#also i am OBSESSED with calling sasuke princess and i will NOT be apologizing thank you
frogjutsu · 4 years
How to Say “I Love You”
Pairing: Sasuke x Reader
Word Count: 1490
Warnings: mentions of car crash, very light angst, “suggestive themes”
Summary: Sasuke has never been good at saying, “I love you.” Truth be told, he’s never been good at hearing it either, but there are a million ways to show affection. Sasuke just hopes you understand. 
The night air nipped at your ears, the first chill of autumn finally settling in. You pulled your coat tighter around yourself and forced away the burning in the back of your throat. There was no point in crying. Not when you knew Sasuke was waiting for you with a warm blanket and a warmer smile. 
The door to your apartment opened with a soft click, bathing you in the inviting light of your living room. Sasuke's name remained a dying ember in your chest as your eyes washed over his figure on the couch. You could hear his soft snores from where you stood in the doorway. Your heart broke and swelled in equal measure.
It was clear he tried to wait up for you. Two long forgotten mugs of cocoa sat on the coffee table along with a selection of DVDs Sasuke had pulled for your date night. The warmth in your chest grew as you turned to him. Sasuke looked perfect like this: face soft with sleep, hair fanned out behind him on the couch as his chest rose and fell. He was so peaceful. 
You knew he'd be upset that you didn't wake him when you got home, but you couldn't bring yourself to disturb him. Instead, you gingerly grabbed the book resting in his lap and set it on the table, careful to mark his place. Then, you slipped the glasses from his nose and pressed a kiss to his temple. "Good night," you whispered. "I hope your dreams are as sweet as you." 
Your eyes fluttered open in the light that streamed through your blinds, warm and heavy like molasses. The blanket fell from your shoulders as you stretched and reached for Sasuke, but your hand met only the empty sheets. 
A muffled clang and string of curses coming from somewhere in the apartment drew your attention to the bedroom door. You threw the blanket back around your shoulders like a cocoon before padding out, still rubbing sleep from your eyes. 
"'S'ske," you mumbled. The living room was as empty as the bed, and your feet carried you half asleep into the kitchen where Sasuke stood bathed in early morning light. He looked like a statue under museum lights, a work of art carved from flesh and bone and given life. 
He hadn't noticed you yet and you were more than content to watch him, lithe and lean, as he swatted flour off his shirt. His voice was soft as he continued muttering curses at the offending flour before he finally turned and saw you grinning. 
"It's not funny," he said, pouting. 
"It's a little funny," you said, still smiling as you settled one hand on Sasuke's hip and ran a hand down his chest under the pretense of cleaning off the flour. Your grin widened as a wicked idea crossed your mind and before Sasuke could duck away, you were ruffling his hair, spreading flour through it. 
"Tch," he said, swatting your hands away and pinning them to the counter behind you. He nuzzled his face into your neck, lips ghosting against your skin. "And to think I got up early to cook you breakfast."
"I'll make it up to you, princess," you teased, tilting your head to give him better access. 
Sasuke nipped at your jawbone, then again at your earlobe. When he spoke, his voice was low enough to send warmth coursing through your body.  "Don't make promises you can't keep." 
It wasn't unusual to find Sasuke like this: hunched over the coffee table, pouring over his class work obsessively. It was more common around this time of year. The anniversary of his family's death. 
He'd mentioned something about his brother and a car accident, but you didn't want to press on a wound that still caused him so much pain. Instead, you made a note of the date and saved up your time off from work to stay home. 
You were curled up on the couch reading a book while Sasuke sat, back curved and curling into himself, pouring over homework. His sighs became more frequent as he got frustrated with himself. How many times had he read the same paragraph? How long had he studied and still couldn't get these practice questions right? He needed to get them right. Needed to be the best. Needed to make his parents proud, to make their death worth something. 
"Damn it," he shouted as his eyes glazed over the words in front of him again. You jumped at the sudden noise, shutting your book and reaching out to Sasuke as he swiped his own books off the coffee table. 
"Hey," you said, putting a hand against his shoulder and pulling him to lean back against the couch. "What's wrong?"
"Everything. I can't focus because I hate this class and it's pissing me off and which makes it harder to focus but I have to get this reading done so I'm ready for the test Friday and fuck." Sasuke buried his face in his hands. 
Your heart broke as you watched him. You wanted to rub all the tension from his shoulders, to reach right into his soul and rip out the pain there with your teeth. "You could always drop out," you joked,  tone lighter than the pressure you felt in your chest, lighter than the weight you knew Sasuke must feel on his shoulders. "I'm sure Naruto would love to give you a job as his personal assistant." 
You could almost hear Sasuke roll his eyes. "Tch, I'd rather die."
"Mm," you hummed, reaching down to wrap your arms around Sasuke's chest. "Lucky for you that I've already hired a hitman to take you out when you least expect it." 
"How romantic." Sasuke leaned his head back against your knee, eyes closed as you ran your fingers through his hair. He winced slightly as they snagged on a tangle. 
"Don't move, 'kay?" You leaned forward to press a kiss to Sasuke's lips. He whined as you pulled away, refusing to let go of your hand. You pulled away weakly, but he tugged you back down on top of him before wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you in place. 
His lips were soft against your neck as he kissed the skin there, careful to drag his teeth against the hollow of your throat, knowing it drove you crazy. You felt his grip on your waist tighten as you moaned, but you put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back into the couch. "You're a brat, you know that?" 
"Learned from the best," he said, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. 
"I only give as good as I get," you said as you rocked your hips against Sasuke's, swallowing his moan. You tangled your fingers in his hair and tugged, exposing his neck to your hungry mouth. "Are you ready to be a good boy now?" 
"Yes," he breathed, barely above a whisper. 
"Good. Then stay." You planted another kiss on his waiting lips before standing, ignoring how he sighed at the loss of contact. 
You did your best to be quick, filling a spray bottle with water and grabbing a brush from the bathroom before heading back out to the living room. Sasuke hadn't moved. His head was still back against the couch, hair spread on the cushion, as he stared at a spot on the ceiling. Or through it, if the distant look in his eyes was anything to go off.
"Lean forward," you said, tapping him on the shoulder. He obliged wordlessly, bending forward as you settled on the couch behind him, boxing him in with your legs. 
Sasuke pressed a kiss to your knee as you spritzed his hair. "Hold still," you hissed as he moved away from you. "Just close your eyes and relax."
You heard Sasuke grumbled something under his breath but couldn't make out what it was. He settled back reluctantly and you pulled the brush through his hair, starting at the bottom to work out the tangles without tugging too hard. 
The silence settled around you like the winter's first snow: glittering and beautiful and warm despite itself. You were at home here. Sasuke slipped a hand around your calf and stroked it as you continued combing his hair. You could feel the tension leaving his shoulders every time your fingernails scratched his scalp to search for knots. 
"I could die like this," Sasuke said suddenly. Your hands stilled in his hair.
You responded quietly, as if speaking too loud would ruin the moment and scare him away. "You're such a sap." 
"Fuck you," Sasuke said with no bite. 
You laughed, carding your fingers through his hair. He was still smiling, and you knew, in that moment and a thousand moments before, that you would do anything to keep that smile on his face. 
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 4 years
Cream Puffs and Puppies Chapter 2
For TimKon week Prompt: Matchmaker. I went in a different direction with the prompt. I hope you enjoy.  Pairings: Kon/Tim, Jason/Roy/Kory, Cass/Cassie, Dick/Wally, Diana/Bruce, and Jon/Damian You can also read it on AO3
"I can't believe I let you talk me into this." Jason Todd growled as he glared at his two lovers and then his little sister.
"Come on Jason, you have to admit that it is clear that Bruce, Dick, and even the little demon miss Tim, and Tim misses them greatly." Roy reminded the growling man.
"I know that! I just don't get why we have to do this at a stupid con or why we have to dress up!" Jason hissed back as he tugged at his costume, at least it wasn't something ridiculous. "And why the hell can't I wear a shirt?"
"Because Dante doesn't wear a shirt." Kory happily informed Jason stealing a quick kiss. "How do I look?" She asked twirling around in her cosplay outfit.
"You look amazing." Roy came to stand beside Kory they both ended up going as Neo Queen Serenity and Neo King Endymion both looked amazing as their characters.
Cass had decided to go as Sailor Mars and Jason had a feeling a big part of her choice had to do with the fact that Cassie was going as Sailor Venus.
"Just so you know the only reason I am doing this is because I want to see what Blondie and Babs picked for Bruce, Dickie, and the demon spawn," Jason informed them as he crossed his arms over his chest.
A wide grin appeared on Roy's face as he clapped Jason on the back, "Sure Jay whatever you say."
Jason glared at Roy then turned his attention to Elizabeth, who he ended up adopting after his fifth visit when Tim rolled his eyes and shoved the adoption papers in his hands and told him to just fill them out already, gave him a doggy grin full of love. "Fine, let's get this over with."
"You look amazing my space husband." Tim beamed at Conner who had finished putting the final touches on his costume. In Tim's opinion, he made a very handsome Shiro.
Tim had decided to go as Keith Kogane when Conner surprised him with tickets to a comic con and every Keith needed his own Shiro.
Conner could only smile as he pressed his lips against Tim's he knew his lover was obsessed with Voltron and what he called the epic love story of Keith and Shiro, he refused to accept the ending that neither Keith and Shiro or Lance and Allura ended up together.
"How dare they deny them their happy ending." Tim hissed as he watched the final seasons.
Conner had kept a close on Tim after that, the last thing he wanted was for him to do something drastic like buy the studio and redo the entire last season himself.
"The last time I went..." Tim trailed off the last time he went Dick had been there, they even managed to get Bruce to come along with them.
"Come on we better get going to meet the others." Conner stole a kiss from Tim, he hated the pain in Tim's eyes, he knew that he still missed his family. 'Please let this plan work.'
Barbara Gordon wasn't someone you messed around with, she rolled into the Batcave with Alfred and Stephanie both behind her.
"If you want to win back Tim this is your chance," Barbra informed them as she passed them their outfits. "You have half an hour to get ready before I call in reinforcements in the form of Wally, Jon, and Diana." Grinning as her threat had the effect she wanted she rolled herself out of the Batcave, she had her costume to pack.
With Bruce having his own plane it was easy to get them to San Francisco in time. Of course, Barbra had left out the little fact that Wally, Jon, and Diana would still be joining them. She rather enjoyed watching Jon appear in front of Damian and hug him.
Barbra made sure to get photos she had no clue how Diana convinced Bruce that yes he had to dress up as Wesley from the Princess Bride to her Buttercup but she had managed to do so. She had a feeling the black outfit helped.
Jon had picked Sasuke for Damian and Naruto for himself. Damian's scowl matched Sasuke's perfectly while Jon was just as happy as his character was.
Wally and Dick, well Babs was impressed at how much Dick managed to look like Tony Stark while Wally looked like a stupidly in love Steve Rogers as he gazed at Dick. 'Perfect for them.'
Barbra had chosen to go as Captain Marvel (Carol) and she rather pleased with how her costume had turned out.
Stephanie looked amazing as Spider Gwen, she looked unrecognizable.
"Now remember that our goal is to talk to Tim and prove to him how much we miss him." Dick reminded them. Guilt had eaten at him when Jason returned Red Robin's suit and everything to them. He had failed his little brother.
"Indeed." Damian, after Jon, pointed out how he talked and treated Tim had been wrong, had come to realize that both he and Tim were loved and wanted. He needed to make amends for his past treatment of Tim.
"Wow, you guys look amazing." Tim praised as he caught sight of everyone's costumes. Raven looked amazing as Gamora and Gar looked like he was having a blast as Star-Lord. Bart was hopping around as Spiderman and Cassie looked amazing as Sailor Venus.
"Let's go," Jason growled as he stalked towards the entrance.
Linking hands with Conner Tim pulled him to follow after his older brother.
They had been there for about an hour when Conner got the text he was waiting for.
We are here.
Giving the signal to the others they followed Cass who would easily find her family.
"Look," Tim whispered to Conner as he walked behind his sister and friend.
Conner grinned as he spotted the link hands between Cass and Cassie and the faint blush on both of their cheeks.
"Hey Spiderman, looking good." Spider Gwen appeared out of nowhere, nudging Bart in the side.
Tim blinked he would know that voice anywhere. "Steph?" He had been so focused on being happy for Cass and Cassie that he hadn't been paying attention to the fact that he had been lead into a room.
Tugging off her hood Stephanie grinned at Tim, "Hey, ex-boyfriend long time no see."
It took Tim one glance around the room to see who else was there and his chest clenched. "What are you all doing here?"
Dick took a step towards Tim, "We are here for you Tim. To ask for a second chance to make things right with you. To prove that we love you, that you are part of our family. I know I haven't been the best brother to you and I want to fix that."
Bruce followed Dick and came to stand next to his oldest, "You are my son and I am sorry that I should have never made sure you knew that."
Jon nudged Damian who rolled his eyes as he followed his family, "I owe you an apology, Drake... Timothy. I was wrong in how I treated you and I wish to get to know you as my brother."
Dick gave Tim a a pleading look, "I love you, Tim, we all do will you give us a second chance?"
Tim had missed them all so much, yes they had hurt him deeply but he couldn't deny them that he missed them and wanted them back in his life. "Okay, I missed you all and I want my family back."
Dick moved and engulfed Tim in a tight hug. "I have missed you, little brother. And I'm not going to lose you again."
Tim clung to Dick, he had missed his hugs, "I missed you too big brother."
Jason rolled his eyes as he spotted Bruce's hands twitching, "Oh hug him already." Jason wasn't in the mood to watch him brood.
Tim and Dick were engulfed in Bruce's warmth as he hugged them to his chest.
Jon looked at Damian, "I am not hugging them." Damian informed his boyfriend.
A sweet smile appeared on Jon's face, "You're here that is a good start."
Once the hug broke Tim turned to face Conner, "Was this your idea?" He asked.
Conner grinned sheepishly, "It was a joint effort. We could see how much you missed them. You weren't whole without them and from what Stephanie and Barbra said they were even more miserable than you. Besides, I figured you would want your father to walk you down the aisle."
The room went silent as everyone stared at Conner.
Tim's eyes were wide, "Are you asking me to marry you?"
Conner fell down to one knee and pulled out the ring box he had been carrying around with him for a month, "Timothy Drake-Wayne since the moment I met you my life was changed for the better. I couldn't imagine my life without you. The day I met you was the day I met my soulmate and I want to spend the rest of our lives together and be able to call you my husband. So will you marry me?"
Tim lunged at Conner, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing him deeply.
"I think that is a yes," Bart commented.
Bruce let out a distress noise that had Diana linking their hands together, "I think this is wonderful a union blessed by the Gods. Their souls have always been meant to be one." She whispered to Bruce who could only grunt.
Wally shook his head as Dick looked torn between happy that Tim was getting married or upset that his baby brother was getting married. "Conner is good for him and he will treat Tim the way he deserves to be treated." Wally did his best to comfort Dick.
"Don't worry I already gave Conner a long and very detailed list of what will happen to him should he hurt baby bird." Jason drawled out.
"What! You knew?" Dick whirled around and glared at his brother who just let out a crackle than a curse as Dick tackled him.
While chaos broke out behind them Tim broke the kiss and rested his forehead against Conner's, "The answer, by the way, is yes. Thank you for bringing my family back to me."
"Anything for you my space husband."
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