#also i just read a tag somewhere where someone called the loader droid's death the 'saddest death in sw' and that's their opion and all
ruby-red-inky-blue · 2 years
you know what really grinds my gears this morning (like... sand... get it?) -
SO MANY reviews for rogue one, including from critics whose insights i always really appreciate, were all “this movie is just fanservice, ‘hey remember yavin?? remember darth vader choking people?? remember tarkin?? remember the death star??’ these characters are boring and underdeveloped and i feel pandered to k2 and the vader scene were the only good things about this movie blablabla”
when that movie gave us new, complex and consistent characters with interesting team dynamics, expanded on the universe without ever contradicting anything that we learned in previous movies, a story with an honest-to-god message actually in the spirit of the OT, every cameo was self-contained but relevant to the narrative (except for 3PO i guess, but come on), every callback was an allusion with its own visual interest and relevance except for when they recycled the shots of the death star firing (and again, come on), and, and honestly i will never not be mad about this stupid argument, no it ISN’T another movie where they build a death star, it’s a f***ing prequel and it’s the same death star because the whole point is that “oh we just aquired the plans to this super secret space weapon from our oppressive overlords don’t ask where we found it maybe we got it on ebay idk” is a weird thing to just gloss over and there was an interesting story to tell there, exhibit A: Rogue One.
but now these same people are on board with to raving about the kenobi show where we get
the focal character we already know going on a journey we’ve literally seen them go on already (Obi-Wan realising Anaking is lost and being heartbroken about it? Seen that. Deciding Luke is best off with Owen and Beru? We’ve seen that. Feeling protective over the children and trying to sacrifice himself to save them but ultimately realising he has to trust they’ll get by without him? We’ve seen that too, and it was called A New Hope.)
throwing the logic of maybe the most iconic line from maybe THE most adored movie ever under the bus just so we can see obi-wan hang out with a cute kid. there were so many easy ways around this Disney please i just want to talk
every bad guy that was introduced was like a faded copy of either maul or vader somehow and also half of them were one big “hey you guys seen Disney property Star Wars: Rebels yet???? buy our very expensive Star Wars computer game Jedi: Fallen Order it actually does way more interesting things with those inquisitor guys we promise!!”
L0-LA was the most bland and lazy little merchandising opportunity i’ve ever seen i’m sorry
the [Spoiler!] Qui-Gon cameo was hilariously pointless it was literally just a “look! it’s the guy from Taken that was also in the Star War!! don’t say we never give you nothing!”
the constant recycling of famous lines my god it’s just legal plagiarism at this point (props for making him start the whole “using ‘Darth’ like it’s a first name” thing early, if only the show wasn’t so self-serious this could have been entertaining)
message? what “message”? is it not enough to hear ewan say “hello there” and learn where characters got an irrelevant object from??
i don’t mean to pit these things or fans against each other i just find the double standard so frustrating and sometimes i honestly feel like i watched a different movie than the general public back then
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