’d pick. this piece is probably my favorite fic on all of tumblr, and not one of my favorites, but my favorite, and i don’t say that about anything in life. it’s an absolute must read. the world, the characters, the plot, the descriptions, the progression -- it’s all to die for. the concept itself is so amazing, and the characters feel so real and so flawed. both jeonghan and mc in this have their own sort of redemption arc and it’s just so beautifully done. i rec this fic to everyone because i love it dearly. i have no other words, just everyone go read this fic!!
2. almost (mingyu) by @yoontothemoon -- this fic is another one that i rec to everyone because i love it so much ! op’s writing is to die for, the way they describe emotions and feelings and atmosphere sets such a special tone and immediately pulls you in. the writing style and descriptors are so unique and creative they make my heart jump. i’ve never read a fic quite like this one, so i find myself coming back to it routinely. again there’s no way i can articulate the love i have for this fic; another must read!!
3. this ocean is yours, (chan) by @swyllh -- honestly all of sara’s writing is my favorite, such a criminally underrated writer, the way they use description and dialogue to set tone and establish setting completely kills me. sara’s writing inspires me so much. specifically why i love this fic is because its an apocalyptic setting but at the same time it sort of doesn’t feel that way. the entire fic relies on the circumstances of that world and yet the impending doom almost feels skirted around. (i don’t think any of that made sense, but it’s really an amazing fic). also the fic has this open ending that changed the whole way i looked at writing endings (like i said sara’s writing is a huge inspiration to me). and also the use of the questionnaire and the bucket list of sorts is so incredibly creative and it just blew my mind the first time i read this fic. 
4. overrated (jeonghan) by @lxveille -- another writer on here whose entire mlist is perfection. veille has a ton of fics that i adore (like that one minghao apocalypse fic or the jeonghan idol-verse piece) but something about the fic i mentioned absolutely stole my heart the first time i read it. it’s! so! amazing!! to begin with the dystopia world that’s established in this fic is just *chefs kiss*. but also, the progression of the relationship and subtlety in the writing just makes my heart go crazy. i adore this fic. and the use of the words and their definitions as line breakers is so masterful, an absolute work of art. the words she chose to use and how she twisted their meanings to fit the circumstances and fit the characters... it obliterates me. again i have no words to describe how much i love this fic, one of my absolute favorites. 
5. the darkest shade of blue (jeonghan) by @minghaoss -- where do i begin with this fic, the way eros wrote this piece made my jaw drop the first time i read it (and the second and third time too) its almost like she had me in mind while writing cause i swear it’s like it’s been catered towards my specific taste. my heart feels like it’s sinking just thinking about this fic. the repetition, the structure, the motifs -- all of it has me on the floor in tears. its such a wonderfully written piece, reads like poetry too, oof i just love it!
6. the morning after (jeonghan) by @dinoshaur -- this fic somehow always surprises me every single time i reread it which is unsurprisingly quite often. sha’s writing here is just so tasteful, and it makes me remember what an amazing writer sha is. the entire concept isn’t necessarily one that’s new or unique, but the way it’s written makes it feel like something never seen before and something undiscovered. jeonghan and mc’s dynamic and their dialogue is so entrancing and it makes me so soft for them. another truly wonderful piece!!
note: i apologize that these are all basically jeonghan fics but i have a major soft spot for him in fics, honestly it’s probably half the reason he’s one of my biases now lol
also anon i recommend looking through my fic rec tags #mi amor: fic recs and #mi amor: faves because you’ll find even more amazing fics there (i’m not sure that these links will work on mobile, but you can find them in the tags of this ask too!)
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