#also i did kind of assume at the beginning of the season that jet-ricky was gonna become a thing but i dont see that happening anymore
newtness532 · 2 years
can they just let the gina-ricky thing in the past? like i thought we were over this
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stiles-hoodie · 2 years
Episode 4
Ricky vs Bowen Count: Ricky [4] Bowen []
This Episode: None
Seblos my heart!
Ricky really showed up at school in his pajamas. You can take this as his house is so unorganized that he had no clean clothes, or that Ricky didn't have the motivation to get changed that morning. HIs interaction with his dad when he got home shows it's most likely both. They've both been in a slump. He comments how the living room is starting to smell like his bedroom, meaning he has also been living in the same state as his dad, Ricky's just been able to get himself to school even if he doesn't want to be there or put in the actual effort to get ready for it.
Seb asking Carlos about dancing in front of the non theater kids breaks my heart. He was nervous and so was Carlos but they are both are excited to go together and that won out
"I quit the show before anyone could figure out I didn't know what I was doing." This would explain why Miss. Jenn could've chose Ricky as well. Seeing the potential in him that Ricky couldn't fully see either, and telling Carlos to convince him to comeback. Then of course we see this relates to her relationship with Nini in this scene as well
"Last minute cast change."
EJ not knowing the plan is a big thing this episode he doesn't like going along with something he doesn't full know. We know that Gina didn't full think through what they were actually going to do and everything and the small amount she did think about ended up not happening. So instead of coming clean she keeps him in the dark until she can longer think of anything else to do to get him to leave it alone.
Ricky thought Gina was different then what everyone else thought. He mentions this here. "BUt, hey, maybe you are what people say you are." Everyone else had a completely different opinion on Gina then he did and had made it known with each other (not with Gina though obviously) this can go into how he also reacts to Lily and Jet later on in the show. He wants to try seeing the good within them. The only person he hasn't been able to convince himself to see the good in them from the very beginning is EJ and that's because EJ has made it clear to Ricky that he doesn't like him either even when he tried to try his best.
Gina asking him what it is people say I don't think she was actually expecting him to answer. Everyone else has been scared of her and usually backed away from her or backed down when she went against them. When no one had anything to say after that, I think it's the moment she kind of got her wake up call. Then right after that EJ kept asking for the plan because he doesn't just go along with things and she doesn't know what to do because Ricky was right she made an impulsive to ambitious move and it backfired.
Gina is clearly upset over her new revelation and EJ got the short-stick this time around without actually doing anything to deserve it
Kourtney was right about Nini seeing herself through guys eyes, but what Nini doesn't realize is that she doesn't see herself the way guy see's but what she Thinks they want from her. This assuming though and little lies do eventually come back to haunt her though in season 2 because that's never what Ricky wanted.
Born To Be Brave is still one of my favourite songs
"We lost one of our cows." Still want to use this one day for being late.
The moment Ricky mentions the skatepark you can see that Gina feels bad. She only did that as apart of her ambitious plan to get the lead and he's thank her right now, not being aware of this. Earlier Ricky said he didn't mean to add onto her problems at home, she's probably feeling the same way here now too
They both like having somewhere to after school instead of just staying home. It's probably the biggest reason Ricky wasn't like his dad at the beginning of the episode. He has the play that he can focus on for a bit instead of everything else, and if he has the play rehearsals at school might as well go to school.
I wonder how long they were sitting in the car just talking for. The moment Gina kissed his cheek Ricky was when Ricky started getting some feelings for Gina and how easy it was to actually talk to her.
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