#also i am not proofreading this godbless
ocdhuacheng · 2 years
Anyway as i was SAYING before i was so RUDELY SILENCED last week:
If devils get their power from humans, if humans were wiped out, would that mean the devils will be wiped out as well? And if this is the case, is that what the death devil (calling her that for now even if fujimoto is pulling a funny one on us) wants? Does she want to cause not just the end of mankind but the end of devilkind as well, including herself? Since she is a primal fear, i bet theres no other way for her to die, and i wouldnt put it past her to Want to die. It would probably be something super poetic and honorable to her. So this extinction event might just be an elaborate suicide for her because its the only way she Can die. As long as humans fear death, she will keep coming back, and humans are never going to stop fearing death, so the only way to die would be to kill all the humans? (or get eaten by chainsaw man ig. I forgot about that part lol). Also if this is the case why did she wait until now if she had all of human history to start this?
Anyway thats what i was thinking when i read it last week, but this weeks translation is kind of different. Obviously i dont know japanese so theres a loss of information for me but based on this official translation it seems like the death devil, if thats what she is, is not working alone. Fami says shes the ‘first of the devils who will shepherd the world to the ultimate terror’, while last week the translation said something like she was the devil that was the origin of all fear. So i'm not sure what to make of this new translation rn. I mean i dont think it necessarily contradicts what i was thinking before, maybe there are a bunch of devils that follow death and are willing to die for her or want to die themselves? idfk
All the evidence seems to point to her being the death devil, but IF fujimoto is pulling a fast one with us, my guess would be that she could be the pain devil as well. Pain can drive people to suicide, though the people she killed didnt seem to be in pain, even mental pain, they seemed to be more of in a trance, so take this with a grain of salt. I’ve seen people hypothesize that she is the depression or suicide devil, but I dont think that those devils would be primal. If the eternity devil or the cosmos devil are not primal i dont see how the depression devil would be primal. and i think the fear of depression would at the very base of it be a fear of emotional pain, so i feel like that would fall under pain’s jurisdiction.
The reason why i brought up the pain devil originally wasnt actually because i was thinking she was gonna be a part of the story, but was actually due to the “origin of all fear” comment that fami said in the last translation, that seems to have disappeared in this one lol so idk. At the time i was thinking that i disagree with fami/fujimoto saying (or implying?) that death is the origin of all fear (not that it would have changed the writing or that it mattered or anything, just that its my personal opinion like. Philosophically. Or whatever) The reason why i think this is, yeah it's true that when you boil down a lot of fears down to their very basics, they can be said to be derived from a fear of death. But if someone is in so much pain, death becomes a release for them. I feel like pain is almost as strong or even just as strong of a motivator as death is when people are motivated by fear. So idk! I dont know if i have a point with any of this anymore.
Anyway another question is, is this primal fear that showed up at the apartment in march of 1998, and the “great king of terror” that will descend in july of 1999 the same devil? Or are they different? And if so which one is the death devil and which one is a different primal fear?
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
Hello Miss Lock! You were talking about how Genshin has such talented reader-insert writes and I seriously hope you include yourself as well in there! I am not much for yandere but you have made me enjoy them and your harem scenarios? Godbless, thank you so much for giving us your wonderful art for free!! PS I would adore to see Albedo more often in your writing if that is okay with you~
i’ll try to imagine myself in there anon ,, there’s a lot of areas i want to improve in my writing, so i’ll keep working hard. i’ve been content with my progress over the past year though! i remember when i first started out i was so embarrassed by what i was writing that i never proofread my work. dark days, i tell you, dark days. so many little errors that i could’ve caught. 😭...
i’m happy to hear that you’re enjoying the content though!! that’s always the end goal, for it to be enjoyable or entertaining in some regard. thank you for your kind words 💖
and ooh, more albedo? i tend to group his headcanons with scaramouche and xiao, i’ve been wanting to do a hc post for them lately. so you’ll be getting your wishes answered soon. albedo will also get a yandere behavior profile somewhere down the line! 
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