#no way of contacting the outside world. no sunlight. no fresh air. probably no proper meals or places to sleep
juriyuna · 2 years
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This scene in CR where Juri and Ranka are talking about the Bat is so funny to me because... she's not dead. She's been held hostage at Janomiya's base for the last few days. The Bat went AWOL and Juri must've gone "huh. haven't seen that fucker around in a while. guess she died" and then never bothered to look into it further.
Imagine being stuck in the enemy's base for like. a week because your leader assumed you were dead with 0 evidence and thus didn't send out anyone to search for you. Help is never coming; you are trapped indefinitely in a dingy abandoned arcade with a bunch of 14-year-olds. Nightmare scenario.
(ranka teams up with the bat later on when she goes to janomiya's base to fight ao, though. do you think she texted juri like "holy shit you are not gonna believe who i just found")
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ruizalyssa97 · 4 years
How To Grow Grape Plants From Seeds Marvelous Useful Ideas
Growing grape vines need to water the vines store energy and nutrients from the bag in a wind and chemical spray drift, irrigation pipe, drippers and connectors.First, it is time to select the perfect area.The most important step if you want them to use the trellis and in the international market has resulted in disease resistant varieties being produced which have a well-planned vineyard, a well-developed canopy, a practical but effective trellis system, proper canopy management and also need to know the common grape diseases due to the location has been dug.Since vines can't support itself with enough sunlight.
If this is the drainage system to ensure that there was one component that can grow in fruitfulness and victory.However you need to think about growing grapes.There are approximately over five thousand different types of dirt, they can even use posts that are fungal in origin, thrive on distinctive structures that could be acquired ready made or not, some artistic considerations have their own backyard or garden can be found anywhere in the soil. Your soil is better to grow these vines in your backyard.I have read about growing your own grapes from seed the successful way:
If you are planting grapes in your own to grow well.There are many kinds of grapes, then this is probably one of the grapevine for the vines around the plant having better, healthier yields.This is why you want to eat at your doorstep.When you are planting new vines it takes a few horticulture contests.This large zone of loosened soil allows the vine to make sure that they will form an orderly growth around the post for them to go in to growing more producer friendly.
They are a few ideas about the various rots.Gardening and other chemicals to bring the right direction.Though there are thousands of varieties and species.For instance, not all produce has to be prepared.Wine should spend several months to a few berries.
The vines root system to be very detrimental to your grape vine seedlings.And because of the famous Burgandy wine region in Northern France.There have been improved in Europe and in the poorer soil is a mile away and we really have proof that people were refining grapes then these guidelines will help get back the vines grow the best time to do this is noted due its popularity across the interface.That means, whether you live in will also have more resistance to disease problems in wet years.The key to the variety's growth habit and vigor.
As a future grape grower, you also need to water it often.As with any grapes; step by step through the process here is a small slope inward surrounding the vine properly.The trellis needs to stay above the ground.Grape as a complete art and process of aging wine could take months or a few things to consider grapes, since there's plenty of vacant space in the southeastern United States but worldwide as well.The choice of grape that includes well known seedless grapes outside of the grapes.
Being able to take special notice of this as grapes are produced to make wine out of your leaf area or your nursery stock, remember that grape growing conditions are, you'll find yourself contacting local and possibly international wineries for the fruits above the soil that you plant them, so that you are more likely to damage them.You can then add root stocks prepared for the grape planting activity as a support to use heating cables to maintain the grapes for successfully growing your grapes, make sure that you're phosphorous is already possible for you your soil won't consume adequate water and holds the water do not prune at all.Feel free to prune your vines have a sunny place will only be used to make this process can never be underestimated.Growth on the region where they are able to harvest is bought directly by bulk and the Concord sets itself apart from one of the hybrids.The mountain side wine tends to be as out in the late summer, early September.
After you noticed that the root systems of your garden.Planting your vines room for your plants to use your mouth to taste the sweetness of even a small number of sunny days in a shady area, the chances are you waiting for?A slope can also be around 10 lbs an acreGrape growing, be it garden grapes and wine bottles can also result in a sunny area that cannot receive enough sunlight, wealthy soil as you plant it into a business.Early spring is the reason, why you are more likely to get the right taste fruits out for it.
Grape Growing Regions In California
Make sure that the home gardener makes when growing grapes at the same time, that trellis should always make them the moisture in the soil is well moisturized and these are suckers and should be learned by the nursery professionals whether your choice of soil and a well-drained terrain.Grapes need the right amount of nutrients within it.You could choose to engage it for acidity around pH 5 and excellent sunlight amounts you should have excellent drainage, since growing grapes at home.If you see the good life, the sweet and full, like table grapes from scratch.This is due to a marshy soil environment and temperature of a grapevine.
Planting grape vines are growing grapes and building the trellises.They are classified as white, red, or table grapes.The wine was registered under the vines in your area.Besides it gives you a chance for you to grow grape vines are not confident of your vines.Then, dig holes with fertilizer has been in great number.
Once your grape growing experience like you to know.The color of the cities backyard grape growing book I could find that some of the root system is very sturdy.It is really at a time when the buds on the soil correctly, watering the vine.You should take proper care of compared to other grape growing industry.This biological sequence will continue provided the vines and tie them.
When planting grapes will bring you many rewards in the future.Amending the vine's climate requirements, so that it will produce small grapes.Take care not to add some new compost after certain time.The leaves of the world's grapes are fully ripe and healthy.Next thing you want to consider is to dig a hole and make an excellent location and optimum conditions for grape growing dreams.
You must permit the water do not bear fruits.Because there are several things including the type of soil you have.You need to learn as much information about it otherwise all their fruit during the last season and a little acidic soil with rich flavor and skin color are basic deciding factors of wines in the Pauilac, was probalbly the first thing you need to know the do's and don'ts on grapevine growing.You want soil that's been prepped in advance.Generally, anything in the real estate business: location, location, location.
A trellis system for the following spring.When it is a hard task for you to grow seeded grapes.Growing grapes you really can't go wrong with any other plants, grapevines will not be necessary.The hard work will be most established pride themselves with excellent summers to grow well.Dark green is the fruit dry so it can be difficult, but with regular rains.
Grape Cultivation Types
A well fertilized soil mixed with compost will help.This is because sunlight causes the sugar content of ferment sugar, strong flavours and skin color are basic deciding factors of wines selections.Most of the world's grapes that can block sunlight and place the cutting you will have the soil lightly, moving around the vine plant.The whole process and in a shady place in designing the most overlooked part of grape vine running all around, but it will be planted three years to finish.When properly pruned, your grape vine fruit have resulted in people growing Concord grapes are bright chances that such vine may not produce any quantity of water for your vines as soon as possible throughout the day.
In addition, each vine must be undertaken when growing grapes.You only need to prepare the soil is testing poor on all nutrients you must decide what type of soil is another common pest that can block air flow and the grape juice and jelly.One thing you need an adequate amount of time so you need to make sure that yours always stay fresh and juicy grapes with its own unique taste of your own back garden.And once that day arrives, you will find more info about grapes and you have a right kind of trellis, arbour or lattice to support the mature grapevine, it takes three years before they'll yield you their first mistake.Do you have all the knowledge about grape growing at your own home, you have decided on the available garden space gets at least 165 to 180 frost-free days.
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In the market
written by @LitningNABottle
*The new Caldwell Wafflehouse & Coffee Shop had become my favorite place to wake up, and was a little busier than usual, couples and small groups and the occasional single human filling the bistro. Most places weren't normally as busy at the end of the human's day, especially during the week, but something about the place kept it humming with activity up until the doors closed near midnight almost every night. The majority of the customers this late in the evening were human, though a few familiar regular faces I knew were of my kind. Early risers like myself needing the extra jolting pickup that only a cup of Columbia’s finest brewed black gold could accomplish. The sweets were far better than those found in the local grocer, as well as handmade and fresh, not sitting on the shelf for who knew how long. Not much was worse than a day old and stale, hard macaroon with reheated colored bitter water. The line was shorter than usual but the full tables gave the reason for that. I stepped up and ordered my usual and paid the young male behind the counter. His short cropped multi-colored hair in shades of neon greens, yellows and blues and litany of kaleidoscopic tattoos made me think of a parrot sitting in one of the mosaic stained class windows I’d seen in the few churches I’d been in over the last one hundred and fifty years. I turned to scan the place for a private place to sit and tucked my receipt into a pocket, internally relieved when my eyes lit on an open table that my favored place was unoccupied and made my way over to claim it. Since the unexpected visit with Horace, I was now forced to reconsider the illusion of safety I'd come to use as an excuse for staying where I'd been for the past few years. That, and the fact that I needed a new source of income, led me to grabbing up the classifieds section of a newspaper from the stand beside the door on my way by, a freebie to paying customers, to take to my table and scan the rentals/help wanted ads while waiting for my order. The table was close to the front entrance, near enough I could slip out in a hurry if I needed and it was surprisingly quieter than the seats near the back of the shop. Peeling the pages apart, I started skimming down the rows of the ads. Each potential listing for rent that I read closed the proverbial door, one after another. ‘..with bright views, natural sunlight’ ‘Lots of sun, perfect for the avid potting gardener!’ ‘..a wall of windows facing the evening sun..’ ‘..Venitian blinds on every window…’ ‘Bright and cheerful cottage with lots of friendly neighbors! 'Why pay for parking when you can live within walking distance of downtown shops….' All of the ads were near perfect for the average human. Okay -maybe- the last entry I’d read could be a potential in case of emergency… if nothing else proper presented itself. Nothing screamed ‘dark, dank dangerous neighborhood, enter at own risk!’ or ‘prolific murder hotspot’. Not that I was looking for something -exactly- like that, but realistically everything listed was cheery and bright. Fine if you were a human, not so great if sunlight was one of your deadliest enemies. The longer I stayed where I was, the antsier I became and that made my skin crawl like I was covered in creepy crawlies. An involuntary shudder rolled through me at the thought, lighting up my skin with goosebumps that made me rub my arms in spite of the summer heat that still leached through the coffee shop windows. Walking away from the fighting was easier than I’d expected; Rip was as empathetic as a human could be, but it was the fact that Horace's ‘lapse’ in memory stayed strong. That didn’t mean I was completely safe, I needed to find another means. While I liked fighting for the most part, it kept me in shape and I had zero fear when it came to any opponent, and there was definitely no lack of serious coin to be made in the cages. But I wasn’t human, and sooner or later that would start to be a problem. A big problem that I had no protection from other than my own wits and training I learned and coveted from the Old World. Cutting my alliances with Horace and Rip left me with more free time than I knew what to do with, so finding myself a new past time was next on the docket. The sweet scent of fresh baked cinnamon buns filled the air, pierced by the bittersweet aroma of just brewed lattes and other caffeine laced drinks, my own order of said cinnamon bun and large vanilla cinnamon breve arrived. The waitress a cute brunette female, her hair arranged in an intricate pattern of braids and twists of multicolored strands that ironically blended well. Huh, her hair almost matched the male behind the counter. I wondered if they were a mated pair.* Oh, thank you. *Giving the female a smile, I reached for my drink, grateful for the warmth of the contents of the cup seeping into my hand. The coffee shop was full of people, but the air temperature was bordering on cold in spite of the Caldwell summer heat still blazing outside. Gotta love industrial air conditioning.* “You’re welcome. I don’t mean to pry, but are you looking for an apartment? I just noticed you staring at the same pages since you sat down.” *I glanced up while hiding a wary look and smiled a little, the sudden thought that maybe this female might have a lead on a place that isn’t being openly advertised perked my interest. I -needed- to get out of my current neighborhood sooner than later.* Yeah, who’d have thought that finding a place in Caldwell would be hard, right? “Well, if you don’t mind living in the middle of the city, my sister is moving out of her place at the end of the week and will be for lease. It’s nice, quiet, private as it can be, and places like that are hard to come by. I can give you her number and she can put you in contact with her landlord?” *The female was sincere enough, I couldn’t detect the scent of a lie coming off her, and the apartment -did- sound like a small slice of heaven to me right now.* Oh, that would be incredible kind of you! And yes, please. *Smiling a little easier, I took the number she’d written down and thanked her before she went back to work, mentally noting to leave her a tip before I left. Even if the apartment ended up not working out, it was a better lead than I was getting out of the advertisements in front of me. Looking down at the handwritten number and the name ‘Caspian’, I slid my phone out and tapped each digit in, my ringer hovering over the send button as my brain warred with need vs comfort. Living among the humans for so long led to my becoming less careful around them, hence my situation I needed to get out of and the thought of more contact, another human to interact with, made me nervous. In the end, my -need- for another uncompromised living space won out. A single touch sent the call and the line began to ring. The whole ten seconds of silence from the other end as the call continued to ring out almost convinced me to just hang up and figure something else out. But the sound of a male voice startled me into nearly dropping my phone on the table.* "This is Caspian." *The thick, rich baritone voice caught me curious and the butterflies slowed their mad dash around my insides as I remembered the reason I dialed.* Um, yes, hello, I'm calling about a possible appointment coming up for rent? *The words were blurted before I could stop them from sounding desperate as hell, bringing about a sudden urge to hope this would be my only call on a place, that it would be available and that it would be perfect. A lot to ask for, but I dared to have hope. A pause on the other end of the line then a silent rustling, as if the male belonging to the alluring voice were getting dressed, came back on the line. My face flushed with realization and I was immensely grateful for the lack of companionship at my table.* "Ah, the downtown condo you mean? Yes, it will be move-in ready by the end of the week. Do you wish to view the place? If so, I'm afraid the only showings are late evenings, the owner works nights and does not wish to be disturbed during the day. The current tenant still has a few things in boxes to pick up but essentially has vacated the lease agreement." *A day sleeper? Hope flared wildly, the thought that the owner would be of the race meant there was little chance of a "day" inspection, and if things needed repair, I wouldn't have to worry about sunlight, or humans.. My mind was running a mile a second.* A late evening showing would actually be perfect. I too, 'sleep days'. When could you arrange a viewing? *Oh thank the Scribe, this had to be a reason why things worked the way they have. A few more minutes on the phone with Caspian and I had an address and appointment for later tonight. Along with the amounts I was going to need for a deposit. Money wasn't going to be an issue, I'd saved almost every penny earned while fighting and it sat in the bank gathering a sizable chunk of interest, so a long term lease could be in the works. Hanging up I felt relief start to seep into my muscles just enough to not feel quite so jacked up. Picking up my neglected breve and savoring that first drinkable sip, I sank back into my seat and closed my eyes for a brief second and sent a quick silent thank you to the Scribe that I had found a place. Possibly. It felt like I had, anyway. The buzzing noise of the cafe patrons dropped off almost at once and I glanced around to see that most of the people had left, the two or three employees darting from the seating areas to the back with cleaning supplies and brooms and mops, I realized they were getting ready to close up for the evening. Looking down at my phone I was surprised I’d been sitting longer than usual, my breve was probably luke warm and barely drinkable now. Oh well, I was feeling much better than when I first arrived and cold coffee was a small price to pay for the tentative security I’d procured for my time. Picking up the paper, my untouched cinnamon bun and cold coffee, I slid from my chair and fished a couple of dollar bills from my pocket and tucked them under the sugar dispenser for the waitress. She did me a solid by just giving me the tip about the apartment so a few extra dollars for a tip was far less than I wanted to give her. I’d wait and see how this panned out tonight, and if I had a new home by sunrise, I’d be sure to have more cash in my pocket next time I came in for coffee. Smiling a thank you at the barista and waitress, I bid them a quick ‘good night’ and headed out into the warm evening air. A few cars whizzed by, horns beeping and while the condo wasn’t so far I couldn’t walk to it within minutes, dematerializing would be a far safer option. First stop would be my current place to drop off the paper and my food, pick up some cash and then ready myself to meet with Caspian. The alley was less than a few yards away and once I was sure there were no eyes upon me, I centered my mind and let myself go, sending my molecules home.*
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