#also how does ur ass know I didn’t block them?? unless ur op 👀
samuraisharkie · 1 year
Now that wasn't very serotonin-huffing of you, was it? Block the OP of the post, take a breather, stop telling people they should die for a joke post, pet an animal, meet people, realize that people enjoy stuff that you don't, just. Genuinely, calm down. You don't get a happier life waging a war like this. And if anger and hatred is your choice-- well. Enjoy your burnout, and enjoy desperately trying to find joy when all you've done is surrounded yourself with barbs of scorn.
LMAOOOOO WHAT 💀💀💀💀 hang on I’m using “barbs of scorn” as my new discord handle that shit had me wailing HQKEJEKR if this is about the “proshipper” post 1) ur loser ass really scrubbed through looking for people who didn’t like that op was talking abt how it was ok to fetishize incest and rape and send ppl anons telling them to “let happiness into their heart and let ppl enjoy things” 2) brother I’m plenty happy that shit meant nothing to me!! I’m not burned out for shit!! Being a hater sometimes is good for the skin 💕
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