#also i dunno why my mind interpreted the ask as others literally taking out paw gloves and just bapping everyone but it is what it is
drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
In honor of the boop-o-meter, which of the HoMies would participate? Do they boop with joy, spite, mischief, or malice? Who boops only the mutuals and who boops everyone they can find?
It's Boop O'clock! 🐾
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All of them will participate, admittedly some of them only in retailation after being booped! xD Main boopers will absolutely be Randy, Jenny and Zak!
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Randy will be having a blast booping anyone and everyone with his Ninja abilities and Jenny will try a themed transformation, while Zak will employ Fisk to boop with.
Kim, Danny, Jun and Rex, after being booped will retariate in full force.
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Kim will be a worthy opponent to Randy in stealthy athletic boops, while Danny will ambush people with invisible or clone boops! Rex is less stealthy, but he would be infected with others' enthusiasm! While Jun will attack with full spite of a middle child being bothered with nonsense.
Jake and Ben will be less enthusiased by various reasons, but they would not let an attack go unanswered!
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