#also i guess her phone must've either broken/died or been confiscated
juriyuna · 2 years
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This scene in CR where Juri and Ranka are talking about the Bat is so funny to me because... she's not dead. She's been held hostage at Janomiya's base for the last few days. The Bat went AWOL and Juri must've gone "huh. haven't seen that fucker around in a while. guess she died" and then never bothered to look into it further.
Imagine being stuck in the enemy's base for like. a week because your leader assumed you were dead with 0 evidence and thus didn't send out anyone to search for you. Help is never coming; you are trapped indefinitely in a dingy abandoned arcade with a bunch of 14-year-olds. Nightmare scenario.
(ranka teams up with the bat later on when she goes to janomiya's base to fight ao, though. do you think she texted juri like "holy shit you are not gonna believe who i just found")
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