#also i have to give credit to ephiny for not directly or outwardly being 24/7 pissed at xena
keyofjetwolf · 4 years
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Gabby knows, I know, you know, WE ALL KNOW Ephiny is the best choice to be queen. A POWER VACCUUM IS WHAT GOT YOU ALL INTO THIS MESS. And even though I think it’s intensely myopic of Ephiny to be “I’ll just be a placeholder until you come back”, I also think it’s sweet and adorable. Ephiny wants Gabrielle to stay with the Amazons SO MUCH, and I’m not sure she could ever really “oust” Gabrielle, even if it’s what Gabby wants.
Honestly though, Ephiny, THINK LONG TERM. I love Gabrielle too, but already there’s a schism in your tribe over her leading you guys, and I don’t think it’s unfair. She’s NEVER going to pick you over Xena, and even if she did, she hasn’t lived your lives or by your ways, and those are pretty vital to successfully guiding everyone. YOU ARE THE BEST FOR QUEEN GIRL JUST OWN IT
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