#also i hadn't drank water today when i first saw this lol
cozy-the-overlord ยท 2 years
Sending this to my favorite mutuals. You have worked so hard and gave us wonderful stories and content. You are loved. You are appreciated. Have you drank your water today?
Show off a little! Because I would if I were your fantastic self! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜
1. Which one of your fics/art piece is your favorite?
2. Which one of your works did you think was going to be a hit, but didn't do as well as you'd hoped?
3. Which one of your works did extremely well, beyond your expectations?
4. Which one was the first fic/art that you shared?
5. Which one is your latest?
Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I was genuinely so excited to see this when I woke up this morning!
After lengthy consideration, I'm going to put this under a cut lol
Ooooh this is hard ... there's a couple that I really like. Crimson Curls is definitely up there because I have been trying to write murder mysteries forever, probably since I was an elementary school kid reading Nancy Drew books, and that was the first time I actually completed one in a way that holds up to me. I'm definitely proud of the first chapter-- I think I really got the whole "true crime podcast" feel down for it. I'm also super proud of A Breath and A Whisper, which is unsurprising given that it's another mystery. I had always wanted to write a ghost story and I was really happy with the way that turned out-- I'm hoping to be able to outdo it for this Halloween, although I realize I probably won't have time to finish the story I want to write in time. Also Attached and Severed-- I think I'm the only person who read those (which I get lol) but they are literally the imaginary world I used to play in as a little kid brought to life, and so that's very exciting and special to me.
Fractured, 100%. Looking back, I understand why-- it was the companion/sequel to a oneshot that had been out for a year, it's more focused on an OC than Loki, and it's a two parter (in retrospect I really should have stuck to my instinct of keeping it as one part). But at the time, I thought it would be really big. Whole is still one of my most successful stories on AO3, and I had gotten more than a few requests to write a sequel/continuation to it, so I had really high expectations. It took a year to write and I put so much effort into it and was really proud of it, so it kind of hurt when it got very little interaction. But that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
Probably Orange is the Happiest Color because that was such a goofy idea that I wrote for kicks and giggles and then it became my most interacted fic on Tumblr for months lol. In general though I tend not to have a good track record for guessing what will be popular-- fluffy, more lighthearted stuff tends to do super well, but since I don't really like reading or writing that very often, I'm always surpised when my fluffy fics get a lot of attention. Likewise, I always expect my angsty stuff to do much better than it does because I love writing it and put way more effort into it ๐Ÿ˜‚
If we're talking fanfic, then Until Tomorrow, which was an experiment for me to see if anything would happen with it lol. It didn't do super well when I first posted it to tumblr, but it got a good amount of interaction on AO3 which was really exciting and inspired me to continue writing fanfic. If we aren't talking fanfic, the very first thing I posted to tumblr was an original story that I was very proud of when I wrote it but now physically cannot read because I hate it ๐Ÿ˜‚ I won't link it but it is still on my masterlist .... along with several other old cringy original things lol
A Friend From Work, which I wrote for the lovely @naterson's birthday in June ... it's been a bit lol. This summer was kind of rough mentally and I had a lot of writer's block as a result of it, which was disappointing because I had such big plans for the stuff I wanted to write this summer. I do have one finished story that I'm trying to decide on when to post, and I have a couple others in various states of completion. I've also been outlining a massive Halloween fic, which I am very excited for but I don't know if I'll be able to write now that the semester is here (I'm doing an honors thesis this year so I fully expect a writing burnout). Still, I hope I can finish it because it's a really cool idea
Thanks again for this ask, this was so much fun!
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personinthepalace ยท 1 year
I saw a local production of Legally Blonde the Musical today!
One of the local high schools in my city (my old school's "rival" in fact haha) is doing a production of Legally Blonde, and I went to see it today! I'm a huge lbtm fan, but this was my first time seeing a live production, and it was honestly very good!! I am very passionate about the door discourse so I was highly anticipating that moment in the ballad. And this production passed the test! As soon as I saw that they were wheeling out the door during that number, I was silently freaking out to my friend haha. Anyway here are some other random notes/thoughts that I had about the production:
Real dogs! Rufus was a golden retriever, and when he came out, the show paused for a bit bc of the applauding haha. Rufus also listened to Kyle's command to sit which was quite cute haha A HUGE ensemble (it's high school so it makes sense). But they bring back the ensemble for like every possible song Elle was great - she used some vibrato and trills during her solos. Most of So Much Better was kinda a mess (backing music/ensemble not really lining up well), but OMIGOD she held out that last note just like LBB did on bway so huge props to her! Warner was a good singer not as strong as the other leads but he has the best expression/acting choices - more on that later Serious: they didn't do the accidental proposal pose which I thought was a missed joke The violinist during Serious walked back out with some great sad acting after Elle left before playing the last notes of the song (I thought that she was someone from the orchestra but they were actually part of the ensemble so that was cool!) What You Want: Elle's white outfit was cute!! They used the "Jet Blue" line! The actors' school photos for the Elle x Warner poster which I thought was funny haha Harvard variations: they got rid of Sandeep's character so the song was shorter Aaron Sholtz and Enid Hoops were played by butch actors which was cool! Bruiser now loves the Bachelor Emmett - the actor playing him (who my sister knew from elementary school) is such a perfect emmett! Looks exactly like how one would imagine him haha Background acting: Emmett introducing himself to the students and shaking their hands while Elle and Vivienne had their first interaction in class Blood in the water: Callahan was also a very good singer. I think this was one of the strongest number of the show. They also added grey to his hair He was kinda touching Enid during his lines with her but she kept on pushing his hand away from her - foreshadowing! Paulette was amazing!!! I think she might be my favorite actor in the show. She sounds EXACTLY like Orfeh did on bway. Also asian representation!! Ireland - she killed it obviously - seriously amazing!! (though she did accidentally came in early at one part). The lyrics are different from the bway version though (they were about her grandpa) Playboy bunny costume - they added a little tutu to it which was cute! Enid sat near them near the end of this scene (in preparation for Elle stealing her glasses). She tries to drink from a bottle but Warner took it away from her and drank it instead Chip On My Shoulder: Elle wears Emmett's jacket! Emmett saying he hadn't slept since 1998 killed me bc this kid is definitely younger than me haha Elle and Emmett don't do any secret handshakes though :( Elle sat next to Warner during her squealing exit and I loved that so much haha Reclaiming Rufus scene: Elle ran back on stage and threw her arms around Emmett and Paulette - I am here for this trio friendship When Dewey re-exited the trailer and saw Elle, he twirled his long hair
So Much Better, as I said before, was sadly not the strongest number but I do like that Elle's parents appear offstage when she called them. And Elle held out that last note!! Once again no Elle x Emmett secret handshake :(
(Part 2 will continue in a reblog bc apparently I hit the character limit LOL)
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transformers-why ยท 6 years
Bit By Molecular Bit 2/2
Plot: You've been rushed to the med bay by Skids! What will Megatron do?
(MTMTE Megatron x Reader)
@fruutie568, hope you like the second part even more, lol!
It had only been a few hours since what happened. Skids was guarding where you laid in the medical bay, and you were completely asleep from pain killers and overall exhaustion.
When Megatron walked Skids didn't waver, standing there, arms crossed. If he couldn't save you then, he sure as hell was going to protect you now. When Megatron saw you Skids honest to Primus was startled by the concerned look that suddenly appeared.
"What happened?" He looked to Skids, and the bot wasn't sure if he should say.
"It's a... it's a longer story than you might think." If Megatron's eyebrows existed and could raise, they just did.
"Okay, give me the short version." Skids was starting to feel on edge, Megatron was acting so... different.
"She uh, fell from about fifty feet and broke her arm. If I hadn't caught her she most likely would've died, actually." Megatron looked to you again, noticing the black cast on your forearm. "First Aid says she's gonna be alright, but still needs to check up with Ratchet, since he has more experience with humans."
For once in a long time, Megatron did something he almost forgot he could do.
"Thank you, Skids." Skids nodded awkwardly, and started to fidget when Megatron didn't leave. He just stood there, arms behind his back looking at you.
Then it clicked. And Primus does he love being a super learner.
So, Skids took his leave. But not before a humble "Anyone would've done the same."
Now Megatron waited, wondering if you ever got his letter. Wondering what you might've been doing before the letter... wondering how Skids found you. By the time he had pulled up a chair, people had stopped by every now and then. Some were surprised to see him, and others seemed to be aware of something he wasn't, but it made him realize how many people cared for you. How many wanted you to be okay.
A lot of people liked you on the ship.
But then you sight upright quickly, coughing from your dry and sore throat. You hadn't drank anything today and-- wow. Wow does your arm hurt. You winced, and looked at it carefully.
It was in a cast.
"How long was I out...?" You mumbled. An all too familiar voice answered, and your heart fluttered at the sound of it.
"About eleven hours." Megatron had come to see you. You looked up at him, bewildered.
"Eleven...?" Oh god. That letter was still on your bike. Anyone could see it. "Oh god." He assumed you were commenting on the hours. Should you bring up the letter? Why hasn't he? Is he waiting for you to feel a little better?
You should bring up the letter.
"I...um, my throat is dry. Do you think you could get me some water?"
He nodded. "Of course, I'll be back in a minute."
Aw, he's so sweet.
In that minute, First Aid had dropped by. He checked up on your arm and some bruises that you had gotten from the crash with Whirl. He also checked the large one on your bicep from the fall. It was a lovely purplish green, gnarly, right? It covered about half your arm. Megatron came in halfway through the checkup, carefully handing you the tiny glass. It was a perfect fit in your hand you and gave him a warm smile and a thank you. His spark fluttered.
"Anytime." He spoke lightly. First Aid wasn't done with his checkup, but reading the room he figured it was a good time to leave. Before he did though, he gave you his own version of a wink. You blushed, when did he find out?
"I'll be back in a bit with Ratchet, so don't go anywhere." He said jokingly.
Now it was just you and Megatron in an awkward silence. He had sat back down in the chair near your bed, calmly staring at his own hands. He seemed bored. You mindlessly tapped at the glass on your cup. You seemed bored.
"I... I got your letter." Why? Why the fuck would you say that?! What kind of conversation starter was that? Oh my god!
Megatron looked up at you eagerly and you nearly swooned, it reminded you of a puppy. "You did?"
You took a deep breath. Here goes nothing...
No, here goes everything.
"Yeah, and I love you too, by the way." You were shaking from fear of what he was going to say next. You had no idea what that would be.
Apparently he didn't either, but he had leaned down to your level with a cautious look. Your faces were maybe a foot apart.
"You do?" You chuckled at his simple worded questions, nodding. He broke into the tiniest, happy smile, and you grinned in return. Then, leaning over, you pressed your lips against his.
He was so shocked he couldn't move.
It was incredibly gentle, and lasted only a moment. A moment that he wished could've gone on for hours, if he was being honest. When you parted he still didn't move, but you had the same smile on your face.
"Lovely letter, too. It was amazing." Primusyouweretoomuch.
So he pulled you carefully with his finger into another quick, gentle kiss.
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