#also i dont like the fact nora wrote andrew as like incapable of apologising? bc hes just soOo cRazy
exycuter · 5 years
I feel like Andrew once sober and not being under the literal constant threat of the FUCKING MOB (and the subsequent pressure involved w protecting his family from the MOB) would A) apologize to Kevin for choking him B) say something similar to what he said to neil like "you cannot let me be them. and I wont let myself either anymore." and I feel like neil and andrew would recruit nicky to the Help Kevin Squad. and hed C) immediately address Kevin's alcohol problem, hes done that shit b4
yeah i mean! ofc it was a highly pressurized situation the likes of which none of us have (hopefully) experienced and i get nora had to #RaiseTheStakes somehow but it was mostly the way it was completely swept under the rug and the romanticism of violence was quite clumsy considering she wrote most of her characters as victims of abuse yknow
also i dont like that line bc i feel like kevin really didnt have a say in the matter like he’s not on as equal footing (literally haha got em) with andrew as neil? neil and andrew have a very give and take relationship and its established in this very scene that andrew values neil over kevin so. andrew literally strangling the life out of kevin to get to neil is just. heavy negative vibes. i mostly think its an issue of nora not writing any serious consequences/reconcilation following that scene so it just comes across very iffy
but i do AGREE nicky andrew neil and his other teammates are heavly invested in kevins wellbeing bc they love him!!! and they Do address his issues in a kind and loving environment
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