#also i got some great anons on the comic blog thank you♡♡♡
ann-chovi · 4 months
It's always when I decide to take a break from posting comic updates so that I can slow down and breathe when inspiration hits and suddenly the next three pages are scripted and planned
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minkmousesworld · 3 years
I love reading you NSFW and your fluffy story’s but I’m a child on god and I like reading nsfw and great I need help - wolf anon
oh, honey, I hope I got you right (ू˃︿˂ ू) if not, feel free to write again, but I still want to talk about it.
warnings: minors & adults, why do I think minors can deal with nsfw.
just my opinion and I don't want to discuss it. if you are not satisfied with this, do not hesitate to stop following me, block me or stop interacting with me. keep yourself safe.
also, minors = children & teenagers, but children ≠ teenagers. children are rarely so wild, while teenagers for some reason very often rush at everyone </3
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to begin with, I want to say directly that I don't see anything wrong when minors interact with nsfw content or want to create it without using their own or other people's bodies.
this is normal if a teenager wants to read or write about how his favorite characters make love, what kinks they have, or reads about it and makes requests. this is absolutely normal.
it is normal if a teenager is experiencing sexual attraction. it is normal if a teenager does not experience sexual attraction. it is normal if a teenager is disgusted with sex. this is absolutely normal.
the adolescent phase is a very difficult period, as a person becomes an adult person from a child. it is during this period that sexual development occurs. you know like "ugh, adults can't understand minors", as if we were never minors and didn't know what it's like when you get angry at the whole world and are sure that you are the most unique in the whole world...
therefore, if a teenager watches porn (or erotic comics) or reads nsfw, there is nothing wrong with that. we must clearly understand that teenagers know themselves. it is during this period that they first fall in love, start dating, and realize their orientation. and I don't see anything wrong with them trying to understand themselves.
yes, many adults are uncomfortable that teenagers can read them or even interact with them. I know writers who do not want those who are still in school to interact with their nsfw content at all. and we have to respect that.
there are teenagers who do not want to communicate with adults at all. and we must respect each other.
but if a teenager opens nsfw, which is marked and hidden (there should be a separate evil monologue about those works that for some reason are not hidden), then they understand what will happen there. if a child touches the fire, although they were warned many times and even removed the chair so that they could not reach it, then it is not the fault of the parents.
thus, it is absolutely normal if teenagers interact with nsfw. and it is normal if adults are against teenagers not interacting with their content (as well as vice versa; I know about the existence of blogs only for minors, but I am not looking for them, since for me this would be a violation of their right to interact only with minors).
I am against teenagers engaging in pornography (including sexual interaction with adults), as this negatively harms their assessment of themselves as individuals, and not as a body (this problem often concerns even adults, let alone very sensitive teenagers), but if they want to write / watch / read erotica / porn, then there is nothing wrong with this.
... so, honey wolf, if you mean literally that you need help (maybe you're getting sick), then please keep yourself safe. but if you mean "I'm a minor, but I like nsfw (((" then just look for something that does not violate your and others' borders, remember about function ≠ reality and do not worry too much about it. It is ok. I'm sorry, but if I had the opportunity to have such a large selection at one time, I would definitely use it, pffff /hj
Just keep yourself safe (physically and psychologically), do not forget to drink water and take care of yourself (but also do not forget about others)♡
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also, thank you very much for the words about my fluffy stories��♡♡
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