#also i just love that ashley's first instinct is to just peg the first thing she had in her hands (mister) at matt when he said this
puwumats · 1 year
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"we're gonna end the session there-" *the rest of the cast explodes in a cacophony of noise*
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chocochipbiscuit · 3 years
Fic meme: your earliest fandom (whether you were in fandom yet or not! :))
I do not know what this means??? What is fandom without being in fandom, I do not understand! Otherwise I am just enjoying the thing on my own, but not in the fandom???
My earliest fandom(s) are either Mass Effect (it was the first video game I played!) or Fallout, though Fallout was definitely the first I got into the fandom.
I’ve already answered for Fallout, so I’m going to take this as a Mass Effect Trilogy ask!
The first character I first fell in love with: I actually started with ME2, so Jack was my first love! I just saw her rage and tattoos and fell head over heels.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Liara, because....again, I started with ME2. I knew that Liara had a bigger role in the first game, but because I started in ME2 (and hadn’t done the Shadow Broker DLC yet!) Liara felt oddly out of place, compared to other former squadmates like Garrus or Tali. I just didn’t really have the chance to have a connection with her, even though I saw that other fans loved her.
But when I played the Shadow Broker DLC, and went back to play ME1....ah, yes, it all clicked. Compared to other characters, she has so much growth that happens off-screen and independent of Shepard, and I find that fascinating. She was an integral part of Cerberus recovering Shepard’s body, and she’s had to polish herself from this awkward archaeological researcher to becoming this intimidating information broker. She had two years to mourn (and move on) from Shepard, and as a member of a much longer-lived species she was probably always expecting to outlive her friends anyways, but definitely not like that.
...anyways, I have feelings and I love her.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Idk about ‘everyone,’ but Kaidan never did much for me. (Neither did Ashley, admittedly.) I suspect this has more to to with the fact that I started at ME2, and I had a 50/50 chance of either of them being gone. And it’s a very different experience playing ME1 after already knowing that one of them wasn’t going to survive.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Kasumi! I don’t think that anyone hates her, but I just don’t think she gets enough love! And by ‘enough,’ I mean that I am absolutely aching for someone to write some Kasumi/Miranda fic!!!!
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I don’t stop loving characters, I just stop writing about them! Maybe Garrus is the closest fit? I used to be really into the Garrus romance, but uh. Predictably, once I started finding more canon lady love interests, I lost interest in him. He’s still a great character, but not my favorite LI.
The character I would totally smooch: ADASDASDS SO MANY but I’m going to go with Liara!!!! For all the previously mentioned reasons, also I just want to be held afterward!!!
The character I’d want to be like: There are so many pieces of the characters that I admire! Liara’s thoroughness, Jack’s channeled rage (and newfound protective instincts), Kasumi’s playful ease... a lot of them have their own bucketloads of trauma that I wouldn’t want to embrace, but they’re not necessarily bad role models. I’m going with Liara for now; I love how she retains empathy without losing strength.
The character I’d slap: Zaeed, hands down. (Who knows! He might be into it!)
A pairing that I love: Jack/Miranda!!! I love that clash and tension between them, and I just!!! I have FEELINGS.
A pairing that I despise: ‘Despise’ is a loaded term for many reasons I previously mentioned, but: with the full caveat that I am a bi fan who also sees Jack as canonically bi, and that being in M/F relationships doesn’t make a bi character less bi, I just am generally not as interested in any stories that pair Jack with a male character. (Zaeed is my sole exception, mostly because I think that they’d both be into pegging.)
Thank you for asking, I had fun!
(From this ask meme!)
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