#also i keep crying at the office which isn't good for my hydration plan
catpeachnoodles · 8 years
A to Z tag thingy (tagged by @harrisonford42)
a - age:   twenty five.. yesterday i fought someone who was convinced i was a smol child. i am an old maid. go away.
b - biggest fear:  everything
c - current time:   one fifteen.. jeez this snow day is flying by
d - drink you last had: lime seltzer, i’m friggen sick and i need to hydrate
e - every day starts with:  my getter alarm, screaming cats, and coffee
f - favorite song:  anything and everything deadmau5 at the moment
g - ghosts, are they real?: yeah probably
h - hometown: princeton
i - in love with: so many beans in the basket
j - jealous of:  people who successfully do art for a living
k - killed someone:  obviously not
l - last time you cried:  just now, watching the office
m - middle name(s): emilia carissa
n - number of siblings: 1  little brother (keeping yael’s answer because lolz my brother is older but i treat him like a baby because i’m rude)
o - one wish:  strength. for all of us.
p - person you last called/texted:  called my mommy, texted becca and elizabeth. group chat woot woot
q - question you’re always asked:  do you speak spanish... NO.
r - reasons to smile:  idiot djs
s - song last sang: probably ghosts and stuff
t - time you woke up:  six thirty
u - underwear color:  white
v - vacation destination:  cape. fucking. cod. take me now.
w - worst habit(s): nail biting
x - x-rays you’ve had: teeth, knee, cat scan
y - your favorite food:  burrito, orange tofu, and cake.
z - zodiac sign: leo. rawr. 
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