#also how Cole had an entire special dedicated to his fear of being forgotten
nerdyenby · 8 months
I am having Thoughts about Cole and Geo (DR spoilers)
The way Geo was cast aside, lost, and forgotten because he was an “unnatural” combination of two feuding races decades ago. The way he found the same man who ended the war between his two people’s and set them both free. The way it was too late for him, the way what is lost cannot be found. The way Cole found him anyway. The way they fell in love. They way they dedicate themselves to taking care of and caring for all the other kids who have been lost and forgotten. The way they do everything in their power to keep these kids safe. The way they power each other, the way they trust each other completely. The way their elements both compliment and reflect one another: earth and fusion. The way they think they need each other. The way they do, just not in the way they had thought.
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