#also i have both icons n gifs so whichever u prefer i will match
absolutesort · 2 years
setting :  day 23   /   anywhere in the villa  /  idk lunchtime mayb open to :  everyone and their nana. 
       walking into the villa, there’s a hard balance to strike between being audacious and being downright obnoxious. few before her had managed to find the sweet spot, but frankie has a habit of finding the chink in the chain mail, she would take a turning fruit and dig her greedy fingers into the soft marrow of the bruise, feel the pulp of it split against her hands the way she would pop zits for the sheer thrill of it. although nothing could quite beat riding in on a speedboat, alcohol sweetens the deal, bottle raised towards the ( lack of ) roof as she strides in after her second date, dropping callie’s arm to let out an excitable holler. “ hello girls, guys, gays and theys. i come bearing gifts, ”  ( namely champagne, although she’s bordering on tipsy from the two dates already )  “ who wants to be my best friend ? ”  sucking her thumb into her mouth for no other reason than showmanship, she drops her free hand to the neck of the bottle, and untwists the wire cage, middle finger of the hand that holds the bottle pressed into the divot at the bottom. years of working in hospitality have prepared her for this moment, if she fucks it, it’s not only a major L on love island but an embarrassment to her profession. she’s still wearing her cute little captain’s hat. frankie twists the bottle and the cork pops with a loud bang, foam spilling from the top which she bends to catch in her mouth. spray gushes down her throat, over her face and down her neck where she fails to catch it, sticky with champagne and giddy with laughter when she lifts the bottle in the air.  “ alright, who’s first for a sip ?  it’s four am somewhere... ”
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