#also i dropped interest in the mobile game circa year 3 or 4 (whatever year you got to turn into an animagus iirc) and stopped
Tbh the main reason I stopped writing for Harry Potter was prior to the big controversy surrounding Rowling, it was because of all the fandoms whose average writing I never cared much for, the HP fandom had a lot of...how do I put this
A lot of "He would not fucking say that" writing lol. My least favorite forms of fic is when writers take characters and either AU-ify the shit out of it until it might as well be an original story, or take characters and sugarcoat the hell out of them. I get why people like them, but seeing stuff like Tom Riddle being a loving supportive boyfriend getting chocolate frogs for a reader on her period and other stuff of that nature just makes me retch. And that specific uwu-ification is so rampant in HP likely due to how long its been around and it being a lot of people's first fandom. So I just avoided writing for it apart from a single Deviantart fic a long ass time ago lol.
Obviously this isn't true of every HP writer and I know there is a lot of quality work written for that fandom and has been for years, but the majority of it is very fandom-y and just isn't my scene.
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