#also i just really like the idea of karmic retribution and the flummoxing idea that is vigilante killing
firesofdainix · 1 year
Hello I'm here to let you know that I'm very slowly making my way through reading the absolute giant that is phoenix and so far im fking loving it it's SO GOOD i cannotjehsjen
(also I'm subscribed to ur ao3 and was absolutely fucking SHOOK at the word count when i got the email and saw the first chapter 😭)
HAHAHA yes I shall feed on your tears and excitement!!! The word count is very long because my brain is working OVERTIME writing the damn thing so people can enjoy the niche I made just by watching a movie!!! I have to postpone the next chapter to July due to WIP scheduling, but let's hope everything goes well for these merry people!
(I also shook myself just looking at my word count, now that you say it...)
Anyways here's a little... something, as a treat!
Olivia becomes slack-jawed, looking at the screen in horror. "No."
"It's true," Lloyd replies with a shrug, keeping the grief and betrayal he feels underneath his mask of nonchalance. "It makes sense, if you think about it."
“It doesn’t,” Olivia snaps, but her face is filled with fear. Perhaps fear over the fact that she perceives the devil to be incarnated as Kai? “How can he be alive? We… we made sure he wouldn’t survive.”
Cole tries not to feel pissed at that sentence. He oh so wanted to shout at them, tell them that they have forsaken a good person for selfish gains.
“We live in a world where ghosts exist in the same plane as us,” Lloyd tells her gently, but still grimacing about the permanent touches Morro has left for him. His touch on his mind was so intimate he couldn’t think or talk about him without shuddering. “While it also took a lot of time for me to wrap my head around it, the evidence points to him being alive.”
“Dark magic,” Garmadon says simply, all four arms behind him as he looks at the picture of Kai, and back at Red Carnage. He dares to ignore the implications that he created this situation, all because he was a megalomaniac and wanted the power he has always asked for. Now, he is not sure what he wants, and why he is so tense at confronting what is actually a young man for the murder he has committed. “Or a cloning.”
“He isn’t cloned,” Cole insists, as Olivia starts to panic, breaths rising and falling at a rapid pace. Her eyes are fixed on Kai’s smiling picture, associating him with the picture on the left, of a gruesome murderer, difficult to endure.
Olivia whips her head around to face her lord, tears forming in her eyes. “This is karma, Lord Garmadon.” Her voice was small and quiet, as the tears started streaming down her cheeks. “We have angered your father on the other side and he sent Kai back to the living to hunt us down.”
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